68 research outputs found

    Strategi Nafkah Petani oleh Adanya Konversi Lahan Sawah ke Lahan Kelapa Sawit (Studi Kasus Desa Padangguni Utama Kecamatan Abuki Kabupaten Konawe)

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    This research will be based in the background by the displacement of the rice field in Padangguni Utama Village Abuki District of Konawe Regency by conversion of rice field to palm oil field. Land conversion causes rice paddy farmers to lose some or all of their livelihoods so they have to use a variety of livelihoods strategy for surviving. The study was conducted from March to May 2017 at Padangguni Utama Village, Abuki District, Konawe District. This research uses the qualitative method with the number of key informants as much as 6 people determined by purposive and snowball. Data collection is done through the deep interview, field observation and supporting documentation data from the related institution. Data analysis was done descriptively by the triangulation method. The results found in this study indicate that land conversion occurs because farmers are attracted by large promises of compensation and promise of road improvements to be provided by the company. However, such promises are not realized as farmers hope while paddy farming land which is the main source of livelihood has been converted to oil palm. Farmers then pursued three livelihood strategies: engineering agricultural livelihoods by expanding arable land (Extensification), multiple livelihood patterns and spatial engineering

    An Analysis of Errors on Writing of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Abiansemal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendescripsikan: (1) jenis-jenis kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa-siswi kelas sebelas pada penulisan report teks, narrative teks, dan analytical exposition teks di SMA Negeri 1 Abiansemal; (2) sumber-sumber kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa-siswi kelas sebelas pada penulisan report teks, narrative teks, dan analytical exposition teks di SMA Negeri 1 Abiansemal; dan (3) PLEASE strategi sebagai sebuah strategi untuk mengurangi kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa-siswi kelas sebelas pada penulisan report teks, narrative teks, dan analytical exposition teks di SMA Negeri 1 Abiansemal. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 24 siswa-siswi kelas IPB. Model penelitian yang dipakai adalah Descriptive Research Design. Content Analysis dipakai untuk menganalisa semua data. Analisa dari tulisan-tulisan siswa-siswi didasarkan pada teori Brown (2007), sedangkan sumber-sumber kesalahan didasarkan pada teori Brown (2007) dan didukung oleh Wawancara Kelompok berdasarkan teori Thomas (2011) dan Zinsser (2013). Hasil analisa menunjukkan munculnya kesalahan-kesalahan pada judul, kalimat utama, pengembangan kalimat, hubungan antar kalimat, gaya penulisan, tata bahasa, tanda baca, addition, omission, substitution, dan ordering. Ditemukan juga sumber-sumber kesalahan: interlingual transfer, dan intralingual transfer. Hasil wawancara menunjukkan kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut dipengaruhi juga oleh pengetahuan yang kurang, latihan yang kurang, dan faktor ingatan. Pengaplikasian PLEASE strategi menunjukkan beberapa pengurangan kesalahan-kesalahan pada tulisan-tulisan siswa-siswi. Tetapi pada kalimat utama dan tata bahasa mengalami peningkatan. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena bertambahnya jumlah kalimat-kalimat yang mampu ditulis siswa-siswi setelah pengaplikasian PLEASE strategy. Kata Kunci : Jenis-jenis Kesalahan, Menulis, Sumber-Sumber Kesalahan, PLEASE Strategi This study aimed at describing: (1) the types of errors committed by the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Abiansemal on writing texts (report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts); (2) sources of errors committed by the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Abiansemal on writing texts (report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts); and (3) the effectiveness of PLEASE strategy as a management strategy to reduce the errors committed by the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Abiansemal on writing texts (report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts). The subjects were 24 students of IPB class. The research design was Descriptive Research Design. Content Analysis was used to analyze all the data. The analyses of the students' writings were based on Brown's theory (2007), while the sources of errors were based on Brown's theory (2007) and supported by Group Interview according to Thomas (2011) and Zinsser (2013). The result of the students' writings showed the occurrence of errors in title, topic sentences, developing sentences, coherences, diction, grammar, mechanics, addition, omission, substitution, and ordering. It was also found the sources of errors: interlingual transfer; and intralingual transfer. The interview showed that the errors were caused by absence of knowledge, less practice, and forgetting. The implementation of PLEASE strategy showed some reductions of errors on the students' writings. But, topic sentences and grammar showed increasing of errors. It was influenced by increasing of the sentences made by the students after the implementation of PLEASE strategy. keyword : Sources of Errors, Types of Errors, PLEASE strategy, Writin

    Penggunaan Metode Semiempirik AM1 Untuk Pemilihan Monomer Fungsional Efektif Pada Prasintesis Polimer Tercetak Diazinon

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    Pemilihan monomer fungsional yang efektif untuk sintesis Molecular Imprinted Polymer (MIP)untuk diazinon dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan kimia komputasi dengan menerapkan metode semiempirik AM1. Proses seleksi menggunakan parametermomen dipol, energi interaksi, dan ikatan hidrogen yang terbentuk. Energi interaksi yang optimum menunjukkan kompleks yang terbentuk stabildan mengindikasikan MIP akan dapat terbentuk baik.Semua perhitungan pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Hyperchem 7.5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan monomer fungsional efektif untuk prasintesis polimer tercetak diazinon yaitu akrilamida, asam akrilat, asam metakrilat, hidroksi etil metakrilat, asam urokanat, asam itakonat, dan asam urokanat etil ester. Hasil ini secara teoritik dapat memberikan informasi mengenai monomer fungsional efektif yang dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan sintesis MIP untuk diazinon dengan selektivitas relatif baik

    Model of Cytation Network Analysis using Sequence of Words as Structured Text Representation

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    Citation in research activity is crucial. Various of journal publication media are available as a forum for publication and a source of research reference. In this study, we propose an analytical model for cytation networks in journal publications using a network of sciences. In addition, our cited network analysis model contains a structured text representation with Sequence of Words (SOW) form in the pre-process stage. The algorithm which is used to produce text representation in this research is the algorithm that corresponds to the generated SOW form, such as sequential or frequent pattern algorithm. The conceptual validation of the cytation network model in this study was carried out at the Department of Informatics Engineering, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. By using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a conceptual validation, the cited network analysis model in this study is ready and possible to implement easily because it is described in general concep
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