212 research outputs found

    Neobjavljeni autografi basna Đure Ferića (1739-1820) u odnosu prema dubrovačkoj pisanoj tradiciji

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    U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja neobjavljenih hrvatskih rukopisa dubrovačkoga latinista Đure Ferića, odnosno otkrića dvaju dosad nepoznatih autografa njegovih basna. Interpretacija rukopisa kao dijela dubrovačke literarne i jezičnopovijesne tradicije temeljni je cilj istraživanja, a polaziÅ”te je usporedba grafijskih, pravopisnih i jezičnih osobitosti spomenutih autografa s leksikografskim i jezikoslovnim izvorima 17. i 18. stoljeća te jezikom kanonskoga pisca starije hrvatske književnosti Ivana Gundulića. Ključne riječi: Đuro Ferić; autografi; dubrovačka pisana tradicijaThe paper deals with Ferićā€™s unpublished manuscripts of his Croatian fables which were probably written after 1813. Three of Ferićā€™s autographed manuscripts have been submitted to analysis on several linguistic levels. In spelling and orthography Ferić obviously relies on lexicographic and linguistic manuals written in 17th and 18th centuries (trilingual dictionaries of Mikalja and Della Bella, as well as Della Bellaā€™s Grammar of the Croatian language). His Croatian texts show no sign of orthographic changes which have been present in the Ragusan written tradition from the beginning of the 19th century (for example in Stulliā€™s Dictionary 1806). Furthermore, the phonological and morphological features of Ferićā€™s Croatian texts show all features of the literary register as compared to the language of the most esteemed author in older Ragusan literature ā€“ Ivan Gundulić

    Sintaktička svojstva zamjenica u Marulićevu i KaÅ”ićevu prijevodu De Imitatione Christi

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    U radu se analizira latinski sintaktički utjecaj pri uporabi zamjenica u Marulićevu i KaÅ”ićevu prijevodu popularnoga srednjovjekovnog djela De imitatione Christi. Istražuju se ova sintaktička svojstava zamjenica: izricanje pripadanja 3. licu s pomoću genitiva ličnih zamjenica za 3. lice, uporaba posvojne zamjenice za 1. i 2. lice u odnosu na povratno-posvojnu zamjenicu svoj, uporaba povratno-posvojne zamjenice svoj u odnosu na posvojne za 3. lice, uporaba lične zamjenice za 1. i 2. lice u odnosu na povratnu zamjenicu, uporaba odnosnih zamjenica na početku rečenice te množina srednjega roda pokaznih, relativne (koji) i neodređenih (sav, svaki) zamjenica u značenju jednine. Na temelju promatranih kategorija autorice nastoje utvrditi sličnosti i razlike tih dvaju proznih prijevodnih tekstova te objasniti prevoditeljski postupak. Ključne riječi: De imitatione Christi ; Marko Marulić ; Bartol KaÅ”ić ; uporaba zamjenica ; sintaktičke prevedeniceThe paper analyzes the influence of Latin syntax on the usage of pronouns in Marulićā€™s and KaÅ”ićā€™s translation of the very popular medieval work De imitatione Christi. The following characteristics of pronouns are analyzed: expressing possessivity with the genitive case of the 3rd person singular personal pronouns, usage of the 1st and 2nd person possessive pronoun instead of the reflexive-possessive pronoun svoj, usage of the reflexive-possessive pronoun svoj instead of the 3rd person possessive pronoun, usage of the 1st and 2nd person personal pronoun instead of a reflexive pronoun, usage of relative pronouns at the beginning of sentences, and usage of the plural of neutral demonstrative and indefinite (sav, svaki) pronouns as well as of a neutral relative pronoun (koji) instead of a singular one. The analysis of the two translations of the same Latin text, although they refer only to a small and limited segment, indicates that there were two parallel trends in the development of a literary language. One is connected to the liturgical literary genre, mostly translational, and to its immanent usage norms according to which syntactic calques from Latin became a recognizable model confirmed even in non-translated literary texts. In Marulićā€™s translations one can discern the characteristics of a literary language that are not the result of the influence of a foreign language but rather are indicators of original Croatian language heritage. The differences found should be viewed in the context of the extralinguistic circumstances in which the texts were produced ā€“ Jesuit Bartol KaÅ”ić, as the author of the almost century-and-a-half younger translation, was limited at all language levels by the authority of the Latin original, while humanist and writer Marko Marulić, without deviating significantly from the original, often gave priority to the expressive possibilities of the Croatian language that were a result of authorā€™s primary feeling and knowledge of the language

