24,738 research outputs found

    Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    At luminosities above ~10^{11} L_sun, infrared galaxies become the dominant population of extragalactic objects in the local Universe (z < 0.5), being more numerous than optically selected starburst and Seyfert galaxies, and QSOs at comparable bolometric luminosity. At the highest luminosities, ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs: L_ir > 10^{12} L_sun), outnumber optically selected QSOs by a factor of ~1.5-2. All of the nearest ULIGs (z < 0.1) appear to be advanced mergers that are powered by both a circumnuclear starburst and AGN, both of which are fueled by an enormous concentration of molecular gas (~10^{10} M_sun) that has been funneled into the merger nucleus. ULIGs may represent a primary stage in the formation of massive black holes and elliptical galaxy cores. The intense circumnuclear starburst that accompanies the ULIG phase may also represent a primary stage in the formation of globular clusters, and the metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium by gas and dust expelled from the nucleus due to the combined forces of supernova explosions and powerful stellar winds.Comment: LaTex, 6 pages with 4 embedded .eps figures. Postscript version plus color plates available at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/users/sanders/astroph/s186/plates.html To appear in "Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift" IAU Symposium 186, Kyoto, Japan, eds. J.E. Barnes and D.B. Sander

    Data base manipulation for assessment of multiresource suitability and land change

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    Progress is reported in three tasks which support the overall objectives of renewable resources inventory task of the AgRISTARS program. In the first task, the geometric correction algorithms of the Master Data Processor were investigated to determine the utility of data corrected by this processor for U.S. Forest Service uses. The second task involved investigation of logic to form blobs as a precursor step to automatic change detection involving two dates of LANDSAT data. Some routine procedures for selecting BLOB (spatial averaging) parameters were developed. In the third task, a major effort was made to develop land suitability modeling approches for timber, grazing, and wildlife habitat in support of resource planning efforts on the San Juan National Forest

    Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Swiss Agri-Environmental Measures on Sector Level

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    Abstract This paper focuses on non-linear programming models and their suitability for ex-ante evaluations of agri-environmental policies on sector level. An approach is presented to compare organic farming payments as a multi-objective policy, with other, more targeted agri-environmental policies in Switzerland. The Swiss version of the comparative static sector-consistent farm group model FARMIS is able to group the sector’s farms into organic and non-organic farms and optimise them separately. CH-FARMIS is expanded with three modules particularly for this study: a) allowing for the simulation of uptake; b) integrating life cycle assessment data for energy use, eutrophication and biodiversity; and c) estimating the policy and farm-group-specific public expenditure, including transaction costs. This paper illustrates the functions of the model, shows preliminary energy use calculations for the German Agricultural Sector and discusses the advantages and limitations of the approach

    Metastability in Markov processes

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    We present a formalism to describe slowly decaying systems in the context of finite Markov chains obeying detailed balance. We show that phase space can be partitioned into approximately decoupled regions, in which one may introduce restricted Markov chains which are close to the original process but do not leave these regions. Within this context, we identify the conditions under which the decaying system can be considered to be in a metastable state. Furthermore, we show that such metastable states can be described in thermodynamic terms and define their free energy. This is accomplished showing that the probability distribution describing the metastable state is indeed proportional to the equilibrium distribution, as is commonly assumed. We test the formalism numerically in the case of the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model, using the Wang--Landau algorithm to show this proportionality explicitly, and confirm that the proportionality constant is as derived in the theory. Finally, we extend the formalism to situations in which a system can have several metastable states.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures; version with one higher quality figure available at http://www.fis.unam.mx/~dsanders

    Engineering adiabaticity at an avoided crossing with optimal control

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    We investigate ways to optimize adiabaticity and diabaticity in the Landau-Zener model with non-uniform sweeps. We show how diabaticity can be engineered with a pulse consisting of a linear sweep augmented by an oscillating term. We show that the oscillation leads to jumps in populations whose value can be accurately modeled using a model of multiple, photon-assisted Landau-Zener transitions, which generalizes work by Wubs et al. [New J. Phys. 7, 218 (2005)]. We extend the study on diabaticity using methods derived from optimal control. We also show how to preserve adiabaticity with optimal pulses at limited time, finding a non-uniform quantum speed limit

    Bayes-X: a Bayesian inference tool for the analysis of X-ray observations of galaxy clusters

