1,347 research outputs found
Asphaltene Removal – The Effect of Ionic Liquid to Asphaltene Characteristics
Crude oil composes of asphaltene, along with saturates, aromatics and resins (SARA)
compound. Changes of temperature and pressure during oil production lead to the
precipitation, flocculation and aggregation of asphaltene. This condition has caused
many problems faced by the oil and gas industry, especially during production, refining,
storage and transportation. This project aims to enhance existing method in removing
asphaltene (through dispersion) using n-heptane solvent by replacing the solvent used
for the process with the ionic liquid, IL solvent. The IL solvents used are [EMIM]
toluene sulfonate and [BMIM] hydrogen sulfate. Experiment in treating crude oil and
asphaltene with IL were conducted and mixing effect observed and analyzed by
comparing weight percent, carbon, hydrogen and sulfur content, and also molecular
weight of asphaltene before and after treatment. The experiments were carried out in
two phases - first phase is to treat crude oil directly with the IL and the next phase is to
extract asphaltene prior to treat with the IL. From the experiments that were conducted,
ionic liquid used [BMIM]HSO4 shows potential in reducing asphaltene content. This
interesting finding should be granted further analysis. In the other hand, [EMIM]tos is
proven to increase the asphaltene weight percent, sulfur content and also molecular
weight. This type of ionic liquid tends to cluster with asphaltene molecule, results in
higher molecular weight compared to before treatment. If [EMIM]tos is going to be used
in the industry, it is highly recommended to remove asphaltene that aggregates prior
entering distillation column for fractionation
Electricity Forecasting for the Small Scale Power System Using Fuzzy Logic
Electricity supply to Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) comes from gas district cooling (GDC) plant as a primary source of energy and TNB as a backup. With a maximum capacity of 8.4MW which comes from 2 nos of gas turbine
generator rated at 4.2MW each, this project aims to forecast short term electricity demand of the plant. As a sole customer of the plant, UTP 2008 electricity demand
data is being used as a basis to design a forecasting model with using Fuzzy Logic (Fuzzytech Software)
Penelitian ini berjudul “Desain Didaktis Konsep Volume Limas Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama Berdasarkan Learning Trajectory”. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan dalam proses konstruksi volume limas pada buku teks sehingga menyebabkan adanya ketidaksesuaian antara learning trajectory pada buku dengan learning trajectory siswa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat desain didaktis alternatif yang diharapkan dapat sesuai dengan learning trajectory siswa dalam memahami konsep volume limas. Desain didaktis yang telah disusun kemudian diimplementasikan kepada siswa kelas VIII SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa learning trajectory yang ditunjukkan siswa sudah hampir sesuai dengan learning trajectory yang telah disusun penulis, maka desain didaktis ini dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif pada pembelajaran konsep volume limas.
Kata Kunci : Desain didaktis, Volume Limas, Learning trajectory
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pembiayaan Murabahah dan Tingkat Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia terhadap Pendapatan Margin Murabahah pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia tahun 2010-2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data purposive sampling dan unbalanced pooled data, ada 55 Observasi bank yang memenuhi kriteria sampel.Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan yang dipublikasikan oleh masing-masing bank melalui website resminya. Analisis regresi linear berganda digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis.Hasil penelitian ini secara simultan pembiayaan Murabahah dan Tingkat Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Pendapatan Margin Murabahah dengan R Square sebesar 80,5% dan sisanya sebesar 19,5% merupakan faktor lain diluar dua variabel bebas. Secara parsial Pembiayaan Murabahah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Pendapatan Margin Murabahah dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 atau dibawah 0,05 dan Tingkat Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Pendapatan Margin Murabahah dengan nilai signifikan 0,510 atau diatas 0,05Kata kunci: Pembiayaan Murabahah, Tingkat Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia, Pendapatan Margin Murabahah.ABSTRACTThis study aimed to determine the effect of Murabahah Financing and Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia to Income Margin Murabahah at the Bank of Indonesia from the year 2010-2014. This research used purposive sampling method and unbalanced pooled data. There were 55 observations that qualify as research sample.Type of data used in this research was secondary data, from the banks annual report that was published in the banks official website. The multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis.The results of this simultan study Murabahah Financing and Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia a significant effect on the Murabahah Income Margin of 80,5% Squere R and the remaining 19,5% are other factors beyond the two independent variables. Partially significant effect on Murabahah Margin Revenue if 0,000 or below 0,05 and the Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia not significant on Murabahah Margin Revenue because significance value 0.510 or 0,05. Keywords: Murabahah financing, Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia, Murabahah Income Margi
