7,199 research outputs found

    Analysis of Sundanese Traditional Spatial Concepts on The Space and The Layout of Cibiuk Bandung Sundanese Restaurant

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    Cibiuk Sundanese Restaurants have several analyzes about the influence of Sundanese traditional house patterns as a function of traditional restaurants. These influences can be assessed with a spatial, circulation, and material selection approach used in the interior elements. In this study, the types of users are divided into focus, namely the main users (users who use restaurant facilities) who experience directly whether the traditional Sundanese atmosphere feels strong or not when they come as visitors, whether it\u27s just for eating (enjoying the available menu), or when doing other activities such as discussing, or meeting, or celebrating. The convenience of the user when performing various activities can be felt from the results of the achievement of the atmosphere of the formation of space, so that to obtain the results of the formation of spatial elements and traditional space organizational patterns, can provide comfort and friendliness to visitors. The aim of this research is to finally find out the standard Sundanese traditional spatial concepts that are applied to the spatial and layout design of Cibiuk Bandung Sundanese Restaurant, by also comparing it with several other Sundanese restaurants, such as Sunda Bancakan and Sambara Restaurant. The results of this study can determine to which extent Sundanese cultural elements and values are applied to modern ethnic restaurants, which in this study will focus on Sundanese restaurants, so that they can produce design guides and reviews/ evaluations for young designers and general public in designing and building a modern ethnic restaurant. Keywords restaurants, traditional, layou

    Hot Horizontal Branch Stars: Predictions for Mass Loss

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    We predict mass-loss rates for the late evolutionary phases of low-mass stars, with special emphasis on the consequences for the morphology of the Horizontal Branch (HB). We show that the computed rates, as predicted by the most plausible mechanism of radiation pressure on spectral lines, are too low to produce EHB/sdB stars. This invalidates the scenario recently outlined by Yong et al. (2000) to create these objects by mass loss on the HB. We argue, however, that mass loss plays a role in the distribution of rotational velocities of hot HB stars, and may -- together with the enhancement of heavy element abundances due to radiative levitation -- provide an explanation for the so-called ``low gravivity problem. The mass loss recipe derived for hot HB (and extreme HB, sdB, sdOB) stars may also be applied to post-HB (AGB-manque, UV-bright) stars over a range in effective temperatures between 12500 -- 40000 K.Comment: 11 pages; Accepted by A&

    Penerapan Metode Pengakuan Pendapatan Dan Beban Pada PT. Sapadia Wisata Hotel Cabang Pasir Pengaraian

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    The purpose of this study was to describe how where revenue recognition method and the load on the PT . Sapadia Wisata Hotel Cabang Pasir Pengaraian . This research was conducted at PT . Sapadia Wisata Hotel Cabang Pasir Pengaraian . In this study the authors analyze the data by comparing two methods of the accrual basis method cash basis . This type of research is a descriptive study . Data were collected using interviews and documentation techniques . Based on the results of PT . Sapadia recognizes revenues and expenses is by using the method of accrual basis , recorded and reported in the period in questio

    Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Dalam Upaya Menurunkan Kematian Ibu Di Puskesmas Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This research aims at determining the quality of health care in reducing maternal mortality in Puskesmas Biromaru, Sigi. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative to obtain in-depth information from the informants. Seven informants were selected by using purposive sampling technique, who are on duty in the clinic of Biromaru, the head of the clinic, doctor, midwife coordinator, executive midwives and pregnant women. Observation and documents analysis were also done to get the needed data. The results show that the quality of health care in reducing maternal mortality in the clinic has not run according to the standards and procedures in charge. Of the five indicators in use, responsiveness, assurance and empathy have already been fulfilled while tangible still needs to be in the reinventoried in respect of the number of lost and damaged facilities and equipments. Similarly, the reliability still needs to be improved further particularly personnel skills, which can be obtained through a tiered education and training or an internship, so that the competence of the personnel can be improved and effectiveness of the reduction in maternal mortality in the clinic can be achieved

    Kadar Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar Jagung Kuning Giling pada Difermentasi dengan EM-4 pada Level yang Berbeda

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    Rendahnya kadar protein jagung dan haerga mahal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatktan kadar protein kasar dan menurunkan serat kasar jagung kuning giling yang difermentasi EM-4. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dua tahap yaitu; tahap pertama fermentasi jagung kuning di Laboratorium Industri Pengolahan Pakan Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, dan tahap kedua yaitu analisis proksimat di Laboratorium Kimia Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, dengan susunan perlakuan adalah P0 (2 kg jagung kuning giling), P1 (2 kg agung kuning giling + 25 cc EM-4 + 500 cc air), P2 (2 kg agung kuning giling + 1% urea + 25 cc EM-4 + 500 cc air), P3 (2 kg agung kuning giling + 1% urea + 35 cc EM-4 + 500 cc air), dan P4 (2 kg agung kuning giling + 1% urea + 45 cc EM-4 + 500 cc air). Hasil sidik ragam menunjukkan bahwa fermenjasi jagung kuning giling dengan menggunakan EM-4 berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0.01) terhadap kadar proteinkasar dan serat kasar). Disimpulkan bahwa hasil fermentasi yang paling baik pada perlakuan P3 yaitu kadar protein kasar paling tinggi (10.54%) dan rendahnya serat kasar (2.44%)

    Karakteristik Rumah Toko (Ruko) Kawasan Pecinan Kota Lama di Kota Kendari

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    Di Kota Kendari masih terdapat kawasan pecinan yang letaknya di kawasan Kota Lama. Kecenderungan kawasan ini berbentuk rumah toko (ruko) yang dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat perdagangan, dengan bentukbangunan aplikasi budaya Cina. Penelitian ini berada di wilayah kawasan Pecinan Kota Lama Kota Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Teknik pengambilan sampe menggunakan nonprobability sampling yang dilakukan secara purposive, yaitupenentuan kasus berdasarkan tujuan tertentu. Teknik analisis yang digunakan disesuaikan dengan sifat penelitian (kualitatif), yakni analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bangunan mereka sudah banyak yang mengalami renovasi, namun ada beberapa ruko yang masih tetap mempertahankan bangunan lama.Banyak terdapat ruko-ruko yang memiliki ornament-ornamen khas pecinan, seperti patung, jimat, lampion, dan tulisan kanji. Tidak terdapat pintugerbang/gapura yang menandakan adanya kompleks pecinan. Selain itu, Vihara dan sejenisnya juga tidakdiketemukan di Kompleks Pecinan Kota lama, Kota Kendari. Kata Kunci: Kawasan Pecinan, Karakteristik Ruk

    Pembelajaran Pokok Bahasan Hukum Gravitasi di Madrasah Berdasarkan Abdurrahman Al-khazini

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    This paper aims to reveal the law of gravity that triggered western scientist (Sir Isaac Newton) with Islamic scientists. This finding is expected to be a medium of learning IPA Madrasah Aliyah in teaching materials that will be used. Data collection is done by qualitative method that is with approach of history of philosophy of science with Islamic perspective. Data analysis is done qualitatively by connecting each aspect covering the rationale, the similarity of language, the concepts used, the influence of other figures, the year of glory and the study of other literature. From all the process of analysis that has been done and the discussion that has been exposed it can be concluded that Sir Isaac newton in the thought of the law of gravity has been influenced by al-khazini. These findings can be taught in Madrasahs through lecture, demonstration and other methods that are sociologically anthropologically close to madrasah culture