94 research outputs found

    Networking como estrategia para aumentar la cifra de negocios

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    Using PLS-SEM for assessing negative impact and cooperation as antecedents of gray market in FMCG supply chains: An analysis on spanish wholesale distributors

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    This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ This document is the published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPDLM-02-2022-0038Purpose – Within the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) supply chain, one of the problems facing the distribution channel strategy is the presence of the gray market. The article shows two novel antecedents of the participation of official distributors in this gray channel: Negative impact on distributor performance and the relationship with their supplier. Knowledge of this background helps to preserve the strategy outlined for the official distribution channel. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from 172 Spanish wholesale distributors and analyzed using PLS-SEM. Findings – The authors found that the damage through negative affectation in the official distributor’s performance and the cooperation provided by the manufacturer, have different effects. While affectation is shown to be a powerful antecedent of participation in the gray market, the effect of perceived manufacturer cooperation does not show strong results. Practical implications – In business practice, these findings lead the manufacturer to keep transactions carried out in the gray market at low levels and provide cooperation to official distributors to guarantee the official channel strategy aimed at efficiency in the distribution of branded goods. Originality/value – The background of the gray market discussed in the study has not been previously analyzed in the literature. In this way, the authors contribute to the knowledge of such a common problem as the presence of the gray market in the segmentation of distribution channels of high-demand products

    La empresa constructora en su configuración y desenvolvimiento jurídico. Especial atención a la contratación con las Administraciones Públicas

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    El sector de la construcción esta sufriendo en mayor medida que el resto los efectos de la actual crisis económica-financiera que sufre la economía española, debido en gran parte al excesivo endeudamiento de las empresas constructoras y al fuerte recorte financiero producido por el credit crunch del verano de 2007. A consecuencia de la estructura productiva de española y al efecto arrastre que este sector produce en el resto de sectores económicos, se hace imprescindible ayudar al sector de la construcción a salir de la situación actual en la que se encuentra, con una escasa actividad en la rama privada y una obra pública con un fuerte aumento de la competencia y por ende un sensible recorte en los margenes, derivados de las excesivas bajas con las que se están contratando las obras públicas. Para poder salir de esta situación las empresas constructoras deben rediseñar su estrategia competitiva, para ello se proponen actuaciones internas, que pueden llevar a cabo las propias empresas, como sería el caso de iniciar una aventura internacional en mercados donde los margenes no sufran una erosión tan fuerte. Por otro lado, se proponen actuaciones cuyo sujeto ejecutante es la Administración Pública a través de distintos cambios normativos. Debido a la escasez de información al respecto se ha analizado el sector de obra pública en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, tanto en los albores de la crisis, como una vez empezado a sufrir sus efectos, destacándose un fuerte aumento de la reducción de precios, provocado en gran parte al excesivo poder de mercado con el que cuentan las Administraciones Públicas. Una vez analizado los resultados del estudio empírico se hace necesario recomendar un cambio temporal en los sistemas de contratación pública, que permitan a las empresas del sector contratar con unos precios que se ajusten al valor normal de mercado de aquello que se pretende ejecutar.DerechoIngeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Las TIC como motor impulsor de la RSC para aumentar el rendimiento empresarial

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    © 2020 IPS. Instituto de Política social. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in La Razón HistóricaEn las ú ltimas décadas ha crecido el interés por conseguir un desarrollo económico sostenible a través de la expansión de la cultura de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) por todo el mundo empresarial. La realización de prácticas de RSC no só lo ha reportado beneϐicios en términos de sostenibilidad, ya que el ejercicio de una actuación responsable consigue aumentar el rendimiento empresarial. A la misma vez, se ha producido una revolución en el mundo de las tecnologı́as de la información y comunicación (TIC) revolucionando el sistema de trabajo y transmisión de información de las empresas. Estos cambios han permitido crear un nuevo mundo empresarial en donde los stakeholders pueden ver conseguidas sus demandas de conseguir un rendimiento ϐinanciero, medioambiental y social, lo que justiϐica la realización de investigaciones que demuestren el impacto de las TIC en la RSC. En el presente artı́culo se realiza una revisión del estado de la cuestión para comprobar como las investigaciones en la materia corroboran como las TIC se han convertido en un vehı́culo para aumentar y mejorar las prácticas de RSC que realizan las empresas y con ello los resultados obtenidos en términos de rentabilidad y de impacto social.In recent decades, interest has grown in achieving sustainable economic development through the expansion of the culture of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) throughout the business world. The implementation of CSR practices has not only brought beneϐits in terms of sustainability, since the exercise of responsible action manages to increase business performance. At the same time, a revolution has taken place in the world of information and communication technologies (ICT), revolutionizing the way companies work and transmit information. These changes have allowed the creation of a new business world where stakeholders can see their demands for ϐinancial, environmental and social performance met, which justiϐies research that demonstrates the impact of ICTs on CSR. The present paper reviews the state of the art to check how research on the subject corroborates how ICTs have become a vehicle for increasing and improving the CSR practices of companies and with it the results obtained in terms of proϐitability and social impact

