4,437 research outputs found

    Study of stellar populations in the bulges of barred galaxies

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    We have obtained long-slit spectroscopy for a sample of 20 early-type barred galaxies to study the influence of bars in the building of galaxy bulges. Line strength indices were measured and used to derive age and metallicity gradients in the bulge region by comparing with stellar population models. The same analysis was also carried out with similar data of unbarred galaxies taken from the literature. The bulges of barred galaxies seem to be more metal rich, at a given velocity dispersion (sigma), than the bulges of unbarred galaxies, as measured by some metallicity sensitive indices. There are indications that the ratio of relative abundance of alpha-elements with respect to iron, [E/Fe], derived for the bulges of barred galaxies tend to lie above the values of the unbarred galaxies at a given sigma. The metallicity gradients for the majority of the bulges are negative, less metal rich towards the end of the bulge. The gradient values show a large scatter for galaxies with sigma below 150 km/s. The age distribution is related to the presence of bulge substructure such as a nuclear ring or an inner disk. The metallicity of both the bulge and the bar are very well correlated indicating a close link between the enrichment histories of both components. Bulges of barred early type galaxies might have suffered a different chemical enrichment compared to the bulges of unbarred galaxies of the same morphological type, same central velocity dispersion and low inclination angles. The hinted stellar populations differences separating the bulges of barred and unbarred galaxies and the strong link existing between the metallicity of the bulge and the presence of a bar points to scenarios were they both form simultaneously in processes leading to rapid and massive episodes of star formation, possibly linked to the bar formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Root of the Recycled: A Comparative Analysis of Shakespeare\u27s Hamlet and the Mythological Ur-Hamlet

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    The purpose of my thesis was to explore the problem surrounding the sources believed to constitute the Ur-Hamlet from which Shakespeare derived Hamlet. By utilization of close reading, analysis, and archetypical criticism, my thesis confirms Shakespeare’s usage of the “Hero as Fool” archetype present in the Danish legend of Amleth, translated by Saxo Grammaticus and Francois Belleforest, as the Ur-Hamlet. My study is significant because it further develops the notion that the earlier legend served as the originary source for Hamlet, while providing evidence that rejects the validity of other sources of the Ur-Hamlet. The evidence was corroborated by presenting analytical comparisons of the framework both works share. Focusing on the archetypal origins of Shakespeare’s plot, characters and their actions revealed a more complex understanding of the play. These findings indicate and substantiate the claim that the Ur-Hamlet can be no other source but the Danish legend of Amleth

    Contingent maternal attention as determinant of infant\u27s protest responses in dark and light contexts

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    When infants confront darkness, a context many consider to be aversive and to elicit fear responses, their protests are often taken to denote fear of the dark. A functional analysis using the operant-learning paradigm was conducted of the role of contingent versus noncontingent maternal attention on protests when confronting darkness, in each of 10 human infants. In the laboratory, each mother served as interactor, her behaviors prompted by the experimenter. Identified were the controlling antecedents and consequences that shape and maintain infants\u27 protests in darkness, and under an illuminated control condition. For every one of the 10 single-within subject designs, both in darkness and in the illuminated control context, the findings were that fear-denoting infant protests increased systematically under contingent maternal attention, and decreased systematically or did not change under attention contingent on alternative-to-protest responses. These findings broaden an understanding of the role maternal attention can play in infant learning and, particularly, in shaping fear-denoting protests in their infants confronting darkness (as well as illuminated settings) and, by implication, behaviors denoting others fears as well

    Care commons: Infrastructural (re)compositions for life sustenance through yet against regimes of chronic crisis

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    Infrastructures constitute key sites in the contemporary crisis regime. Emerging infrastructural configurations, particularly in the urban setting, are raising questions about the possibilities and challenges that these transformations may bring regarding more just and sustainable modes of social provision. Attention is being drawn to the grassroots, where experiments with novel forms of organisation are bringing about new collective contexts and political conceptions. In this context, infrastructure has been proposed as a concept to both examine contemporary crises and devise ways to cope with breakdown that can gesture towards living alternatives at the service of life. In this article, I engage this debate through an ethnographic study of two grassroots initiatives in Athens (Greece) intervening in the realm of life sustenance. I will show that these people-driven initiatives (re)compose networked infrastructures in ways that advance organisational modes of social provision different to institutions, and forms of political engagement and possibility. They do so by infrastructuring care through commoning. I will argue that infrastructural systems of care commons contribute to an infrastructural imagination that moves away from modern ideals towards values of relationality, conductivity, care and repair, which may nurture a transformative politics for a world in crisis, yet against crisis regimes

