14 research outputs found

    Dampak Erupsi Gunung Merapi Terhadap Nilai Lahan Dan Bangunan: Pendekatan Hedonic Price

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    This study aims to conduct economic valuation of volcanic eruption impacts in disaster prone areas of Merapi eruption. Economic valuation of flood disaster impacts were calculated using the hedonic price method. The disaster prone areas of Merapi eruption are the area especially located in Sleman Regency, they are Turi, Pakem, Cangkringan, and Ngemplak Districts.The results of this study indicate that the hedonic price method can be applied in Sleman Regency to obtain estimates marginal damage to property value caused by flooding. The significance of height level of deposits of volcanic material coefficient shows that flood is indeed depressing the agricultural land value. The sample household's average marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) for a unit decrease in height level of deposits of volcanic material in their agricultural land is estimated at a reasonable amount of Rp 653,800.00. By conducting economic valuation in the Sleman Regency, is expected to be also done in other areas vulnerable to volcanic eruption disasters

    Dampak Kontraksi Sektor Industri Terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Dan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Di Indonesia Sesudah Krisis (1999) Pendekatan Structural Path Analysis (SPA)

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    The objectives of this study are analyzing the impact of industry sector's contraction to income of household institution and identifying how much it influences to employment. For measuring the impact of industry sector to household income, we use multiplier decom¬posision of SNSE. A Structural Path analysis is used to determine which households and which employment influenced by the contraction.The findings indicate that the greatest impact of industry sector's contraction is on upper class household in urban. The industry sector which gives the greatest impact is a wood sector. That impact also influences a production and manual employee in urban

    Impact of Air Pollution on Property Values: a Hedonic Price Study

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    The main purpose of this study is the calculation of implicit prices of the environmental level of air quality in Yogyakarta on the basis of housing property prices. By means of Geographical Information System, the housing property prices characterized from the area which have highest air pollution level in province of Yogyakarta. Carbon monoxide is used as the pollution variable. The methodological framework for estimation is based on a hedonic price model. This approach establishes a relationship between the price of a marketable good (e.g. housing) and the amenities and characteristics this good contains. Therefore, if variations in air pollution levels occur, then households would change their behavior in an economic way by offering more money for housing located in highly improved environmental areas. The hedonic regression results that the housing price decrease while increasing the level of air contamination such substance as carbon monoxide

    Faktor-faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Willingness to Pay Untuk Perbaikan Kualitas Air Sungai Code Di Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    This paper studies socio-economic factors influencing perceptions of the people on water quality improvement of the “Code” River in Yogyakarta. The factors considered in this study such as gender, number of children in family, income, duration of stay, activities in the River and the level of water quality of the River. The research values the location based on contingent valuation method (CVM) yielding two types of estimates. First, it provides simple average expressing the expected willingness to pay (expected WTP) of the respondents for water quality improvement of the River. Second, it employs the ordinary least square (OLS) to estimate those factors in relation with their willingness to pay. The result shows the influence of gender and the number of children in family on their willingness to pay for water quality improvement of the River, as also found for the duration of stay and activities in the River

    Preferensi Individu terhadap Pengobatan Tradisional di Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the preferences of individuals to choose traditional medicine in Indonesia. The data used in this study obtained from the Indonesian Family Live Survey (IFLS) and it\u27s a longitudinal survey with a panel data study. The use of IFLS data is to obtain recent information on variables to be tested. The subject in this study is the individ­ual in the household aged 15 years old or more in 13 provinces survey members. Research variables used in this research are the owner of health insurance, age, region of residence (urban), income, distance to health facilities, the number of medicine post and education of household members IFLS. Data processing was performed using probit regression method The results showed that age, region of residence and the existence of postal medicine influence to the individual probability to choose traditional medicine. The probability value for each varia­ble showed that individuals in household that over age, living in the village and living in the region of postal medicine have a higher educated have a higher probability high to choose tradi­tional medicine. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi individu untuk memilih pengobatan tradisional di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari data Indonesia Family Live Survey (IFLS) dan merupakan survei longitudinal dengan studi data panel. Penggunaan data IFLS diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi terikini dan lebih luas mengenai variabel-variabel yang akan diuji di dalam model. Subjek penelitian ini adalah individu dalam rumah tangga berumur 15 tahun atau lebih pada 13 provinsi anggota survei. Variabel penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kepemilikan asuransi kesehatan, usia, pendapatan, wilayah tempat tinggal, jarak menuju fasilitas kesehatan, jumlah pos obat dan pendidikan individu dalam rumah tangga IFLS. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode regresi probit. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa usia, wilayah tempat tinggal dan keberadaan pos obat masing-masing berpengaruh terhadap proba­bilitas individu untuk memilih pengobatan tradisional. Sedangkan nilai probabilitas pada setiap variabel menunjukkan bahwa individu dalam rumah tangga yang berusia lanjut, ting­gal di desa dan tinggal di wilayah yang terdapat pos obat, memiliki probabilitas yang lebih tinggi untuk memilih pengobatan tradisional

    Bagaimana Kesediaan untuk Membayar Peningkatan Kualitas Lingkungan Desa Wisata?

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    : This study aims to know what is age, education, earnings, number of family dependents, expense of visit, visit frequency influence willingness to pay in the effort repair of environmental quality of tourism village in Sleman regency after Merapi eruption. This study is done in Sleman regency, Province Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study uses primary data with interview method to the 150 responders. The enu­meration estimate of expense that ready society to pay for the repair of environmental quality is done with approach of contingent assessment method (Contingent Valuation Method) to the Srowolan tourism village, the Brayut tourism village, the Kelor tourism village, the Kembang­arum tourism village and Pentingsari tourism village. The analysis of the study is multiple linear regression. Results of study indicate that age, education, earnings, have an effect on willingness to pay in the effort repair of environmental quality of the tourism village in Sleman regency after merapi eruption