99 research outputs found

    Predicting Language Teachers’ Classroom Management Orientations on the Basis of Their Computer Attitude and Demographic Characteristics

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    The advent of modern technologies has had a remarkable role in revolutionizing the classroom setting. It is, therefore, incumbent on teachers to utilize strategies for effective managing of the change. The aim of the present study was to find out English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ beliefs regarding classroom management. In so doing, the relationship between EFL teachers’ demographic variables (age and years of teaching experience), computer attitude, and their classroom instructional and behavior management orientations was explored. The participants of the study comprised a total of 105 male and female EFL language school teachers in Iran. The data for the current study were collected through two questionnaires. The results of the multiple linear regression analyses revealed that the independent variables of participants’ computer attitude, age, and teaching experience are not suitable predictors of both behavioral and instructional management. The results also showed that as the age and teaching experience of the participants increased their attitudes towards computers became more negativ

    An Epidemiological Study on Risk Factors for the Development of Serious Mental Illness In At-Risk Youth

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    Usually, mental illnesses begin in adolescence and early adulthood, and for many, persist over time. Consequently, mental illnesses lead to significant personal and societal burden. In response, there has been increasing effort in early intervention strategies that may help with delaying or stopping the progression of a mental illness to a more serious state. Aside from finding early intervention strategies best suited for young people, it is imperative to understand the psychosocial, biological and environmental factors that may lead to the development of a mental illness. Research on these early factors in youth mental illness development is limited. The aim of this study was to determine which clinical factors might be related to the development of a serious mental illness (SMI) in at-risk youth. A total of 162 participants aged 12-26 years and at various stages of risk for SMI were included in the study. Out of these participants, 31 developed a SMI. Comparisons were made on a range of baseline clinical and functional measures between two groups; those that made a transition to a SMI (n=31) and those that did not (n=131). A cox regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between measures and SMI development. Female sex, attenuated psychotic symptoms as assessed with the Scale of Psychosis-risk Symptoms (SOPS), and higher ratings on the K-10 Distress Scale were found to be significantly related to later transition to a SMI. Female participants were 2.77 times more likely to transition to SMI compared to the males. There was a 14% increased risk of transition with each one-point increase in the SOPS, and a 7% increase with a one-point increase in the K-10 scale. Results from this longitudinal study may help improve understanding of illness trajectory and aid with early detection in mental illnesses

    Use of BIM Technology and 3D-Modeling to Automate the Paperless Reinforcement Production

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    Master's Thesis Civil and Constructional Engineering BYG508 - University of Agder 2018Although, Building Information Modeling has flourishing development for reinforced concrete, still there is a long way to achieve efficient performance throughout reinforcement supply chain. Statsbygg through the use of 3D reinforcement of digital construction project (Gol Traffic Station), desires to achieve a full paperless drawings and documentation project. There is also a strong ambition to standardizes those codes that are not mentioned in the official bending lists. This project has two-part and, follows these objectives: 1. Automate the production of reinforcement, production by direct export from model, avoiding manual work in the form of official bending lists and minimizing incorrect production / deliveries. 2. Reinforcement of cast in site structures by model and avoiding traditional reinforcement drawings on building sites. In this study, current tools' capacities and performance from these prospects is evaluated. The flow work for 3 reinforcements over its data exchange is considered. This process demonstrates the importance of selecting the proper method of extracting outputs from the model, and its influence on the path from modelling to the production section for BIM tools to operational support and perfect the whole reinforcement modelling. BIM tools are considered in four sections: design and modeling; editing, updating and optimization, interoperability, project and construction management. This assessment demonstrates development trends in the BIM software industry according to concrete 3D-reinforcement. It is attempted to simulate a small section of Gol project to get a better understanding of work flow. In this assignment the focus would have be on the workflow and improvement or optimization of this purposes. • Consider how we can standardize the workflow using file formats (excel / BVBS). Pros / Cons of these. • What are the challenges with quality assurance? How to set status on objects? • What parameters must be included in the model? • Which standard views must be included in the production / assembly at the construction sit

    Evaluación del efecto de diferentes combinaciones de materiales de impresión y vertido en la adaptación marginal e interna de las coronas de circonio.