ABSTRAKPrarancangan pabrik Soap Noodle ini menggunakan Refined BleachedDeodorized Palm Stearin (RBDPS) sebagai bahan baku, dengan kapasitas produksi45.000 Ton/Tahun, waktu operasi 330 hari/tahun dan akan didirikan pada tahun 2022. Bentuk perusahaan yang direncanakan adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan menggunakan metode struktur garis dan staf. Kebutuhan tenaga kerja perusahaan ini berjumlah 150 orang. Lokasi pabrik direncanakan didirikan di Desa Buntu Badimbar, Kecamatan Tanjung Morawa, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan luas tanah 27.205 m2. Sumber air pabrik Soap Noodle ini berasal dari Sungai Sei Belumai, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Propinsi Sumatera Utara dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mesin Gas (PLTMG) yang berada di wilayah Pelindo I dan Generator dengan daya output sebesar 0,125 MW.Hasil analisa ekonomi yang diperoleh adalah:a. Fixed Capital Investment = Rp. 401.105.145.553 b. Working Capital Investment = Rp. c. Total Capital Investment = Rp. 501.381.431.941 d. Total Biaya Produksi = Rp. 458.941.309.672 e. Hasil Penjualan = Rp.688.359.487.680 f. Laba Bersih = Rp. 195.005.451.307 g. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) = 37%h. Break Even Point (BEP) = 29,2 %i. Pay Out Time (POT) = 2 tahun 2 bula
ABSTRAKSEKOLAH MODE DI BANDA ACEHOlehSiti SarahNim : 0804104010032Sekolah Mode di Banda Aceh merupakan suatu wadah pendidikan yang sekaligusmemberikan informasi, pengetahuan dan pelayanan jasa di bidang mode, dengantujuan meningkatkan minat masyarakat terhadp dunia mode khususnya bandaaceh. Kegiatan tersebut meliputi pendidikan mode, pameran dan peragaanbusana, dan mempromosikan produk buatan desainer lokal.Lokasi perancangan Sekolah Mode terletak di kawasan Lhong Raya tepatnya di Jl.Sultan Malikul Saleh yang merupakan kawasan pelayanan umum.Tujuan utama dari perancangan ini adalah untuk memajukan industri modeIndonesia, khususnya Banda Aceh agar lebih berkembang secara global sehinggamelahirkan perancang dan ahli mode professional. Oleh karena itu, denganmemilih tema ekspresionisme diharapkan masyarakat Banda Aceh akan lebihberani mengekspresikan bakat mereka di dunia mode.Kata kunci: Sekolah mode, fasilitas, desainer, busana, ekspresionism
This article discusses the physical and mental elements of Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat". Both elements become part of the complete understanding of poetry. The purpose of this study was to analyze Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat" from physical elements consisting of sound, typography, diction, majas, and imagery, while the mental elements analyzed were sense, tone, feeling, and intention. The analysis refers to the theory put forward by I.A. Richards by showing a thorough analysis of the poem "Cues". The results of this study showed that Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat" has a cohesion in the structure of poetry consisting of physical and mental elements. The physical element of poetry shows that typography, buni, imagery, majas, and diction became important structures in poetry builders. The inner element of the poem "Cues" also shows a concept that builds overall meaning. Thus, this study has theoretical and practical implications in understanding Kuntowijoyo's poem "Isyarat" thoroughly
Evaluating the Effects of Bisphenols F and S with Respect to Bisphenol A on Primordial Germ Cell Migration in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos Using Immunofluorescence Microscopy
Primordial Germ Cell (PGC) migration occurs in early embryonic development and is highly conserved across taxa. PGC migration occurs within the first 24 hours post fertilization (hpf) in zebrafish, making the organism an efficient model for observing the migration pathway. Proper PGC migration is necessary for normal gonad development and, in some species, sex determination. Disruption of this process leads to defects in gonad formation and abnormal sex determination and differentiation. Studies show that endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA) disrupt PGC migration in zebrafish. BPA is an estrogenic compound that has been linked to a variety of human diseases, including various cancers, diabetes, reproductive disorders, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. It is one of the most widely used synthetic compounds worldwide, as it is used to make polycarbonate plastics. Many studies provide evidence of the harmful effects of BPA on living organisms. In response, manufacturers have started to use replacements such as bisphenol F (BPF) and bisphenol S (BPS). However, due to their structural similarity, it is likely that BPF and BPS are just as harmful to organisms as BPA. In this study, we use antibody staining and immunofluorescence microscopy to confirm that BPA exposure results in abnormal PGC migration in zebrafish embryos, as previously studied, and to illustrate that BPF and BPS exposure results in similar PGC migration defects
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