13 research outputs found

    The Making of the Artefacts and Architectural Remains as Props for the Performance of "Bermulanya Di Sini....Kedah Tua"

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    "Bermulanya Di Sini...Kedah Tua" demonstrates a historical data interpretation of the Kedah Tua early society at Sungai Batu within the artistic context of stage performance demonstrating series of dance and stage act. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the props making process for the stage performance from a designer-maker point of view, by demonstrating the philosophy of body movements and the connection to object designs in space. Furthermore, the props making encompasses the imitation and construction of two scaled building artefacts which are the ancient iron smelting furnace and the circular ritual monument that significantly embodies the early civilisation of Kedah Tua society between the 2nd and 6th CE. The research-design team has successfully constructed the ancient buildings' props using wire structured paper maché technique and Styrofoam sheets assembling in various scaled sizes. In order to accommodate the performance need on the stage, the modular concept have been introduced in the design of the props by embedding the elements of object's practicality, portability and, easy assembling and disassembling

    Prosedur Permohonan Izin Poligami yang Diatur dalam Enakmen Hukum Keluarga Islam No.6 Tahun 2004 Negeri Perak (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Taiping Perak)

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    Di Malaysia, untuk berpoligami harus mendapatkan izin terlebih dahulu daripada Mahkamah,ini karena dalam Seksyen 23 Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam Negeri Perak No.6 Tahun 2004 telah diatur dengan tegas tentang hal tersebut. Tujuannya adalah bagi memastikan tidak timbulnya masalah yang bakal dihadapi oleh istri dan juga anak-anak dikemudian hari. Namun begitu, untuk menghindari prosedural yang terdapat dalam Enakmen, banyak masyarakat lebih memilih untuk tidak patuh pada ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah faktor-faktor ketidakpatuhan masyarakat terhadap prosedur permohonan izin poligami, bagaimanakah prosedur permohonan izin poligami di Mahkamah Syariah Perak serta tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap prosedur permohonan izin poligami di Mahkamah Syariah Perak. Untuk mendapatkan jawaban tersebut peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif-analitis yaitu observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara dengan pihak tertentu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan antara faktor ketidakpatuhan masyarakat tersebut adalah karena biaya yang lebih rendah, tanggapan bahwa Enakmen bertentangan dengan Hukum Islam, prosedur permohonan izin poligami yang ketat dan permohonan poligami ditolak. Adapun tatacara permohonan izin poligami di Mahkamah Syariah Perak adalah pertamanya harus memohon kepada Mahkamah Syariah kebolehan untuk berpoligami. Setelah menerima permohonan dari pemohon untuk berpoligami, Mahkamah Syariah akan mengatur tanggal (sebutan) dalam 21 hari dari tanggal pendaftaran (perfailan) kasus. Di dalam kasus dimana istri tidak setuju suaminya berpoligami, Mahkamah saat sebutan kasus akan mengarahkan istri yang ada untuk menyediakan Laporan Pembelaan untuk membantah permohonan pemohon dan setelah Laporan Pembelaan lengkap, Mahkamah akan mengatur tanggal di depan Hakim Mahkamah Syariah untuk kasus dibicarakan. Jika Mahkamah menemukan alasan-alasan istri yang sedia ada itu relevan, Mahkamah akan memutuskan tidak mengizinkan pemohon untuk berpoligami. Namun jika menemukan alasan-alasan istri yang sedia ada tidak relevan dan Mahkamah menemukan pemohon mampu untuk berpoligami, maka Mahkamah akan melanjutkan kasus tersebut. Prosedur permohonan izin poligami yang ditetapkan dalam Enakmen juga tidak bertentangan dengan Hukum Islam. Solusi yang dapat dijadikan alternatif adalah seharusnya laki-laki yang ingin berpoligami haruslah mengikuti prosedur Mahkamah

    Legalitas Poligami dalam Enakmen Hukum Keluarga Islam Tahun 2004 Negeri Perak ( Studi Kasus atas Ketidakpatuhan Masyarakat Taiping)

