6,315 research outputs found

    The association of at-risk, problem, and pathological gambling with substance use, depression, and arrest history

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    We examined at-risk, problem, or pathological gambling co-occurrence with frequency of past-year alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use; depressive symptoms; and arrest history. Data included the responses of over 3,000 individuals who participated in a 2006 telephone survey designed to understand the extent of at-risk, problem, and pathological gambling; comorbidity levels with substance use; mental health; and social problems among Southwestern U.S. residents. Data were analyzed with multinomial and bivariate logistic regression. Respondents at risk for problem gambling were more likely to use alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana than those respondents not at risk. Pathological gamblers were no more or less likely to consume alcohol or tobacco than were non-gamblers or those not at risk. A dose-response relationship existed between degree of gambling problems and depressive symptoms and arrest history. Interventions for at-risk or problem gamblers need to include substance use treatment, and the phenomenon of low levels of substance use among pathological gamblers needs further exploration

    Evaluación del sesgo en las clasificaciones taxonómicas del índice cefálico

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    El índice cefálico (ic) ha sido ampliamente utilizado para establecer categorías taxonómicas humanas. Aunque su significado biológico ha sido discutido, pocos trabajos han analizado la relación numérica del índice y sus clasificaciones. Aquí se aborda uno de los sesgos introducidos por la transformación en categorías de clase (braquicefalia, mesocefalia y dolicocefalia) de la distribución continua del ic, se analiza el efecto que tiene en la varianza poblacional y en la densidad de los datos. Por medio de la Howells World Data Set recurrimos al coeficiente de determinación como estimador de la cantidad de información que se conserva posterior a la trans- formación categórica del ic. Nuestros resultados indican que las clasificaciones del ic son un reducto de la variabilidad biológica craneal de las poblaciones humanas. La adopción de modelos no lineales hiperdimensionales y multivariados representa un mejor acercamiento a la covariación de las formas biológicas.The cephalic index (ic) has been widely used as one of the higher profile tools to establish human taxonomy categories. Although it has been discussed the biological sense of the cephalic index, few studies analyzed the mathematics relations of the ratio and their classifications. In this paper, we address one of the biases introduced by the transformation into class categories (brachycephaly, mesocephaly and dolichocephaly) of the continuous distribution of IC, analyzing the effect in the population variance and the density of the data. Thus, we used Howells World Data Set for determination coefficient as an estimate of amount of information retained after processing IC categories. Our results indicate that the ratings of the IC are a haven of cranial biological variability of human populations. The adoption of hyperdimensional non-linear and multivariate models represents a better approach to the covariance of biological forms.Fil: Gomez Valdes, Jorge A.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Quinto Sanchez, Mirsha Emmanuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    A compact high-resolution spectrometer based on a segmented conical crystal analyzer

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    In this work, the design, fabrication, and evaluation of a compact, one-shot spectrometer based on a segmented conically bent crystal analyzer are described. The system is a “one-shot” wavelength dispersive spectrometer, which has a crystal analyzer with an innovative geometry. It reaches an energy resolution of around 8 eV for Mn Kα1 line, which is at least an order of magnitude better than the commonly used energy dispersive spectrometers for fluorescence, and is comparable to current wavelength dispersive spectrometers. The prototype spectrometer fabricated in this work avoids angle scans that most wavelength dispersive spectrometers require, has the advantage of a sample–detector distance of only 146 mm, and allows for the simultaneous measurement of approximately a 2 keV window. This system is suitable to be used at synchrotron radiation facilities and free electron lasers, and it can even be adapted to an x-ray tube in any conventional x-ray laboratory.Fil: Robledo, José Ignacio. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia de Área de Investigaciones y Aplicaciones No Nucleares. Gerencia de Física (CAB); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Pérez, Carlos A.. Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials; BrasilFil: Sanchez, Hector Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentin

    Antilisterial and physical properties of biopolymer films containing lactic acid bacteria

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    Novel biopolymer films were developed and used to control Listeria innocua in an artificially contaminated synthetized medium. Two hydrocolloids, sodium caseinate (NaCas) and methylcellulose (MC), and two bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus reuteri, were tested. Bioactive cultures were added directly to the film forming solution and films were obtained by casting. In order to study the impact of the incorporation of bacterial cells into the biopolymer matrix, the water vapour permeability, optical and mechanical properties of the dry films were evaluated. Furthermore, the survival of LAB and the antimicrobial potential of bioactive films against L. innocua were studied. Results showed that the use of lactic acid bacteria altered the film s physical properties. Films enriched with bacterial cells exhibit higher gloss and transparency whereas no significant modifications were observed in terms of tensile properties. These films were less-effective water vapour barriers, since a significant increase can be observed in the WVP values. As far as food safety is concerned, these films are an interesting, novel approach. In refrigeration conditions, these films permit a complete inhibition of L. innocua for a week. Viability of LAB was higher in sodium caseinate films, although bacteriocin production was greater in polysaccharide matrix. The best results were obtained for films made of methylcellulose, without differences between the two lactic acid bacteria tested.The authors acknowledge the financial support from Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia throughout the project AGL201020694. Author L. Sgnchez-Gonzalez thanks the support of Campus de Excelencia Internacional from Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.Sanchez-Gonzalez, L.; Quintero Saavedra, JI.; Chiralt, A. (2014). Antilisterial and physical properties of biopolymer films containing lactic acid bacteria. Food Control. 35(1):200-206. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.07.001S20020635

    Valency and Binding Affinity Variations Can Regulate the Multilayered Organization of Protein Condensates with Many Components.