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    We present the first public release of our Bayesian inference tool, Bayes-X, for the analysis of X-ray observations of galaxy clusters. We illustrate the use of Bayes-X by analysing a set of four simulated clusters at z=0.2-0.9 as they would be observed by a Chandra-like X-ray observatory. In both the simulations and the analysis pipeline we assume that the dark matter density follows a spherically-symmetric Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW) profile and that the gas pressure is described by a generalised NFW (GNFW) profile. We then perform four sets of analyses. By numerically exploring the joint probability distribution of the cluster parameters given simulated Chandra-like data, we show that the model and analysis technique can robustly return the simulated cluster input quantities, constrain the cluster physical parameters and reveal the degeneracies among the model parameters and cluster physical parameters. We then analyse Chandra data on the nearby cluster, A262, and derive the cluster physical profiles. To illustrate the performance of the Bayesian model selection, we also carried out analyses assuming an Einasto profile for the matter density and calculated the Bayes factor. The results of the model selection analyses for the simulated data favour the NFW model as expected. However, we find that the Einasto profile is preferred in the analysis of A262. The Bayes-X software, which is implemented in Fortran 90, is available at http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/facilities/software/bayesx/.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    First-passage dynamics of obstructed tracer particle diffusion in one-dimensional systems

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    The standard setup for single-file diffusion is diffusing particles in one dimension which cannot overtake each other, where the dynamics of a tracer (tagged) particle is of main interest. In this article we generalise this system and investigate first-passage properties of a tracer particle when flanked by crowder particles which may, besides diffuse, unbind (rebind) from (to) the one-dimensional lattice with rates koffk_{\rm off} (konk_{\rm on}). The tracer particle is restricted to diffuse with rate kDk_D on the lattice. Such a model is relevant for the understanding of gene regulation where regulatory proteins are searching for specific binding sites ona crowded DNA. We quantify the first-passage time distribution, f(t)f(t) (tt is time), numerically using the Gillespie algorithm, and estimate it analytically. In terms of our key parameter, the unbinding rate koffk_{\rm off}, we study the bridging of two known regimes: (i) when unbinding is frequent the particles may effectively pass each other and we recover the standard single particle result f(t)∼t−3/2f(t)\sim t^{-3/2} with a renormalized diffusion constant, (ii) when unbinding is rare we recover well-known single-file diffusion result f(t)∼t−7/4f(t)\sim t^{-7/4}. The intermediate cases display rich dynamics, with the characteristic f(t)f(t)-peak and the long-time power-law slope both being sensitive to koffk_{\rm off}

    Continuous-variable quantum teleportation of entanglement

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    Entangled coherent states can be used to determine the entanglement fidelity for a device that is designed to teleport coherent states. This entanglement fidelity is universal, in that the calculation is independent of the use of entangled coherent states and applies generally to the teleportation of entanglement using coherent states. The average fidelity is shown to be a poor indicator of the capability of teleporting entanglement; i.e., very high average fidelity for the quantum teleportation apparatus can still result in low entanglement fidelity for one mode of the two-mode entangled coherent state.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Implications of the first detection of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) with Liquid Argon

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    The CENNS-10 experiment of the COHERENT collaboration has recently reported the first detection of coherent-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) in liquid Argon with more than 3σ3 \sigma significance. In this work, we exploit the new data in order to probe various interesting parameters which are of key importance to CEvNS within and beyond the Standard Model. A dedicated statistical analysis of these data shows that the current constraints are significantly improved in most cases. We derive a first measurement of the neutron rms charge radius of Argon, and also an improved determination of the weak mixing angle in the low energy regime. We also update the constraints on neutrino non-standard interactions, electromagnetic properties and light mediators with respect to those derived from the first COHERENT-CsI data.Comment: discussion expanded including light mediators and nuclear uncertainties, figures added, references added. V3: Fig. 7 corrected, conclusions unchange

    Aerial applications dispersal systems control requirements study

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    Performance deficiencies in aerial liquid and dry dispersal systems are identified. Five control system concepts are explored: (1) end of field on/off control; (2) manual control of particle size and application rate from the aircraft; (3) manual control of deposit rate on the field; (4) automatic alarm and shut-off control; and (5) fully automatic control. Operational aspects of the concepts and specifications for improved control configurations are discussed in detail. A research plan to provide the technology needed to develop the proposed improvements is presented along with a flight program to verify the benefits achieved
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