    Transparencia de las entidades de atención a la discapacidad en la Región de Murcia

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    ©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Revista OIDLES, Observatorio Iberoamericano del Desarrollo Local y la Economía Social.El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido analizar cuál es el grado de divulgación de información financiera (cuentas anuales y presupuestos) e información no financiera por parte de las entidades que se encargan de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas que sufren algún tipo de discapacidad en la Región de Murcia a sus stakeholders y analizar las causas que motivan la falta de divulgación por parte de algunas entidades. Para ello, se ha llevado una investigación mediante la consulta de la información disponible (en su caso) en cada una de las páginas webs de las entidades objeto del estudio. Los resultados muestran como todavía son muchas las entidades que ni siquiera tienen página web y de las que si tienen, también es importante el número de entidades que no suministran información, especialmente financiera. Por otra parte, se ha observado como el principal motivo de esta carencia de cumplimiento con la transparencia que se les exige por la sociedad se debe a la inmadurez de la entidad.The objective of this paper has been to analyze the degree of disclosure of financial information (annual accounts and budgets) and non-financial information by entities which are responsible for improving the quality of life of people who suffer from some type of disability in the Región de Murcia to its stakeholders and analyze what are the causes that motivate the lack of disclosure by some entities. For this reason, this investigation has been carried out by consulting the information available (where appropriate) on each of the websites of the entities under study. The results show that there are still many entities that do not even have a website and of those that do, the number of entities that do not provide information is also important, especially financial information. On the other hand, it has been observed that the main reason for this lack of compliance with the transparency required by society is due to the immaturity of the entity

    Índices de variación de la nota debidos a la evaluación continua. Contrastación empírica en la enseñanza universitaria

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    © 2018 Fundacion Infancia y Aprendizaje. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Culture and Education, Cultura y Educación. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1080/11356405.2018.1488422La evaluación continua en las notas universitarias es consecuencia de nuestra adaptación al EEES. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar cómo afecta la evaluación continua a la nota final del alumno, mejorando o empeorando la obtenida en el examen final, y si además otras variables afectan a esta relación. Para ello se ha confeccionado una base de datos con notas de distintas asignaturas universitarias de Contabilidad Financiera durante los últimos cursos académicos. Se ha construido un índice de variación de la nota del examen como consecuencia de la evaluación continua, y se ha analizado tanto de forma cuantitativa, como cualitativa a través de su signo. Los resultados de este índice se han estudiado con tablas de contingencia y con un análisis de regresiones. Las conclusiones permiten señalar que la evaluación continua sí que tiene un efecto cuantitativo sobre la nota final, aunque no siempre es positivo, y que además este efecto viene determinado por la asignatura y el número de pruebas realizadas, y no así por el curso académico o la convocatoria.The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has required continuous assessment at university in Spain. The goal of this paper is to analyse how continuous assessment modifies the subject’s final mark, to ascertain whether it improves or lowers the final exam score and to determine whether other variables also affect this relationship. To accomplish this, we have created a database with the marks earned by students who took the final exam in the Financial Accounting class at university in the last three academic years. A variation index of the exam score was constructed as a consequence of continuous assessment, and it was analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results obtained from the marks and the index were analysed using contingency tables, ANOVA, regression analyses and a contrast of differences in mean. The main conclusions allow us to state that continuous assessment has an important direct effect on the learning process as well as on the final exam score and the overall class mark, and that other variables also influence them

    The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Earnings Management: Bibliometric Review

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    © 2021 by the authors. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/). This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Financial Studies. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/ijfs9040068This review aims to study the knowledge development and research dissemination on the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on earnings management through a social network approach using a bibliometric review. A systematic bibliometric review was carried out on 329 papers obtained from the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database. The data were analyzed by year, journal, author, institution, country, affiliation, subject area and term analysis. The results reveal the growing interest of researchers in studying the impact of CSR. Although the USA and China dominate publication production, there are a large number of authors from more than 50 countries around the world. The results also show that being prolific does not imply being influential in this area. The keyword patterns showed some interesting potential areas of study on this topic. The findings of this paper provide insight to the research on the analysis of the influence of CSR on earnings management. The most important findings consist of a number of gaps in the literature, such as gender diversity, voluntary disclosure of information and existence of an audit committee, among others, that allow for future fields of research to improve the analysis of the influence of CSR in EM. This research should also prove helpful to managers, owners and auditors. This is the first bibliometric review developed on this topic and it can be extrapolated to any place in the world