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    Purpose: Two important factors in dental prosthesis are making an accurate impression and producing a suitable cast which represents the exact relationship between prepared tooth and oral structures. This study, aimed to investigate the effects of different combinations of impression and pouring materials on marginal and internal adaptation of premolar zirconia crowns. Material and Methods: Forty maxillary premolars were prepared considering round shoulder finish line. The impressions were made either by additional (Panasil) or condensation (Speedex) silicon, and poured by two different types of gypsum materials (Siladent or GC gypsum) (N=10). Zirconia crowns were fabricated using a CAD-CAM system. The crowns were cemented, and the samples were cut in bucco-lingual direction. Marginal and internal gaps were measured by stereomicroscope (×25). Results: The mean marginal gaps for Pansil-Siladent, Panasil-GC, Speedex-Siladent, and Speedex-GC were 141 ?m, 143 ?m, 131 ?m, and 137 ?m respectively. The internal gaps were 334 ?m, 292 ?m, 278 ?m, and 257 ?m respectively. The independent T-Student test showed no significant differences in average marginal or internal gap among various impression and gypsum materials or their interactions (p>0.05). Two-way ANOVA test showed no significant differences in maximum marginal or internal gap among various impression and gypsum materials and their interactions (p>0.05). Conclusion: The present study revealed no statistically significant difference in marginal/internal gap among crowns prepared using different combinations of impression-pouring materials evaluated.Introducción: Dos factores importantes en la prótesis dental son hacer una impresión precisa y la producción de un modelo adecuado que represente la relación exacta entre el diente preparado y las estructuras orales. Este estudio, tuvo como objetivo investigar los efectos de diferentes combinaciones de materiales de impresión y vertido sobre la adaptación marginal e interna de coronas de zirconio premolar. Material y Métodos: Se prepararon cuarenta premolares maxilares considerando la línea de meta del hombro redondo. Las impresiones se realizaron con silicio adicional (Panasil) o de condensación (Speedex) y se vertieron con dos tipos diferentes de materiales de yeso (yeso Siladent o GC) (N = 10). Las coronas de zirconio se fabricaron utilizando el sistema CAD-CAM. Las coronas se cementaron y las muestras se cortaron en dirección buco-lingual. La brecha marginal e interna se midió con estereomicroscopio (× 25). Resultados: Las brechas marginales medias para Pansil-Siladent, Panasil-GC, Speedex-Siladent y Speedex-GC fueron de 141 ?m, 143 ?m, 131 ?m y 137 ?m, respectivamente. Las brechas internas fueron 334 ?m, 292 ?m, 278 ?m y 257 ?m, respectivamente. La prueba de T-Student independiente no mostró diferencias significativas en la brecha marginal o interna promedio entre varios materiales de impresión y yeso o sus interacciones (p> 0.05). La prueba ANOVA bidireccional no mostró diferencias significativas en el espacio marginal o interno máximo entre varios materiales de yeso y de impresión y sus interacciones (p> 0.05). Conclusión: El presente estudio no reveló diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la brecha marginal / interna entre las coronas preparadas con diferentes combinaciones de materiales de impresión y vertido evaluados

    Classical Guitar Ensemble

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents Classical Guitar Ensemble.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1400/thumbnail.jp

    İran'ın Güneybatısında yer alan cyprinus carpio ve ctenopharyngodon i̇della'daki dactylogyrus türlerinin morfolojik ve moleküler tespiti