    On Historical-Grammatical T Terminology in the RETROGRAM Project

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    The paper examines the sources of a linguistic corpus explored and interpreted in the framework of the RETROGRAM project, carried out by the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics. The abovementioned sources comprise three pre-standard historical grammar books which, aside from the rules governing Italian, German and Latin, additionally include Croatian equivalents of grammatical terms, morphological paradigms as well as linguistic annotation

    Basne u djelu Đure Ferića

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    Influence of phenotypic and genetic distance of inbred lines on the expression of heterosis in diallel maize hybrids

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    Za istraživanje je koriŔćeno sedam inbred linija kukuruza različitog porekla i dužine vegetacionog perioda. Odabrane inbred linije su ukrÅ”tene po metodu dialela bez recipročnih kombinacija čime je dobijen 21 hibrid. Ogledi su postavljeni u polju tokom 2017. i 2018. godine na tri lokacije: Zemun Polje, Novi Sad i Å kolsko Dobro (Zemun). Fenotipska karakterizacija je urađena na osnovu morfoloÅ”kih osobina inbred linija i hibrida, kao i na osnovu kvantitativnih osobina u koje spadaju prinos i komponente prinosa. NajviÅ”i prinos su ostvarile inbred linije ZPL6 (4.17 t/ha) i ZPL4 (4.16 t/ha), najniži inbred linija ZPL5 (3.40). Najprinosniji hibridi su bili ZPL2 x ZPL4 (11.15 t/ha) i ZPL1 x ZPL4 (10.79 t/ha), a najmanje prinosni hibridi ZPL5 x ZPL7 (6.31 t/ha) i ZPL3 x ZPL6 (6.47 t/ha). Heterozis je računat u odnosu na boljeg roditelja (HPH) za sve ispitivane osobine. NajviÅ”a vrednost heterozisa za prinos zrna je dobijena kod hibrida ZPL2 x ZPL4 u 2017. godini (285.88), a najniža kod hibrida ZPL4 x ZPL7 u 2018. godini (31.19). Na osnovu ispitivanja opÅ”tih (OKS) i posebnih (PKS) kombinacionih sposobnosti inbred linija zabeležene su značajne i veoma značajne pozitivne vrednosti OKS za prinos zrna kod inbred linija ZPL2 i ZPL4, dok su značajne negativne vrednosti OKS za prinos zrna imale inbred linije ZPL5 i ZPL7. Najveću pozitivnu PKS vrednost za prinos zrna je imala hibridna kombinacija ZPL2 x ZPL4 (2.061), a najmanju vrednost hibridna kombinacija ZPL1 x ZPL7 (0.857). Odnos OKS/PKS ukazuje na uticaj aditivne i neaditivne (dominacija i epistaza) varijanse u ukupnom fenotipskom variranju. Za osobine prinos zrna, broj redova zrna, broj zrna u redu, dubina zrna i masa 1000 zrna je odnos OKS/PKS bio manji od 1 Å”to ukazuje na preovlađujući uticaj neaditivne varijanse, dok je za osobine visina biljke, visina klipa, ukupan broj listova, broj listova iznad klipa i dužina klipa odnos OKS/PKS bio veći od 1 Å”to ukazuje na preovlađujući uticaj aditivne varijanse. Za korelaciju prinosa i komponenti prinosa podaci ukazuju na najveću zavisnost prinosa sa brojem zrna u redu (0.50). Kod ostalih osobina inbred linija i hibrida je najveća zavisnost bila između visine biljke i visine klipa (0.85 i 0.83). Molekularna karakterizacija inbred linija je izvrÅ”ena pomoću SSR i SNP molekularnih markera na osnovu kojih je formiran dendrogram. Na osnovu SSR markera najmanja genetička sličnost je zabeležena između inbred linija ZPL2 i ZPL6 (0.45), a najveća između inbred linija ZPL5 i ZPL6 (0.75). Na osnovu SNP markera najveća genetička distanca je bila između inbred linija ZPL2 i ZPL4 (0.487), a najmanja između inbred linija ZPL1 i ZPL2 (0.191). Rezultati su pokazali da su najudaljenije inbred linije dale hibride sa najvećim prinosom zrna i najvećim heterozisom.Seven maize inbred lines of different origin and different growing period were investigated. Selected inbred lines were crossed by the diallel method without reciprocal combinations, and in this way we got 21 hybrids. Field trials were conducted during 2017 and 2018 on three locations: Zemun Polje, Novi Sad and Å kolsko Dobro (Zemun). Phenotypic characterization was done on the basis of morphological characteristics of inbred lines and hybrids, as well as on the basis of quantitative characteristics which include grain yield and yield components. The highest grain yield was achieved by inbred lines ZPL6 (4.17 t/ha) and ZPL4 (4.16 t/ha), the lowest grain yield was achieved by inbred line ZPL5 (3.40). The most productive hybrids were ZPL2 x ZPL4 (11.15 t/ha) and ZPL1 x ZPL4 (10.79 t/ha), and the least productive hybrids were ZPL5 x ZPL7 (6.31 t/ha) and ZPL3 x ZPL6 (6.47 t/ha). Heterosis was calculated in relation to the better parent (HPH) for all examined traits. The highest value of heterosis for grain yield was obtained for hybrids ZPL2 x ZPL4 in 2017 (285.88), and the lowest for hybrids ZPL4 x ZPL7 in 2018 (31.19). Based on the investigation of general (OKS) and specific (PKS) combining abilities of inbred lines, significant and very significant positive values of OKS for grain yield were recorded in inbred lines ZPL2 and ZPL4, while significant negative values of OKS for grain yield were recorded in inbred lines ZPL5 and ZPL7. The hybrid combination ZPL2 x ZPL4 (2,061) had the highest positive value of PKS for grain yield, and the hybrid combination ZPL1 x ZPL7 (0,857) had the lowest value. The OKS/PKS ratio indicates the influence of additive and non-additive (dominance and epistasis) variance in the total phenotypic variation. For grain yield, kernel row number, kernel number per row, ear diameter and 1000-kernel weight, the OKS/PKS ratio was less than 1, which indicates the predominant influence of non-additive variance, while for plant height, ear height, total number of leaves, the number of leaves above the ear and ear length ratio OKS/PKS was greater than 1, which indicates the predominant influence of additive variance. For the correlation of grain yield and yield components, the data indicate the highest dependence of grain yield with the kernel number per row (0.50). Among other traits of inbred lines and hybrids, the greatest dependence was between plant height and ear height (0.85 and 0.83). Molecular characterization of inbred lines was performed using SSR and SNP molecular markers and dendrogram was formed showing genetic distance between inbred lines. Based on SSR markers, the lowest genetic similarity was recorded between the inbred lines ZPL2 and ZPL6 (0.45), and the highest between the inbred lines ZPL5 and ZPL6 (0.75). Based on SNP markers, the largest genetic distance was between the inbred lines ZPL2 and ZPL4 (0.487), and the smallest between the inbred lines ZPL1 and ZPL2 (0.191). The results showed that the most distant inbred lines gave hybrids with the highest grain yield and the highest heterosis