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    Biomolecular condensates, which assemble via the process of liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), are multicomponent compartments found ubiquitously inside cells. Experiments and simulations have shown that biomolecular condensates with many components can exhibit multilayered organizations. Using a minimal coarse-grained model for interacting multivalent proteins, we investigate the thermodynamic parameters governing the formation of multilayered condensates through changes in protein valency and binding affinity. We focus on multicomponent condensates formed by scaffold proteins (high-valency proteins that can phase separate on their own via homotypic interactions) and clients (proteins recruited to condensates via heterotypic scaffold-client interactions). We demonstrate that higher valency species are sequestered to the center of the multicomponent condensates, while lower valency proteins cluster towards the condensate interface. Such multilayered condensate architecture maximizes the density of LLPS-stabilizing molecular interactions, while simultaneously reducing the surface tension of the condensates. In addition, multilayered condensates exhibit rapid exchanges of low valency proteins in and out, while keeping higher valency proteins-the key biomolecules involved in condensate nucleation-mostly within. We also demonstrate how modulating the binding affinities among the different proteins in a multicomponent condensate can significantly transform its multilayered structure, and even trigger fission of a condensate into multiple droplets with different compositions.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) scholarship to Ignacio Sanchez-Burgo

    Corrosion fatigue initiation in stainless steels : The scanning reference electrode technique.

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    The early stages of damage by corrosion fatigue in austenitic and duplex stainless steel were studied using a novel scanning reference electrode technique (SRET). Emphasis was made on the role played by corrosion pits, which can act as stress concentrators and promote fatigue crack nucleation. SRET measurements conducted during the potentiostatic generation of pits on the austenitic stainless steels in artificial seawater showed that the pit current density increases with the time of application of anodic polarisation. The data of the volume of metal dissolved calculated from pit current density obtained by SRET agreed well with the measurements of pit profiles. The austenitic and duplex stainless steels showed high resistance to pitting corrosion in artificial seawater at free corrosion potential. The use of a 0.05 M FeCl3 solution as the electrolyte promoted severe localised attack in 304 and 316L stainless steel specimens. SRET tests carried out simultaneously with the application of cyclic stress to the specimens permitted the evolution of the electrochemical activity of corrosion pits to be followed. Transformation from pitting to fatigue cracking was observed. In this work it is proposed that a decrease of the pit electrochemical activity in terms of pit current density, is related to the nucleation of the corrosion fatigue crack. From SRET measurements a critical pit depth was calculated for the nucleation of the fatigue crack. A threshold stress intensity factor range was then calculated, which was found to be similar to the values reported in the literature.It is suggested at the end of this thesis that parallel studies and measurements of the pit-to-crack transition can be conducted in order to corroborate the reliability of SRET measurements to assess semi-quantitatively the threshold conditions for the transition. The scanning reference electrode technique showed advantages over other electrochemical methods used to assess the damage induced by localised corrosion in that it provides in-situ, spatially resolved, real-time electrochemical activity measurements

    Short-term amiodarone therapy after reversion of persistent atrial fibrillation reduces recurrences at 18 months

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of 3 months vs. 18 months of amiodarone treatment after atrial fibrillation (AF) conversion in patients who experienced the first episode of persistent AF. Methods: We included 51 patients who experienced the first episode of persistent AF receiving amiodarone (600 mg) daily for 4–6 weeks. If AF persisted, electrical cardioversion (ECV) was performed. All patients received amiodarone (200 mg daily) for 3 months and then were randomized to amiodarone (Group I) or placebo (Group II) and followed for 15 months. The control group comprised 9 untreated patients undergoing ECV. Treatment effectiveness was evaluated using a Bayesian model. Results: Eighteen months after AF reversion, 22 (81.5%) patients in Group I, 13 (54.2%) patients in Group II, and 1 (11.1%) patient in the control group remained in sinus rhythm. No differences were found between Group I patients who required ECV and Group II patients. Sinus rhythm was preserved in all Group I patients when it was achieved during amiodarone administration. Limiting adverse effects occurred in 3 (11.1%) patients in Group I. Conclusions: In patients regaining sinus rhythm after the first episode of persistent AF, a 3-month amiodarone treatment after reversion is a reasonable option for rhythm control.

    Privacy Distillation: Reducing Re-identification Risk of Multimodal Diffusion Models

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    Knowledge distillation in neural networks refers to compressing a large model or dataset into a smaller version of itself. We introduce Privacy Distillation, a framework that allows a text-to-image generative model to teach another model without exposing it to identifiable data. Here, we are interested in the privacy issue faced by a data provider who wishes to share their data via a multimodal generative model. A question that immediately arises is ``How can a data provider ensure that the generative model is not leaking identifiable information about a patient?''. Our solution consists of (1) training a first diffusion model on real data (2) generating a synthetic dataset using this model and filtering it to exclude images with a re-identifiability risk (3) training a second diffusion model on the filtered synthetic data only. We showcase that datasets sampled from models trained with privacy distillation can effectively reduce re-identification risk whilst maintaining downstream performance

    Privacy Distillation:Reducing Re-identification Risk of Multimodal Diffusion Models

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    Knowledge distillation in neural networks refers to compressing a large model or dataset into a smaller version of itself. We introduce Privacy Distillation, a framework that allows a text-to-image generative model to teach another model without exposing it to identifiable data. Here, we are interested in the privacy issue faced by a data provider who wishes to share their data via a multimodal generative model. A question that immediately arises is ``How can a data provider ensure that the generative model is not leaking identifiable information about a patient?''. Our solution consists of (1) training a first diffusion model on real data (2) generating a synthetic dataset using this model and filtering it to exclude images with a re-identifiability risk (3) training a second diffusion model on the filtered synthetic data only. We showcase that datasets sampled from models trained with privacy distillation can effectively reduce re-identification risk whilst maintaining downstream performance