2,656 research outputs found

    O papel do designer gráfico na crescente standardização da indústria gráfica

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    Neste artigo abordamos os fatores que levaram à renovação do oficio do designer gráfico, essencialmente no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento tecnológico das ferramentas que este profissional tem ao seu dispor. Todo o sector da indústria gráfica – pré-impressão, impressão e pós-impressão – sofreu grandes transformações principalmente ao nível tecnológico, organizacional e metodológico que levam a que o designer gráfico tenha de se adaptar e desenvolver novas valências que antes estavam entregues exclusivamente aos produtores gráficos. Estas evoluções tecnológicas levaram a que o sector das artes gráficas se transformasse progressivamente numa indústria gráfica, não havendo espaço à experimentação, ao artesanal ou às metodologias tentativa/erro anteriormente praticadas. Esta indústria acaba assim por se regular através de normas internacionais que ditam quais os parâmetros de qualidade a observar e de que forma estes podem ser alcançados. Neste artigo serão assinaladas as novas relações entre os diferentes atores do sector e qual o "novo" papel do designer gráfico numa indústria cada vez mais standardizadaABSTRACT: This article deals with the issues that led to the renewal graphic designer skills, mainly with regard to the technological development of the tools that this professional has at its disposal. All the graphic arts industry – pre-press, press and post-press – has changed considerably mainly technological, organizational and methodological level that lead graphic designer to adapt and develop new areas that were delivered only to graphic producers. These technological developments have led to the graphic arts sector gradually turn into a printing industry, with no space for experimentation, to craft or use attempt / error methodologies previously performed. This industry is now regulated through international standards that order what quality parameters should be observed and how these can be achieved. This article inform the new relationships between the different players of the sector and what the "new" graphic designer role in an increasingly standardized industry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Infiltrated plaques on the face and back

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    Late onset pityriasis rubra pilaris type IV treated with low-dose acitretin

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    Pityriasis rubra pilaris is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis of unknown etiology and great clinical variability. It has been divided into six categories. Types III, IV, and V occur in childhood and are distinguished by their clinical presentation, age of onset, and course. We report a 19-year-old male patient with a 2-week history of pruritic, scaling dermatosis of the hands, feet, elbows, and knees. He had no family history of skin disease. On physical examination, we observed circumscribed, reddish-orange, scaling plaques affecting the elbows and knees and a waxy palmoplantar keratoderma. The skin biopsy showed acanthosis, alternating orthokeratosis, parakeratosis, and follicular plugging suggestive of pityriasis rubra pilaris. The patient started treatment with oral acitretin, 25 mg every other day. The treatment was tolerated well, and after 6 months the lesions had resolved completely. Pityriasis rubra pilaris is a chronic papulosquamous disorder of unknown pathogenesis, characterized by reddish-orange scaly plaques, palmoplantar keratoderma, and keratotic follicular papules. There is still no consensus regarding the treatment, but therapeutic options include systemic retinoids, particularly acitretin in the recommended dose of 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg/day. In our case, the patient was treated with a low-dose regimen of acitretin, which was effective and well tolerated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Persistent varicella as the initial manifestation of systemic lymphoma

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    Varicella is a common benign childhood disease that often presents in adolescents and adults in a more severe form. We report a previously healthy 50-year-old man who developed multiple necrotic cutaneous ulcers associated with fever, asthenia and anorexia. Physical examination revealed few tense hemorrhagic vesicles on the trunk and necrotic cutaneous ulcers scattered over the entire cutaneous surface. After the diagnosis of varicella with varicella pneumonia was established, treatment with acyclovir was instituted. His poor response to treatment was indicative of immune compromise; an underlying peripheral T-cell lymphoma was discovered

    Case for diagnosis

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    Abstract We report a clinical case of a rare variant of pemphigus - pemphigus herpetiformis - which combines the clinical features of dermatitis herpetiformis with the immunological findings of pemphigus. Due to its atypical presentation, it is frequently misdiagnosed as dermatitis herpetiformis. It is basically characterized by the herpetiform pattern of skin lesions, severe pruritus and by the presence of eosinophilic spongiosis confirmed on histopathology. We call attention to the excellent response to dapsone
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