    A curricular approach to develop autonomies from the mathematics and scientific education

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    The purpose of this work is to highlight how the current Spanish education system supports the development of both scientific and mathematic competences. We understand these competences as the set of skills and capabilities needed to use mathematics or science when the situation requires. For that purpose, we have carried out a curricular didactic analysis of the current regulations in Andalusia. This analysis intends to reveal how the new educational systems emphasize the development of the formative character of teaching-learning processes, which has been overshadowed by the functional and the instrumental characters in Science and Mathematics Education. The findings of the research show that the objectives set out in the law are aimed at developing in students a number of attributes such as personal autonomy, creativity, tolerance, empathy, critical spirit, etc. From our point of view, all of these attributes contribute to developing the students' formative character. Besides, the analysis shows that course contents are not presented as an end in itself, but as a means for students to acquire these attributes and be whole human beings. Finally, it can be inferred from the analysis that both the methodological guidance and the evaluation criteria highlight the need to educate citizens to be capable of adapting to the environment and positively transforming it. Ultimately, promoting teaching-learning processes where scientific and mathematic competences are developed, educating students to be intellectually, socially and morally autonomous.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.“Criterios e instrumentos de evaluación de unidades de enseñanza y aprendizaje” (PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/16) financiado por la Universidad de Málaga en la convocatoria de 2017-2018

    Innovación en la política turística española: análisis desde una perspectiva histórica

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    Comunicación presentada en el XVIII Congreso AECIT, Benidorm, 26-28 Noviembre 2014.El Estado es un agente favorecedor clave de la innovación que tiene lugar en el sistema turístico, tanto en el ejercicio de su función de diseñar e implantar política pública, como a partir del estímulo deliberado a la innovación. En esta investigación el análisis se centra en la innovación generada dentro de la política turística española que afecta a sus propias estructuras e instrumentos y se hace desde perspectiva histórica. El objetivo de este estudio es aplicar el concepto de la innovación, sobre el que se ha reflexionado fundamentalmente en un ámbito de mercado, al ámbito del diseño e implantación de políticas públicas que se rige por unos objetivos y reglas de funcionamiento distintas a la lógica del mercado. A partir de la observación rigurosa y sistemática de los instrumentos de la política turística del gobierno central se ha tratado de discriminar qué novedades reúnen las características necesarias para ser consideradas innovación por cuanto intensidad de cambio inducido, efectiva ejecución, impacto generado y ruptura respecto a lo previamente existente, requisitos considerados condición ineludible para su identificación como tal. El análisis demuestra que gobierno central en su ejercicio de diseño de políticas ha dado muestras de abundante creatividad y de un esfuerzo notable por introducir soluciones nuevas y cambios para dar respuesta a nuevos y antiguos problemas aunque no todos los intentos han desembocado en innovación. Se confirma, por tanto, que la innovación como resultado no es un fenómeno fácil ni frecuente. Ésta se ha identificado fundamentalmente en los instrumentos organizativos y programáticos de dicha política turística. Asimismo, los cambios institucionales radicales o las situaciones de crisis del sector han forzado a la búsqueda de estrategias más innovadoras y han constituido entornos más fértiles para la innovación.The estate is a key agent that influences innovation in the tourism system via its actions of public policy design and implementation and also its direct intervention to stimulate innovation. The analysis focuses on innovation in tourism policy that affects its own structures and instruments from a historical perspective in Spain. The aim of this study is to apply the concept of innovation, mainly thought from a market perspective, to the domain of public policies design and implementation which obeys rules and objectives different than the market. From a systematic and rigorous observation of central government tourism policy instruments an attempt to distinguish innovation has been made based on criteria such as intensity of induced change, effective implementation, impact and disruption from previous existent knowledge and action. The analysis shows that central government in its exercise of policy design has demonstrated a great deal of creativity and has made efforts to introduce new solutions and induce change to solve new and old problems. However, not all creative efforts have become innovation. It is thus confirmed that innovation is not frequent or an easy phenomenon. It has mainly been identified in the management and programmatic tourism policy instruments. Also radical institutional changes and crisis situations have stimulated the search for more innovative strategies and have constituted more fertile environments to innovation.La investigadora Isabel Rodríguez desarrolla su tesis doctoral en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Metodología, criterios y aplicaciones para la configuración de clusters en áreas turísticas consolidadas: innovación, complementariedad y competitividad territorial” (CSO2011-26396), financiado por el Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad