73 research outputs found

    Mogućnosti korišćenja mikroinkapsulirane hrane za larve šarana (cyprinus carpio)

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    Glavni cilj trenutnih istraživanja u oblasti ishrane larvi vezano je za potencijale novih tehnologija i strategija ishrane. Formulisana je suva hrana sa hidrolizovanim proteinima mora i mikroinkapsuliranim vitaminima (C i E). .U toku 24 dana eksperimenta na larvama šarana, počev od 3 dana posle izleganja, testirano je 5 različitih strategija ishrane sa Artemia nauplii i suvom hranom. Na kraju perioda u kome su larve bile izložene ograničenom prostoru i uslovima stresa usled hladnoće smeštene su u odgovarajući prostor na jedan sat. Pre i posle izlaganja stresu izmereni su nivoi prethodno pomenutih vitamina HPLC metodom. Statistički značajne razlike na nivo preživljavanja pokazale su se posle 15 Dph, kada su mali prirast i preživljavanje utvrđeni u oglednim grupama, osim u kontrolnoj grupi. Za vreme delovanja stresora sadržaj vitamina C opadao je ka niskim vrednostima slično u svim grupama, međutim potrošnja vitamina E je bila manja. Nivo vitamina E bio je viši u grupama koje su duže vreme hranjene suvom hranom obogaćenom inkapsuliranim vitaminima.. U pozadini slabih rezultata prirasta pri korišćenju suve hrane možemo reći da je sposobnost suočavanja sa stresorom bila dobra kod larvi šarana starih 24 dana. Korišćenje formulisanih mikroinkapsuliranih smeša kao početne hrane za larve obećava, ali moraju da se razviju tehnike ishrane i bolja strategija, na primer modifikovanjem učestalosti hranjenja

    Affective temperaments, panic disorder and their bipolar connections

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    Background and Objectives: The role of affective temperament in the genesis and outcome of major mood disorders is well studied, but there are only a few reports on the relationship between panic disorder (PD) and affective temperaments. Accordingly, we aimed to study the distribution of affective temperaments (depressive (DE); cyclothymic (CT); irritable (IRR); hyperthymic (HT) and anxious (ANX)) among outpatients with PD. Materials and Methods: Affective temperaments of 118 PD outpatients (80 females and 38 males) with or without agoraphobia but without any other psychiatric disorder at the time of inclusion were evaluated using the Temperament Evaluation of the Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A) and compared with the affective temperament scores of control subjects. All patients were followed up for at least 1.5 years in order to detect the onset of any major affective disorders, substance use disorders and suicide attempts. Results: Among females, the dominant ANX and DE temperaments were four and three times as common as in a large normative Hungarian sample (for both cases p < 0.01). Among male PD patients, only the dominant DE temperament was slightly overrepresented in a non-significant manner. Females with PD obtained significantly higher scores on ANX, DE and CT subscales of the TEMPS-A, whereas males with PD showed significantly higher scores on ANX, DE and HT temperament subscales compared with the members of a large normative Hungarian sample and also with a gender- and age-matched control group. During the follow-up, newly developed unipolar major depression and bipolar spectrum (bipolar I or II and cyclothymic) disorders appeared in 64% and 22% of subjects, respectively. Conclusions: Our preliminary findings suggest that a specific, ANX-DE-CT affective temperament profile is characteristic primarily for female patients, and an ANX-DE-HT affective temperament profile is characteristic for male patients with PD, respectively. These findings are in line with expectations because PD is an anxiety disorder par excellence on the one hand, whereas, on the other hand, it is quite frequently comorbid with mood (including bipolar) disorders

    Neuroinflammation-Driven Lymphangiogenesis in CNS Diseases

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    The central nervous system (CNS) undergoes immunosurveillance despite the lack of conventional antigen presenting cells and lymphatic vessels in the CNS parenchyma. Additionally, the CNS is bathed in a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF is continuously produced, and consequently must continuously clear to maintain fluid homeostasis despite the lack of conventional lymphatics. During neuroinflammation, there is often an accumulation of fluid, antigens, and immune cells to affected areas of the brain parenchyma. Failure to effectively drain these factors may result in edema, prolonged immune response, and adverse clinical outcome as observed in conditions including traumatic brain injury, ischemic and hypoxic brain injury, CNS infection, multiple sclerosis (MS), and brain cancer. Consequently, there has been renewed interest surrounding the expansion of lymphatic vessels adjacent to the CNS which are now thought to be central in regulating the drainage of fluid, cells, and waste out of the CNS. These lymphatic vessels, found at the cribriform plate, dorsal dural meninges, base of the brain, and around the spinal cord have each been implicated to have important roles in various CNS diseases. In this review, we discuss the contribution of meningeal lymphatics to these processes during both steady-state conditions and neuroinflammation, as well as discuss some of the many still unknown aspects regarding the role of meningeal lymphatics in neuroinflammation. Specifically, we focus on the observed phenomenon of lymphangiogenesis by a subset of meningeal lymphatics near the cribriform plate during neuroinflammation, and discuss their potential roles in immunosurveillance, fluid clearance, and access to the CSF and CNS compartments. We propose that manipulating CNS lymphatics may be a new therapeutic way to treat CNS infections, stroke, and autoimmunity