    Ejemplos prácticos del tratamiento contable y la labor auditora en el ámbito de las entidades sin fines lucrativos

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    The labour of non-profit organisations is becoming more and more important in our country and thereby its participation inside the economy and the domestic employment. Despite the changes originated by the last Spanish economic crisis, the received grants are still a key element for the livelihood of that kind of entities, specially the grants coming from public administration.This paper shows the most important account issues and the key matters during the audit process of grants received by non-profit organisations. The objective of the present paper has been to do a meticulous study about the different accounting casuistry inside the grant areas (recognition, measurement, allocation to profit and loss, etc.) and a deep description about the auditing process of this area: since the initial planification to the audit reporting emission. With the clear purpose of helping these Non-profit Organisations to improve the trust that society has in them through a more efficient transmission of financial reporting, in compliance with the objective of adequate transparency that is constantly demanded. The result is a paper that shows to the accounting and auditing professionals a guide that, using a lot of practical examples, helps to understand and to assimilate how to develop the accounting and auditing procedures in an important area for Non-profit organisations, like grant area. Therefore, the paper contributes to make easy the right financial reporting, that is showed to the society and it has to compliance with the quality and transparency standards demanded to the financial reporting of other entities, as well.Cada vez resulta más importante la labor que las entidades sin fines lucrativos (ESFL) desarrollan en nuestro país y por ende su participación en la economía y el empleo nacional. A pesar de los cambios provocados por la última crisis económico-financiera que ha vivido la economía española, todavía sigue siendo un pilar fundamental para la subsistencia de estas entidades la percepción de subvenciones, especialmente de las Administraciones públicas. En el presente artículo se muestran cuáles son las principales problemáticas contables y los puntos clave de auditoría en las subvenciones de estas ESFL. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido realizar un minucioso estudio sobre las distintas problemáticas contables que surgen en el área de subvenciones (registro, valoración, imputación al excedente, etc.) y describir con detalle el proceso de auditoría de esta área desde el momento inicial de la planificación hasta la emisión del informe de auditoría. Tiene el claro propósito de colaborar a que estas ESFL puedan mejorar la confianza que la sociedad tiene en ellas a través de una más eficiente transmisión de información financiera, en cumplimiento del objetivo de una adecuada transparencia que se les demanda constantemente. El resultado es un trabajo que permite a los profesionales de contabilidad y auditoría tener una guía que a través de un gran número de casos prácticos les ayude a comprender y asimilar cómo se lleva a cabo la contabilidad y auditoría de un área tan importante para las ESFL como es el de las subvenciones, contribuyendo a facilitar la realización de una correcta presentación de la información financiera, la cual es transmitida a la sociedad y, por tanto, cumpliendo con los estándares de calidad y transparencia exigidos a los informes económico-financieros de cualquier entidad, sin que estas ESFL sean una excepción

    Sustainability, corporate social responsibility, non-financial reporting and company performance: Relationships and mediating effects in Spanish small and medium sized enterprises

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    ©2022. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Submitted, Accepted, Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Sustainable Production and Consumption]. To access the final edited and published work see[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.11.015]© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/). This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Sustainable Production and Consumption. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.11.015Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and non-financial reporting and their relationships with company performance are burning topics. Although all these terms are familiar to companies, specifically large ones, most European companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and studies explicitly addressing SMEs are limited. For this reason, this paper aims to fill the existent gap in the literature concerning SMEs by analyzing the relationship between sustainability, CSR, non-financial information, and performance. The objective of this study is to analyze several aspects: (1) The influence of pressures, incentives, and barriers on sustainability, (2) The influence of sustainability, CSR, and non-financial disclosure on performance, and (3) The mediating effect of CSR and non-financial disclosure. For this purpose, there has been an e-mail survey to managers, financial directors, or administration managers of Spanish SMEs. In addition, a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) model has been used on a final sample of 126 Spanish SMEs. The study's main outcome is that sustainability positively influences CSR and non-financial reporting in the case of SMEs. Therefore, regardless of the specific characteristics derived from the size of the company and the possible lack of resources, the results for SMEs align with those of large companies obtained by previous studies. This study has important academic/theoretical implications for SME managers and policymakers because implementing policies encouraging CSR practices and sustainability strategies will create a better society and positively impact SMEs' performance. © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open acces