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    Poligami di Malaysia harus mendapatkan izin terlebih dahulu dari Mahkamah,karena dalam Seksyen 23 Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam Negeri Perak telah diatur secara tegas. Tujuannya adalah untuk memastikan tidak timbulnya masalah terhadap istri dan anak dikemudian hari. Namun, untuk menghindari prosedural yang terdapat dalam Enakmen, banyak masyarakat lebih memilih untuk tidak patuh pada ketentuan tersebut.Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa faktor ketidakpatuhan masyarakat terhadap prosedur pendaftaran poligami, bagaimana prosedur pendaftaran poligami di Mahkamah Syariah Perak serta tinjauan Hukum Islam. Untuk mendapatkan jawaban tersebut peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif-analitis yaitu observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara dengan pihak tertentu.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan di antara faktor ketidakpatuhan masyarakat tersebut adalah karena tidak mendapat kebenaran dari istri, tanggapan bahwa Enakmen bertentangan dengan Hukum Islam, prosedur pendaftaran poligami yang ketat dan permohonan poligami ditolak.Adapun prosedur pendaftaran poligami di Mahkamah Syariah Perak adalah membuat permohonan kepada Mahkamah Syariah kebolehan untuk berpoligami. Setelah menerima permohonan dari pemohon, Mahkamah Syariah akanmelakukan isbat dalam jangka waktu 21 hari dari tanggal pendaftaran. Di dalam kasus dimana istri tidak setuju suaminya berpoligami, pendaftaran Mahkamah saat sebutan kasus akan mengarahkan istri yang ada untuk menfailkan Laporan Pembelaan untuk membantah permohonan pemohon dan setelah Laporan Pembelaan lengkap, Pendaftar akan mengatur tanggal di depan Hakim Mahkamah Syariah untuk kasus dibicarakan. Jika Mahkamah menemukan alasan-alasan istri yang sedia ada itu relevan, Mahkamah akan memutuskan tidak mengizinkan pemohon untuk berpoligami. Namun jika menemukan alasan-alasan istri yang sedia ada tidak relevan dan Mahkamah menemukan pemohon mampu untuk berpoligami, maka Mahkamah akan melanjutkan kasus tersebut. Prosedur pendaftaran poligami yang ditetapkan dalam Enakmen juga tidak bertentangan dengan Hukum Islam.Solusi yang dapat dijadikan alternatif adalah seharusnya laki-laki yang ingin berpoligami haruslah mengikuti prosedur Mahkamah

    Re-assessing the Design Needs of Trans-Radial Amputees in Product Design Innovation

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    The previous study on design for disabled people has indicates that product development for trans-radial amputees should integrate designer’s reflection in identifying significant variables such as the real needs of their users, functionality, ergonomic aspect, and aesthetic. Hence, this paper intends to re-assess the design needs of trans-radial amputees through an observation study with 15 trans-radial amputees (right side). The observation aims to understand the difficulties that occurred in the daily activities of amputees, in their home situation without the help of prosthesis. The result of the study suggests the amputees’ main struggle in their daily activities; preparing meals and eating independently. Therefore, a few design criteria have been proposed, and the prototype design was successfully developed as a proposal for potential future development and production. It is hoped the outcome of this research help to surpass the kind of device constrained to help amputees preparing meals and eating independently

    The Assessment of the Clubfoot Children’s Orthotic need for the development of the Foot Abduction Orthosis (FAO) prototype design

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    Foot abduction is an imminent component of treatment within the Ponseti method. It is a treatment procedure where the clubfoot patient adheres to the post-corrective bracing protocol to prevent relapse of the deformity that has turned the foot downward and elevated inwards. In order to encourage the patients’ compliance to the foot abduction orthosis (FAO), various designs have been introduced in the market in the hope of improving the rate of compliance. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the assessment of the clubfoot patients’ FAO need at the orthopaedic clinic of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia in Kelantan, Malaysia. The assessment aims to understand the clubfoot patients’ lower limb movements, in order to generate ideas for the prototype design development to improve the FAO design based on the existing product in the market. The FAO that was referred for further design improvements are the Denis Browne splint and the Markel shoes. In addition, a total of 10 clubfoot patients’ parents were interviewed to obtain user experience data. This study suggests the need to eliminate the foot plates and the bulky protruding shoe and brace locks that are heavy due to the material use. Consequently, a conceptual design of the FAO was successfully developed as a proposal for potential future development of the working prototype to optimise the patients’ dynamic movement. Keywords - Clubfoot,Conceptual design, FAO design, Prototype development

