8 research outputs found

    Swarmalators on a ring with uncorrelated pinning

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    We present a case study of swarmalators (mobile oscillators) which move on a 1D ring and are subject to pinning. Previous work considered the special case where the pinning in space and the pinning in the phase dimension were correlated. Here we study the general case where the space and phase pinning are uncorrelated, both being chosen uniformly at random. This induces several new effects, such as pinned async, mixed states, and a first order phase transition. These phenomena may be found in real world swarmalators such as systems of vinegar eels, Janus matchsticks, electrorotated Quincke rollers or Japanese tree frogs.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Pinning in a system of swarmalators

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    We study a population of swarmalators (a type of mobile oscillator) which run on a ring and are subject to random pinning. The pinning represents the tendency of particles to stick to defects in the underlying medium which competes with the tendency to sync / swarm. The result is rich collective behavior. A highlight is low dimensional chaos which in systems of ordinary, Kuramoto-type oscillators is uncommon. Some of the states (the phase wave and split phase wave) resemble those seen in systems of Janus matchsticks or Japanese tree frogs. The others (such as the sync and unsteady states) may be observable in systems of vinegar eels, electrorotated Quincke rollers, or other swarmalators moving in disordered environments.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Directional synchrony among self-propelled particles under spatial influence

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    Synchronization is one of the emerging collective phenomena in interacting particle systems. Its ubiquitous presence in nature, science, and technology has fascinated the scientific community over the decades. Moreover, a great deal of research has been, and is still being, devoted to understand various physical aspects of the subject. In particular, the study of interacting \textit{active} particles has led to exotic phase transitions in such systems which have opened up a new research front-line. Motivated by this line of work, in this paper, we study the directional synchrony among self-propelled particles. These particles move inside a bounded region, and crucially their directions are also coupled with spatial degrees of freedom. We assume that the directional coupling between two particles is influenced by the relative spatial distance which changes over time. Furthermore, the nature of the influence is considered to be both short and long-ranged. We explore the phase transition scenario in both the cases and propose an approximation technique which enables us to analytically find the critical transition point. The results are further supported with numerical simulations. Our results have potential importance in the study of active systems like bird flocks, fish schools and swarming robots where spatial influence plays a pertinent role.Comment: Accepted for publication in Chaos (2023

    Anti-phase synchronization in a population of swarmalators

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    Swarmalators are oscillatory systems endowed with a spatial component, whose spatial and phase dynamics affect each other. Such systems can demonstrate fascinating collective dynamics resembling many real-world processes. Through this work, we study a population of swarmalators where they are divided into different communities. The strengths of spatial attraction, repulsion as well as phase interaction differ from one group to another. Also, they vary from inter-community to intra-community. We encounter, as a result of variation in the phase coupling strength, different routes to achieve the static synchronization state by choosing several parameter combinations. We observe that when the inter-community phase coupling strength is sufficiently large, swarmalators settle in the static synchronization state. On the other hand, with a significant small phase coupling strength the state of anti-phase synchronization as well as chimera-like coexistence of sync and async are realized. Apart from rigorous numerical results, we have been successful to provide semi-analytical treatment for the existence and stability of global static sync and the anti-phase sync states.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review E (2023

    Sar, Gourab Kumar

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    Dynamics of swarmalators: A pedagogical review

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    Swarmalators have emerged as a new paradigm for dynamical collective behavior of multi-agent systems due to the interplay of synchronization and swarming that they inherently incorporate. Their dynamics have been explored with different coupling topologies, interaction functions, external forcing, noise, competitive interactions, and from other important viewpoints. Here we take a systematic approach and review the collective dynamics of swarmalators analytically and/or numerically. Long-term states of position aggregation and phase synchronization are revealed in this perspective with some future problems

    Collective dynamics of swarmalators with higher-order interactions

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    Abstract Higher-order interactions shape collective dynamics, but how they affect transitions between different states in swarmalator systems is yet to be determined. To that effect, we here study an analytically tractable swarmalator model that incorporates both pairwise and higher-order interactions, resulting in four distinct collective states: async, phase wave, mixed, and sync states. We show that even a minute fraction of higher-order interactions induces abrupt transitions from the async state to the phase wave and the sync state. We also show that higher-order interactions facilitate an abrupt transition from the phase wave to the sync state bypassing the intermediate mixed state. Moreover, elevated levels of higher-order interactions can sustain the presence of phase wave and sync state, even when pairwise interactions lean towards repulsion. The insights gained from these findings unveil self-organizing processes that hold the potential to explain sudden transitions between various collective states in numerous real-world systems

    Time delays shape the eco-evolutionary dynamics of cooperation

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    We study the intricate interplay between ecological and evolutionary processes through the lens of the prisoner’s dilemma game. But while previous studies on cooperation amongst selfish individuals often assume instantaneous interactions, we take into consideration delays to investigate how these might affect the causes underlying prosocial behavior. Through analytical calculations and numerical simulations, we demonstrate that delays can lead to oscillations, and by incorporating also the ecological variable of altruistic free space and the evolutionary strategy of punishment, we explore how these factors impact population and community dynamics. Depending on the parameter values and the initial fraction of each strategy, the studied eco-evolutionary model can mimic a cyclic dominance system and even exhibit chaotic behavior, thereby highlighting the importance of complex dynamics for the effective management and conservation of ecological communities. Our research thus contributes to the broader understanding of group decision-making and the emergence of moral behavior in multidimensional social systems