56 research outputs found

    The Experience of Skilled Migrant Women in Switzerland: Challenges for Social and Professional Integration

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    Recent studies on migrants’ social and professional integration in Switzerland indicate that migrant women are the most vulnerable group. Researches highlight the “deskilling power” of migration but tend to focus on a descriptive level, without considering the influence of context and the heterogeneity of migrants’ experiences. This qualitative study aims to investigate the meaning of migration and integration process from participants’ point of view: their challenges, strategies and the impact of the migration experience on self-image. Semi-structured interviews (n = 30) were conducted with two groups of skilled migrant women: group one are skilled women who migrated through the invitation of an international company (Expats) and group two are skilled women who migrated and had to find a job by themselves (Indep). Data is analysed by thematic content analysis (assisted by Nvivo). First results indicate that there are similarities between participants’ experiences concerning the importance of their first encounters when arriving in Switzerland. Their migratory project and expectations seem to be key elements for motivating integration strategies. Professional and social integration imply dealing with shifting boundaries of belonging and a dynamic negotiation of self-image between diverse groups, which they consider as a resource but may also lead to different perceptions of deskilling

    Migratory project and structural barriers: A comparative study of psychosocial issues for the two most vulnerable regular migrant populations in Switzerland.

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    Despite Switzerland’s tradition of migration, most foreigners are still considered a threat to Swiss values and identity, especially those from outside the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) whose permit conditions are more restrictive. In this context, different migratory groups face similar structural challenges. Based on this assumption, this paper compares the results of two qualitative studies conducted with the two most vulnerable regular migrant groups in Switzerland, according to their migratory project: women from third countries with university diplomas and asylum seekers. Both projects were conducted using semi-structured interviews and the data were analyzed with thematic content analysis. Results demonstrate how these two groups might face similar difficulties for social and economical insertion, impacting their wellbeing, despite the different conditions of arrival. Our comparative perspective contributes to the understanding of current migration issues and to possible strategies to avoid the victimization of politically disadvantaged groups in Europe

    Beliefs about Polypharmacy among Home-Dwelling Older Adults Living with Multiple Chronic Conditions, Informal Caregivers and Healthcare Professionals: A Qualitative Study

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    Although home-dwelling older adults are frequently assisted with polypharmacy management by their informal caregivers, they can still face medication-related problems. Identifying older adults’ and their informal caregivers’ beliefs about medication is a gateway to understanding and improving medication adherence. This study aimed to analyse beliefs about polypharmacy among home-dwelling older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their informal caregivers, focusing on their daily medication practices. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 older adults, 17 informal caregivers, but also 13 healthcare professionals. Based on an inductive methodological approach, data were analysed using thematic content analysis. Interviews revealed the different attitudes adopted by older adults and their informal caregivers in relation to the treatment information provided by healthcare professionals. A variety of beliefs were identified and linked to medication adherence by examining daily medication practices. Polypharmacy was experienced as a habit but also an obligation, highlighting some of the strategies and negotiations underlying medication use at home. Collecting viewpoints from multiple stakeholders is an innovative way of accessing and analysing beliefs about polypharmacy. Daily medication practices provided information about medication beliefs and may contribute to developing targeted professional interventions that improve medication adherence

    Weil-Barais (A.) Coordinatrice.-Les méthodes en psychologie, Collection Grand amphi dirigée par G. Amy et M. Piolat, Bréal, 1997

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    Santiago-Delefosse Marie. Weil-Barais (A.) Coordinatrice.-Les méthodes en psychologie, Collection Grand amphi dirigée par G. Amy et M. Piolat, Bréal, 1997. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 50 n°432, 1997. La mer, les marines, les marins. pp. 713-714

    De la douleur physique chronique : étude comparative des positions de la médecine et de psychologie clinique