    Sentencije u Senekinim tragedijama "Medeja" i "Tijest"

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    Korelacija debljine sloja živčanih vlakana te makularnoga područja mrežnice i oÅ”tećenje vidnoga polja kod unilateralne ambliopije [The correlation between the thickness of the layer of nerve fibers and the macular area of the retina and changes in the visual field, with unilateral amblyopia]

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    In Croatia, it has been estimated that as many as 200 thousand people are amblyopic. It is the most common cause of decreased unilateral visual acuity among children and younger adults with the expected incidence of 1.6 ā€“ 3.6% although the incidence can be higher within the population with inadequate health care. It is believed that amblyopia is primarily a cortical phenomenon, caused by the unequal competitive input signal which arises from each eye and travels to the primary visual cortex. Up until now, opinions on structural retinal change are divided. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of structural and functional changes in the macula and the nerve fiber layer of the amblyopic eye. If such changes are present, is there a certain correlation between structural and functional changes. 60 subjects with unilateral amblyopia were included in the study. The subjects were divided into two groups based on the severity of amblyopia; the subjects with severe amblyopia (visual acuity 0.1 ā€“ 0.4) and the subjects with a mild form of amblyopia (visual acuity 0.5 ā€“ 0.8). All the subjects underwent OCT imaging of the macular field and the optic nerve head, as well as automated perimetry of the amblyopic and the unaffected eye. The main result of the study is that the structural changes of the macula in the amblyopic eye are present in the form of thickening. Thickening of the macula was found in all 9 observed areas. Severe amblyopia has significantly affected the increased macular thickening in the area of foveola, the central area within 1 mm, and the inner part of macular ring (within 3 mm). The changes in thickness of the nerve fiber layer have not been recorded neither in amblyopic nor in the unaffected eye. By examining the correlation between the parameters obtained by the OCT and the visual field, it was established that the measured mean values of the macula and the RNFL thickness of normal and amblyopic eye do not have the expected positive correlation with MD and sLV, nor do they have a negative correlation with the value of MS. According to our results, we assume that the changes in visual field of amblyopic and healthy eyes are more affected by the strength of the input signal and the changes in the visual cortex and the lateral geniculate body rather than by the thickness of the macular area

    Basne u djelu Đure Ferića

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