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    Monogeneans gill parasites of the diversified Dactylogyrus genus are host-specific to freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae family. Accurate detection of various Dactylogyrus species is very time-consuming and requires highly experienced personnel; to overcome this problem, the genomic DNA technology has been recently used to detect Dactylogyrus spp. In this study, 23 Cyprinus carpio and 19 Ctenopharyngodon idella isolates were collected from different farms and local markets of Ahvaz, southwest of Iran. The gill arches of each fish were carefully examined under a light microscope. Dactylogyrus species was identified morphologically. Identical species were kept in ethanol for molecular study. Molecular analysis was performed using amplification of the ITS-1 region of the ribosomal RNA gene of the parasite. Then, the amplified PCR products were sequenced. The aligned nucleotide sequences were analyzed to construct the phylogenetic tree of the identified species. The results revealed two lineages including D. extensus isolated from common carp and D. lamellatus taken from grass carp fish. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the detected D. extensus and D. lamellatus isolates from Khuzestan region were clustered with some Iranian (Guilan), Chinese and Czech isolates. Importing fingerlings from Guilan Province could lead to introducing monogenean infections to native cyprinid fish.Çeşitlendirilmiş Dactylogyrus cinsinin solungaç monojenleri, Cyprinidae ailesinin tatlı su balıklarına ev sahipliğine özgüdür. Çeşitli Dactylogyrus türlerinin doğru tespiti çok zaman alıcı olduğundan ve çok deneyimli personel gerektirdiğinden, genomik DNA teknolojisi son zamanlarda Dactylogyrus spp. Bu çalışmada, Güneybatı İran'ın Ahvaz'ın farklı çiftliklerinden ve yerel pazarlarından 23 Cyprinus carpio ve 19 Ctenopharyngodon idella toplandı. Her balığın solungaç kemerleri, ışık mikroskobu altında dikkatle incelenir. Dactylogyrus türlerinin morfolojik olarak tanımlanması morfolojik olarak belirlenmiştir. benzer türler moleküler çalışma için etanol içinde tutuldu. Moleküler analiz, parazitin ribozomal RNA geninin ITS-1 bölgesinin amplifikasyonu kullanılarak yapıldı. Daha sonra amplifiye PCR ürünleri dizildi. Hizalanmış nükleotit sekansları, tanımlanan türlerin filogenetik ağacını yürütmek için analiz edilir. Sonuçlar, ortak sazandan izole edilen D. extensus ve çim sazan balıklarından alınan D. lamellatus da dahil olmak üzere iki soyun ortaya çıktığını göstermiştir. Filogenetik analiz, Khuzestan bölgesinden tespit edilen D. extensus ve D. lamellatus izolatlarının bazı İran (Guilan), Çin ve Çek Cumhuriyeti izolatlarıyla kümelendiğini gösterdi. Guilan Eyaletinden balıkların ithal edilmesi, yerli Cyprinid balıklarına monojenik enfeksiyonların ortaya çıkmasına neden olabilir

    From flora to solar adaptive facades: Integrating plant-inspired design with photovoltaic technologies

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    Recognizing the significance of solar energy as a vital renewable energy source in building envelope design is becoming more and more important and needs urgent attention. Exploring solar adaptation strategies found in plants offers a wide range of effective design possibilities that can substantially improve building performance. Thus, integrating solar technologies with biomimetic solar adaptive solutions could establish a suitable combination towards a sustainable design. In this context, this study follows an interdisciplinary approach to provide a link between plants’ solar adaptation strategies, building integrated photovoltaics and building envelope design. To do so, a framework has been presented using data synthesis and classification to support the potential integration of three photovoltaic (PV) technologies with plant-inspired building envelope design, facilitating a harmonizing approach between biomimetic design and the application of photovoltaic technologies in buildings

    Blockade of the Naloxone-induced Aversion in Morphine-conditioned Wistar Rats by L-Arginine Intra-central Amygdala

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    AbstractObjective(s)Single injection of naloxone, a selective antagonist of morphine, prior to the drug conditioning testing was used to investigate on morphine dependence.Materials and MethodsConditioning to morphine (2.5-10 mg/kg, s.c.) was established in adult male Wistar rats (weighing 200-250 g) using an unbiased procedure. Nitric oxide agents were microinjected into the central amygdala prior to naloxone-paired place conditioning testing.ResultsThe results showed that morphine produced a significant dose-dependent place preference in animals. Naloxone (0.1-0.4 mg/kg, i.p.) injections pre-testing of the response to morphine (7.5 mg/kg, s.c.) caused a significant aversion at the higher doses (0.4 mg/kg, i.p.). This response was reversed by microinjection of L-arginine (0.3-3 µg/rat, intra-central amygdala) prior to naloxone on the day of the testing. The response to L-arginine was blocked by pre-injection of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (intra-central amygdala).ConclusionA single injection of naloxone on the test day of morphine place conditioning may simply reveal the occurrence of morphine dependence in rats, and that the nitric oxide in the central amygdala most likely plays a key role in this phenomenon