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    Marie Santiago Delefosse, Chronic physical pain : A comparative study of the positions held in médecine and in psychological clinical practice. Basing his work on the confrontation between the medical and psychoanalytical positions relative to physical pain, the author demonstrates the incompatibility of the two positions, and makes a case for the "ethics of intervention" of a clinical psychologist in Pain Clinics. His institutional function and role must not be confused with his role in the framework of a psychoanalytical cure. Each time the clinical psychologist finds himself consulted because of "the patient's transfer to the medical realm" he runs the risk of being seen as a "supplement" and can quickly become a complementary instrument used by médecine in its effort to have all possible assets on its side. The ethics of the psychologist should be to respect the patient's desire and to accept his refusal to know. Beginning with this respect which avoids forcible interpretations and taking as much time as necessary, including the time of verbalized accompaniment, it will be possible for the psychologist to participate in the construction of a space which takes the psychic dimension into account. Key words : Chronic physical pain, Clinical psychology, Psychoanalysis, Médecine, Pain Clinics, Homo dolorus.À partir d'une confrontation des positions du médical et de la psychanalyse relatives à la douleur physique, l'auteur met en évidence l'incompatibilité des deux discours et tire les enseignements pour une éthique de l'intervention du psychologue clinicien dans les Centres de la douleur. La place institutionnelle de ce dernier ne peut être confondue purement et simplement avec celle du psychanalyste dans le cadre de la cure. À chaque fois que le psychologue clinicien se trouve consulté à travers le "transfert du patient au médical" il court le risque de se confondre avec un "supplément" et peut vite devenir l'instrument complémentaire d'une médecine qui cherche à mettre tous les atouts de son côté. L'éthique du psychologue sera de respecter le désir du patient et d'accepter son refus de savoir. À partir de ce respect qui évite le forçage interprétatif, et en prenant le temps qu'il faut, y compris le temps d'accompagnement verbalisé, un espace qui prend en compte la dimension psychique pourra être co-construit. Mots-clés : Douleur physique chronique, Psychologie clinique, Psychanalyse, Médecine, Centres de la douleur, Homo Dolorus.Marie Santiago Delefosse, Sobre el dolor fisico crônico. Estudio comparativo de las posiciones de la medicina y de la psicologia clinica. A partir de una confrontaciôn de las posiciones médica y psicoanalitica relativas al dolor fisico, el autor pone en evidencia la incompatibilidad de los dos discursos y saca las ensenanzas para una ética de la intervenciôn del psicôlogo clinico en los centras del dolor. El lugar institucional de este ultimo no puede confundirse pura y simplemente con el del psicoanalista en el contexto de la cura. Cada vez que se consulta al psicôlogo clinico a través de "la transferencia del paciente a lo medical", este corre el riesgo de confundirse con un "suplemento" y puede transformarse râpidamente en el instrumente complementario de una medicina que busca poner todos los logros de su lado. La ética del psicôlogo sera entonces la de respetar el deseo del paciente y de aceptar su rechazo a saber. A partir de ese respeto que évita la activaciôn del proceso de desarrollo interpretative y tomando el tiempo que sea necesario, inclusive el tiempo de acompanamiento ver- balizado, un espacio que tome en cuenta la dimension psiquica podrâ ser reconstruido. Palabras-clave : Dolor fîsico crônico, Psicologia clinica, Psicoanâlisis, Medicina, Centras del dolor, Homos Dolorus.Santiago Delefosse Marie. De la douleur physique chronique : étude comparative des positions de la médecine et de psychologie clinique. In: Psychologie clinique et projective, vol. 3, 1997. Psychosomatique. pp. 89-108

    Vers une « psychologie clinique de la santé » ?

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    Santiago-Delefosse Marie. Vers une « psychologie clinique de la santé » ?. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 53 n°447, 2000. Destins de la psychologie clinique. Hommage à Claude Revault d’Allonnes. pp. 333-341

    Claude Navelet, Brigitte Guerin-Carnelle, Psychologues au risque des institutions. Les enjeux d’un métier. Préface : Professeur Odile Bourguignon, Editions Frison-Roche, 1997

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    Santiago-Delefosse Marie. Claude Navelet, Brigitte Guerin-Carnelle, Psychologues au risque des institutions. Les enjeux d’un métier. Préface : Professeur Odile Bourguignon, Editions Frison-Roche, 1997. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 51 n°433, 1998. Psychologie et politique. pp. 85-86

    Histoire de vie en bilan de compétences : un des temps possibles d'aménagement du moi ?

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    Santiago-Delefosse Marie. Histoire de vie en bilan de compétences : un des temps possibles d'aménagement du moi ?. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 49 n°425, 1996. pp. 465-470