3 research outputs found

    Elaboración de un mix de michelada con jugo de mango maduro (Mangifera indica L) y chile chiltepe (Capsicum annum)

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    La presente monografía consiste en dar a conocer el proceso de elaboración de un mix para michelada a base de jugo de Mango maduro y Chile chiltepe incluyendo también sus ingredientes originales con el objetivo de conocer su aceptación. El porqué de esta investigación se debe a que en el mercado salvadoreño no se encuentra variedad de este tipo de mezclas y es ahí donde surge la idea de incluirnos en el mercado con la idea antes descrita, siendo ésta área poco explotada da como resultado mayor oportunidad de negocio y reconocimiento. El desarrollo de este producto ha sido mediante varias combinaciones de los ingredientes para llegar a la elaboración de dos formulaciones que se diferencia en la cantidad de jugo de mango las cuales fueron evaluadas mediante pruebas de análisis sensorial haciendo uso de la escala hedónica. Como resultado se obtuvo que ganó la formulación que contiene menos cantidad de jugo de mango porque presenta un sabor distinguido y para nosotros como productores nos reduce costos. Para garantizar la inocuidad de nuestro producto se le realizaron pruebas microbiológicas y fisicoquímicas dando como resultado una ausencia de afectación humana.Monografía presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero en Alimento

    DataSheet_2_NK cells with decreased expression of multiple activating receptors is a dominant phenotype in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.docx

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    NK cells have unique attributes to react towards cells undergoing malignant transformation or viral infection. This reactivity is regulated by activating or inhibitory germline encoded receptors. An impaired NK cell function may result from an aberrant expression of such receptors, a condition often seen in patients with hematological cancers. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common pediatric cancer worldwide and NK cells have emerged as crucial targets for developing immunotherapies. However, there are important gaps concerning the phenotype and behavior of NK cells during emergence of ALL. In this study we analyze the phenotype and function of NK cells from peripheral blood in pediatric patients with ALL at diagnosis. Our results showed that NK cells exhibited an altered phenotype highlighted by a significant reduction in the overall expression and percent representation of activating receptors compared to age-matched controls. No significant differences were found for the expression of inhibitory receptors. Moreover, NK cells with a concurrent reduced expression in various activating receptors, was the dominant phenotype among patients. An alteration in the relative frequencies of NK cells expressing NKG2A and CD57 within the mature NK cell pool was also observed. In addition, NK cells from patients displayed a significant reduction in the ability to sustain antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Finally, an aberrant expression of activating receptors is associated with the phenomenon of leukemia during childhood.</p

    DataSheet_1_NK cells with decreased expression of multiple activating receptors is a dominant phenotype in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.pdf

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    NK cells have unique attributes to react towards cells undergoing malignant transformation or viral infection. This reactivity is regulated by activating or inhibitory germline encoded receptors. An impaired NK cell function may result from an aberrant expression of such receptors, a condition often seen in patients with hematological cancers. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common pediatric cancer worldwide and NK cells have emerged as crucial targets for developing immunotherapies. However, there are important gaps concerning the phenotype and behavior of NK cells during emergence of ALL. In this study we analyze the phenotype and function of NK cells from peripheral blood in pediatric patients with ALL at diagnosis. Our results showed that NK cells exhibited an altered phenotype highlighted by a significant reduction in the overall expression and percent representation of activating receptors compared to age-matched controls. No significant differences were found for the expression of inhibitory receptors. Moreover, NK cells with a concurrent reduced expression in various activating receptors, was the dominant phenotype among patients. An alteration in the relative frequencies of NK cells expressing NKG2A and CD57 within the mature NK cell pool was also observed. In addition, NK cells from patients displayed a significant reduction in the ability to sustain antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Finally, an aberrant expression of activating receptors is associated with the phenomenon of leukemia during childhood.</p