    The Appropriation of Product Design as Solution to Minimise Risk of Exertional Heat Illness among Marathon Runners

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    The intensity of environmental heat stress during a marathon race increases the runner’s metabolic heat production. Based on series of participatory studies and interview sessions with 100 respondents among runners, the contributing factors to this homeostatic imbalance risk are the excessive amount of body-water deficit from extensive sweating, and the rapid increase of cardiovascular and thermal strain while running. In addition, environmental factors such as humidity, the increase of air temperature, wind speed and solar radiation contribute to the marathon runner’s low performance during running with the paucity of cooling strategy that results in the increase of core body temperature with symptoms of exertional heat illness. This paper elucidates the integration of the statistical and theoretical studies of exertional heat illness and the human physiological responses complementing with the product design context. The integration demonstrates the synchronisation of design thinking process within the ergonomics ergosystem framework to develop the appropriate prototype design for marathon runners. As outcome, this research has successfully developed a running suit as its design proposal to minimise exertional heat illness risk and promote the runner’s safety, wellbeing and performance in the heat

    The Sitting Posture and Behaviour for Floor-Sitting Furniture Design In Malaysia

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    The intertwining of the cross-discipline studies forms the influence for novel oeuvre in the study of anthropology, ethnography, sociology, history and literary studies that are often conducted in fragments. With reference to the subject of floor-sitting, and tapered into the Malaysian practice, this phenomenon was investigated within the verge of furniture design that is integrated within the ergonomics signification. This thesis presents the study of floorsitting behaviour within the ergonomics’ science context for the development of floor-sitting furniture designs. This study was conducted by observing floor-sitting behaviours using the video surveillance method, synchronizing the time and event sampling method within the perimeters of the home environment. The floor-sitting furniture prototype was used as the auxiliary tool to manifest the dwellers’ postural dynamics. Data collection was gathered over a 6-month period in order to identify the frequency of various floor-sitting postures, based on the synthesis of the ergonomics science elements signification. These include: physics, psychology, anatomy, physiology, and engineering, which are mellifluously engaged and articulated within the ergonomics’ ergosystems. The prototype of the floor-sitting furniture contemporaneously exhibits the significant context of objects used as perching mechanisms; where through this engagement to floor-sitting posture expressions, the dwellers form another dimension to the extensive sitting comfort definition. This study has successfully produced a detailed illustration of the different floor-sitting postures that are idyllically practiced by Malaysians at home. The majority of houses used in this study were fully furnished. However, it was identified that the majority of Malaysians observed in this study typically preferred sitting on the floor with their bodies perched against objects used for resting. A compilation of floor-sitting data was obtained, and the designed prototype demonstrates the capability of the culturally linked subject’s extension within the explication of the ergonomics, and creative design contexts

    Oblog cardboard furniture : the exploration of cardboard for bench design

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    Using waste cardboard based from recycled paper to design indoor furniture. Proposed the design of cardboard sitting bench. Layers of cardboard were stacked, glued and cut into shape and thickness of a bench. Promote sustainability in product design

    The Challenges and Initiatives of Teaching Product Design ’ s Course Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the schools and universities around the globe, including Malaysia, were compelled to cease their operations and migrate to online teaching and learning environment. Along with this ‘forced approach’ to learning, the educators were faced with several barriers and challenges that need to be addressed. This paper intends to determine the challenges of teaching and learning Product Design courses in Malaysian universities using the online environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also highlights some of the strategies and initiatives adopted and adapted by the lecturers of this course in surmounting those challenges. Using a real-time video interview, data were collected from ten respondents from various faculties of Malaysian higher education institutions offering product design courses. The findings of the study point to a range of difficulties in teaching Product Design courses online, including the need for more delicate interactions to ensure efficiencies in teaching and learning design courses, as well as the evaluation methods to achieve design learning and design outcome

    C.A.V.E shoes and bracing v.1 : the design of clubfoot FAO (Foot Abduction Orthosis) and the improvement of its locking mechanism

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    The current imported FAO is expensive and unaffordable for Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) children. Moreover, the design were aesthetically bulky and practically heavy with inelastic rubber. The treatment of footwear products made from local materials innovations is cost effective compared to the imported orthosis. The local products more lightweight and ergonomics in foot support and easy on