    Immune cells as messengers from the CNS to the periphery: the role of the meningeal lymphatic system in immune cell migration from the CNS

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    In recent decades there has been a large focus on understanding the mechanisms of peripheral immune cell infiltration into the central nervous system (CNS) in neuroinflammatory diseases. This intense research led to several immunomodulatory therapies to attempt to regulate immune cell infiltration at the blood brain barrier (BBB), the choroid plexus (ChP) epithelium, and the glial barrier. The fate of these infiltrating immune cells depends on both the neuroinflammatory environment and their type-specific interactions with innate cells of the CNS. Although the fate of the majority of tissue infiltrating immune cells is death, a percentage of these cells could become tissue resident immune cells. Additionally, key populations of immune cells can possess the ability to “drain” out of the CNS and act as messengers reporting signals from the CNS toward peripheral lymphatics. Recent data supports that the meningeal lymphatic system is involved not just in fluid homeostatic functions in the CNS but also in facilitating immune cell migration, most notably dendritic cell migration from the CNS to the meningeal borders and to the draining cervical lymph nodes. Similar to the peripheral sites, draining immune cells from the CNS during neuroinflammation have the potential to coordinate immunity in the lymph nodes and thus influence disease. Here in this review, we will evaluate evidence of immune cell drainage from the brain via the meningeal lymphatics and establish the importance of this in animal models and humans. We will discuss how targeting immune cells at sites like the meningeal lymphatics could provide a new mechanism to better provide treatment for a variety of neurological conditions

    Dendritic Cells in Chronic Mycobacterial Granulomas Restrict Local Anti-Bacterial T Cell Response in a Murine Model

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    Background: Mycobacterium-induced granulomas are the interface between bacteria and host immune response. During acute infection dendritic cells (DCs) are critical for mycobacterial dissemination and activation of protective T cells. However, their role during chronic infection in the granuloma is poorly understood. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report that an inflammatory subset of murine DCs are present in granulomas induced by Mycobacteria bovis strain Bacillus Calmette-guerin (BCG), and both their location in granulomas and costimulatory molecule expression changes throughout infection. By flow cytometric analysis, we found that CD11c + cells in chronic granulomas had lower expression of MHCII and co-stimulatory molecules CD40, CD80 and CD86, and higher expression of inhibitory molecules PD-L1 and PD-L2 compared to CD11c + cells from acute granulomas. As a consequence of their phenotype, CD11c + cells from chronic lesions were unable to support the reactivation of newly-recruited, antigen 85Bspecific CD4 + IFNc + T cells or induce an IFNc response from naïve T cells in vivo and ex vivo. The mechanism of this inhibition involves the PD-1:PD-L signaling pathway, as ex vivo blockade of PD-L1 and PD-L2 restored the ability of isolated CD11c + cells from chronic lesions to stimulate a protective IFNc T cell response. Conclusions/Significance: Our data suggest that DCs in chronic lesions may facilitate latent infection by down-regulating protective T cell responses, ultimately acting as a shield that promotes mycobacterium survival. This DC shield may explai

    Current concepts in granulomatous immune responses

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    Persistent irritants that are resistant to innate and cognate immunity induce granulomas. These macrophage-dominated lesions that partially isolate the healthy tissue from the irritant and the irritant induced inflammation. Particles, toxins, autoantigens and infectious agents can induce granulomas. The corresponding lesions can be protective for the host but they can also cause damage and such damage has been associated with the pathology of more than a hundred human diseases. Recently, multiple molecular mechanisms underlying how normal macrophages transform into granuloma-inducing macrophages have been discovered and new information has been gathered, indicating how these lesions are initiated, spread and regulated. In this review, differences between the innate and cognate granuloma pathways are discussed by summarizing how the dendritic cell-T cell axis changes granulomatous immunity. Granuloma lesions are highly dynamic and depend on continuous cell replacement. This feature provides new therapeutic approaches to treat granulomatous diseases