6,432 research outputs found

    Predicting soil water and mineral nitrogen contents with the STICS model for estimating nitrate leaching under agricultural fields

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    The performance of the STICS soil-crop model for the dynamic prediction of soil water content (SWC) and soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) in the root zone (120 cm) of seven agricultural fields was evaluated using field measurements in a coarse-grained alluvial aquifer of the Garonne River floodplain (southwestern France) from 2005 to 2007. The STICS model was used to simulate drainage and nitrate concentration in drainage water in all the agricultural fields of the study area, in order to quantify and assess the temporal and spatial variability of nitrate leaching into groundwater. Simulations of SWC and SMN in the seven monitored fields were found to be satisfactory as indicated by root mean square error (RMSE) and model efficiency being 6.8 and 0.84% for SWC and 22.8 and 0.92% for SMN, respectively. On average, SWC was slightly overestimated by a mean difference of 10 mm (3%) and there was almost no bias in SMN estimations (<0.5%). These satisfactory results demonstrate the potential for using the STICS model to accurately simulate nitrate leaching. Across the study area, simulated drainage and nitrate concentration were extremely variable from one field to another. For some fields, simulated mean annual nitrate concentration in drainage water exceeded 300 mg NO3 − L−1 and predicted nitrate leaching was close to 100 kg N ha−1, while other fields had very low nitrate losses. About 15% of the farmers’ fields were responsible for 60–70% of nitrate leaching. The SMN in late autumn, before winter drainage, was found the main determining factor explaining this variability. This situation may be attributed to unsatisfactory cumulative nitrogen management over the medium term. Ineffective nitrogen management was found to be more detrimental than a single annual incident of overfertilization, particularly in situations of deep soils and in cases of low or highly variable drainage between years

    Serious Games? Four ideas that should be considered when it comes to introducing games into the classroom

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    International audienc

    When games meet learning

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    International audienceIn a context characterized by a growing gap between youth digital culture and school culture some have claimed that games could "have the potential to change the landscape of education" (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2005). This paper examines the arguments and objections to using games for educational purposes. Firstly, we state that making a connection between gaming and learning is not an innovative idea, as early researchers demonstrated the potential of games in child development. Secondly, we establish arguments to consider serious games as learning environments, (or didactical situations) prior to artifacts, Thirdly, in view of the fact that the content of games can be considered as metaphors of real situations, we stipulate that teachers may address the question of the relevance of this content. Fourthly, we discuss the main arguments usually emphasized by researchers to consider that games have the power to motivate students, Fifthly, we state that games can be considered as a space of reflexivity where the learner/player is autonomous and develops skills. However, we emphasize the crucial role of the teacher in a Game-Based Learning approach

    Quand les murs de la classe disparaissent...: Clim@ction, un jeu multijoueurs en ligne pour comprendre les enjeux d'implantation des énergies renouvelables

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    National audienceCet article porte sur l'analyse des interactions dans le cadre de Clim@ction, un jeu multijoueurs en ligne que nous avons conçu pour des élèves du secondaire (15-16 ans). Il s'attache à montrer que, dans le cadre d'un jeu de rôle constituant une situation authentique et signifiante, les joueurs/apprenants ont pu s'affranchir en partie des distances physiques et sociales pour collaborer afin de proposer des solutions à un problème environnemental. Dans le cadre du jeu Clim@ction, comme pour la situation de référence, deux intercommunalités ont décidé de mettre en place un Plan Climat Energie Territorial (PCET) afin de lutter contre les changements climatiques. Les joueurs/apprenants doivent réaliser les différentes étapes de ce PCET (du bilan énergie à la proposition d'une solution viable). Ainsi chaque élève s'investit en jouant un rôle : élu ou chargé de mission du territoire, responsable d'entreprise spécialisée dans un type d'énergie renouvelable, simple citoyen ou chargé de mission. Il peut demander de l'aide à l'autre intercommunalité ou à de véritables experts qui participent également au jeu. A la fin du processus, c'est le meilleur projet qui est choisi et récompensé

    Simulating the long term impact of nitrate mitigation scenarios in apilot study basin

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    The agro-hydrological model TNT2 was used to explore for a period of 14 years (1987–2001) the likelyconsequences of mitigation scenarios on nitrate contamination of the stream water in a small agriculturalcatchment. The Best Management Practices (BMPs) historically designed and implemented in 1992 andtwo devised agricultural scenarios (catch crop (CC) implementation and a global reduction of N fertilizer)are evaluated in term of nitrate contamination in the environment. Two of the BMPs consist in imple-menting natural strips of Poplar and rye-grass strips (5 meters large) along stream and ditches and thethird is a delay in the burial of wheat straws (from August to October). Simulations indicated that naturalstrips implementation would lead to a slight decrease of Nitrate Fluxes (NF) in river by respectively 3.3%and 6.6% for rye-grass and poplar strips: a benefit associated to the non fertilization of strips area. Denitri-fication has not been particularly disrupted in such areas. The delay in the burial of wheat straw in autumndecreases annual mineralization rate and annual plant uptake (by respectively 9 and 13 kg N ha−1y−1)but increases denitrification fluxes by 6 kg N ha−1y−1. This would lead to a slight decrease by 6% of NFin stream (equivalent to 3.3 mg NO3−l−1) and an average decrease of the following sunflower yield by27%. The global reduction of fertilization by 10% would decreased NF in stream by 13.8% (equivalent to8 mg NO3−l−1), with a global decrease by 8 kg N ha−1y−1of plant uptake. The cumulative effect of BMPsand CC would have together lead to a decrease of nitrate concentration from 57.5 to 46.6 mg NO3−l−1reaching the UE environmental quality objectives (below 50 mg NO3−l−1). Spring crops yield followingCC would have been penalized and the decrease of NF is balanced by an increase of denitrification fluxesin the environment contributing to release of N2O, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere


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    11 pagesNational audiencePairform@nce est un programme national de diffusion de parcours de formation continue pour accompagner les enseignants dans l'intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans leur enseignement. La contribution de l'INRP au programme porte sur la conception de plusieurs parcours de formation et sur l'identification des éléments à prendre en compte pour permettre la mutualisation et l'appropriation des ressources produites. Les premiers résultats obtenus permettent de considérer que la conception des parcours s'appuie sur l'émergence conjointe de viviers de ressources conçues dans l'usage et de communautés de pratique qui rassemblent, en particulier, les concepteurs initiaux des ressources et les formateurs qui se les approprient. Nous avons identifié dans le dispositif des éléments qui pourraient faciliter les processus de conception dans l'usage et l'émergence de ces communautés de pratique, tels que les principes Pairform@nce, le calendrier, l'assistant de formation et les formations de formateurs regroupant formateurs et concepteurs