12 research outputs found

    DNA metabarcoding of fungal diversity in air and snow of Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.

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    We assessed fungal diversity present in air and freshly deposited snow samples obtained from Livingston Island, Antarctica, using DNA metabarcoding through high throughput sequencing (HTS). A total of 740 m3 of air were pumped through a 0.22 µm membrane. Snow obtained shortly after deposition was kept at room temperature and yielded 3.760 L of water, which was filtered using Sterivex membranes of 0.22 µm mesh size. The total DNA present was extracted and sequenced. We detected 171 fungal amplicon sequence variants (ASVs), 70 from the air and 142 from the snow. They were dominated by the phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Mortierellomycota and Mucoromycota. Pseudogymnoascus, Cladosporium, Mortierella and Penicillium sp. were the most dominant ASVs detected in the air in rank order. In snow, Cladosporium, Pseudogymnoascus, Penicillium, Meyerozyma, Lecidea, Malassezia, Hanseniaspora, Austroplaca, Mortierella, Rhodotorula, Penicillium, Thelebolus, Aspergillus, Poaceicola, Glarea and Lecanora were the dominant ASVs present. In general, the two fungal assemblages displayed high diversity, richness, and dominance indices, with the assemblage found in snow having the highest diversity indices. Of the total fungal ASVs detected, 29 were only present in the air sample and 101 in the snow sample, with only 41 present in both samples; however, when only the dominant taxa from both samples were compared none occurred only in the air and, among the rare portion, 26 taxa occurred in both air and snow. Application of HTS revealed the presence of a more diverse fungal community in the air and snow of Livingston Island in comparison with studies using traditional isolation methods. The assemblages were dominated by cold-adapted and cosmopolitan fungal taxa, including members of the genera Pseudogymnoascus, Malassezia and Rhodotorula, which include some taxa reported as opportunistic. Our results support the hypothesis that the presence of microbiota in the airspora indicates the possibility of dispersal around Antarctica in the air column. However, further aeromycology studies are required to understand the dynamics of fungal dispersal within and beyond Antarctica

    Intracellular nitrate storage by diatoms can be an important nitrogen pool in freshwater and marine ecosystems

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    Identifying and quantifying nitrogen pools is essential for understanding the nitrogen cycle in aquatic ecosystems. The ubiquitous diatoms represent an overlooked nitrate pool as they can accumulate nitrate intracellularly and utilize it for nitrogen assimilation, dissipation of excess photosynthetic energy, and Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium (DNRA). Here, we document the global co-occurrence of diatoms and intracellular nitrate in phototrophic microbial communities in freshwater (n = 69), coastal (n = 44), and open marine (n = 4) habitats. Diatom abundance and total intracellular nitrate contents in water columns, sediments, microbial mats, and epilithic biofilms were highly significantly correlated. In contrast, diatom community composition had only a marginal influence on total intracellular nitrate contents. Nitrate concentrations inside diatom cells exceeded ambient nitrate concentrations ∼100–4000-fold. The collective intracellular nitrate pool of the diatom community accounted for <1% of total nitrate in pelagic habitats and 65–95% in benthic habitats. Accordingly, nitrate-storing diatoms are emerging as significant contributors to benthic nitrogen cycling, in particular through Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium activity under anoxic conditions

    Contribution of soil bacteria to the atmosphere across biomes

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data have been submitted to a publicly accessible databaseThe dispersion of microorganisms through the atmosphere is a continual and essential process that underpins biogeography and ecosystem development and function. Despite the ubiquity of atmospheric microorganisms globally, specific knowledge of the determinants of atmospheric microbial diversity at any given location remains unresolved. Here we describe bacterial diversity in the atmospheric boundary layer and underlying soil at twelve globally distributed locations encompassing all major biomes, and characterise the contribution of local and distant soils to the observed atmospheric community. Across biomes the diversity of bacteria in the atmosphere was negatively correlated with mean annual precipitation but positively correlated to mean annual temperature. We identified distinct non-randomly assembled atmosphere and soil communities from each location, and some broad trends persisted across biomes including the enrichment of desiccation and UV tolerant taxa in the atmospheric community. Source tracking revealed that local soils were more influential than distant soil sources in determining observed diversity in the atmosphere, with more emissive semi-arid and arid biomes contributing most to signatures from distant soil. Our findings highlight complexities in the atmospheric microbiota that are relevant to understanding regional and global ecosystem connectivity.https://www.journals.elsevier.com/science-of-the-total-environmentam2024GeneticsSDG-15:Life on lan

    Seasonal Variation of the Atmospheric Bacterial Community in the Greenlandic High Arctic Is Influenced by Weather Events and Local and Distant Sources

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    The Arctic is a hot spot for climate change with potentially large consequences on a global scale. Aerosols, including bioaerosols, are important players in regulating the heat balance through direct interaction with sunlight and indirectly, through inducing cloud formation. Airborne bacteria are the major bioaerosols with some species producing the most potent ice nucleating compounds known, which are implicated in the formation of ice in clouds. Little is known about the numbers and dynamics of airborne bacteria in the Arctic and even less about their seasonal variability. We collected aerosol samples and wet deposition samples in spring 2015 and summer 2016, at the Villum Research Station in Northeast Greenland. We used amplicon sequencing and qPCR targeting the 16S rRNA genes to assess the quantities and composition of the DNA and cDNA-level bacterial community. We found a clear seasonal variation in the atmospheric bacterial community, which is likely due to variable sources and meteorology. In early spring, the atmospheric bacterial community was dominated by taxa originating from temperate and Subarctic regions and arriving at the sampling site through long-range transport. We observed an efficient washout of the aerosolized bacterial cells during a snowstorm, which was followed by very low concentrations of bacteria in the atmosphere during the consecutive 4 weeks. We suggest that this is because in late spring, the long-range transport ceased, and the local sources which comprised only of ice and snow surfaces were weak resulting in low bacterial concentrations. This was supported by observed changes in the chemical composition of aerosols. In summer, the air bacterial community was confined to local sources such as soil, plant material and melting sea-ice. Aerosolized and deposited Cyanobacteria in spring had a high activity potential, implying their activity in the atmosphere or in surface snow. Overall, we show how the composition of bacterial aerosols in the high Arctic varies on a seasonal scale, identify their potential sources, demonstrate how their community sizes varies in time, investigate their diversity and determine their activity potential during and post Arctic haze