239 research outputs found

    Quartet structure of N=ZN=Z nuclei in a boson formalism: the case of 28^{28}Si

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    The structure of the N=ZN=Z nucleus 28^{28}Si is studied by resorting to an IBM-type formalism with ss and dd bosons representing isospin T=0T=0 and angular momentum J=0J=0 and J=2J=2 quartets, respectively. T=0T=0 quartets are four-body correlated structures formed by two protons and two neutrons. The microscopic nature of the quartet bosons, meant as images of the fermionic quartets, is investigated by making use of a mapping procedure and is supported by the close resemblance between the phenomenological and microscopically derived Hamiltonians. The ground state band and two low-lying side bands, a β\beta and a γ\gamma band, together with all known E2E2 transitions and quadrupole moments associated with these states are well reproduced by the model. An analysis of the potential energy surface places 28^{28}Si, only known case so far, at the critical point of the U(5)-SU(3)‾\overline{\rm SU(3)} transition of the IBM structural diagram.Comment: To appear in Physics Letters

    Alpha-like quartet condensation and isovector pairing correlations in N=Z nuclei

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    We propose a simple quartet condensation model (QCM) which describes with very high accuracy the isovector pairing correlations in self-conjugate nuclei. The quartets have an alpha-like structure and are formed by collective isovector pairs. The accuracy of the QCM is tested for N=Z nuclei for which exact shell model diagonalizations can be performed. The calculations are done with two isovector pairing forces, one extracted from standard shell model interactions and the other of seniority type, acting, respectively, upon spherical and axially-deformed single-particle states. It is shown that for all calculated nuclei the QCM gives very accurate values for the pairing correlations energies, with errors which do not exceed 1%. These results show clearly that the correlations induced by the isovector pairing in self-conjugate nuclei are of quartet type and also indicate that QCM is the proper tool to calculate the isovector proton-neutron correlations in mean field pairing models.Comment: 11 pages, two table

    Quartet correlations in N=Z nuclei induced by realistic two-body interactions

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    Two variational quartet models previously employed in a treatment of pairing forces are extended to the case of a general two-body interaction. One model approximates the nuclear states as a condensate of identical quartets with angular momentum J=0J=0 and isospin T=0T=0 while the other let these quartets to be all different from each other. With these models we investigate the role of alpha-like quartet correlations both in the ground state and in the lowest J=0J=0, T=0T=0 excited states of even-even N=ZN=Z nuclei in the sdsd-shell. We show that the ground state correlations of these nuclei can be described to a good extent in terms of a condensate of alpha-like quartets. This turns out to be especially the case for the nucleus 32^{32}S for which the overlap between this condensate and the shell model wave function is found close to one. In the same nucleus, a similar overlap is found also in the case of the first excited 0+0^+ state. No clear correspondence is observed instead between the second excited states of the quartet models and the shell model eigenstates in all the cases examined.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in EPJ

    Quasiparticle Resonances in the BCS Approach

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    We present a simple method for calculating the energies and the widths of quasiparticle resonant states. The method is based on BCS equations solved in the Berggren representation. In this representation the quasiparticle resonances are associated to the Gamow states of the mean field. The method is illustrated for the case of neutron-rich nuclei 20−22^{20-22}O and 84^{84}Ni. It is shown that the contribution of the continuum coupling to the pairing correlations is small and largely dominated by a few resonant states close to the continuum threshold.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure
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