117 research outputs found

    Majalah Ahkam Johor: kod undang–undang sivil Islam Kerajaan Negeri Johor 1331 H/1913 M

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    Majalah Ahkam Johor adalah kod Undang-undang Sivil Islam Kerajaan Johor yang dilaksanakan di bawah pemerintahan Sultan Abu Bakar sejak tahun 1893 dalam bahasa Arab. Kod ini diambil daripada Majallah al–Ahkam al–‘Adliyyah yang digunakan oleh Kerajaan Othmaniyyah Turki pada tahun 1869. Kemudian semasa pemerintahan Sultan Ibrahim, kod tersebut telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Melayu dengan diberi nama Majalah Ahkam Johor yang mengandungi 16 Kitab dan 1,851 madah. Kebenaran pelaksanaannya adalah di bawah peruntukan Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Johor fasal 49 dan 57. Sultan mengarahkan supaya Undang-undang ini digunakan oleh semua pegawai, majistret dan hakim di seluruh negeri Johor. Arahan tersebut telah dikeluarkan oleh Pejabat Mufti Kerajaan Johor bertarikh 29 Zulhijjah 1331 bersamaan 29 November 1913 setelah mendapat perkenan Sultan melalui surat Dato´ Pemangku Setiausaha Kerajaan Johor bil. 998/13. Majalah Ahkam Johor suatu khazanah agung yang bernilai terutama berkenaan Undang-undang Sivil Islam yang pernah dilaksanakan di negeri Johor sebelum kedatangan Inggeris pada tahun 1914. Pelaksanaannya mendapat tentangan hebat daripada Inggeris dalam proses mereka membantutkan pelaksanaan undang–undang Islam di Tanah Melayu. Penggunaannya telah dimansuhkan dengan pelaksanaan Akta Undang-undang Sivil 1956. Kewujudan khazanah ini cuba dilupakan oleh Inggeris dengan “kehilangan” teks asal kod undang–undang ini. Sehingga kini hanya ditemui salinan dua versi teks undang–undang dan setiap satunya tersimpan di Arkib Negeri Johor dan di Perpustakaan Undang–undang, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

    Rate of Penetration Prediction Utilizing Hydromechanical Specific Energy

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    The prediction and the optimization of the rate of penetration (ROP), an important measure of drilling performance, have increasingly generated great interest. Several empirical techniques have been explored in the literature for the prediction and the optimization of ROP. In this study, four commonly used artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are explored for the prediction of ROP based on the hydromechanical specific energy (HMSE) ROP model parameters. The AIs explored are the artificial neural network (ANN), extreme learning machine (ELM), support vector regression (SVR), and least-square support vector regression (LS-SVR). All the algorithms provided results with accuracy within acceptable range. The utilization of HMSE in selecting drilling variables for the prediction models provided an improved and consistent methodology of predicting ROP with drilling efficiency optimization objectives. This is valuable from an operational point of view, because it provides a reference point for measuring drilling efficiency and performance of the drilling process in terms of energy input and corresponding output in terms of ROP. The real-time drilling data utilized are must-haves, easily acquired, accessible, and controllable during drilling operations

    Dynamic testing for compatibility assessment of non-metal automotive components with biodiesel fuel: a concept study

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    Over the years, concern on the compatibility issue of the blended biodiesel fuel with non-metal material components in diesel engine vehicles had received many attentions. Assessing the compatibility of non-metal material components like elastomer and plastics usually rely on the measurement of mechanical and physical properties such as tensile strength, elongation, hardness, surface morphology, weight and volume changes. These properties are typically measured after the static immersion test is done accordingly to the ASTM D471. However, data and results given from the static immersion test is only applicable when the samples are in a static condition and not in a dynamic situation. Thus, this paper attempts to review some common issues related to the biodiesel fuel and non-metal components and introducing the dynamic testing approach that can be applied when assessing the compatibility study of biodiesel fuel with some potential problems that might be encountered

    The novel approach for the improvement of fluid loss control in water-based mud using nanosilica as filler for pectin

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    Fluid loss is the leakage of the liquid phase of drilling fluid, slurry or treatment fluid containing solid particles into the formation matrix. The resulting buildup of solid material or filter cake may be undesirable, as may the penetration of filtrate through the formation. Nanosilica and pectin are potential fluid loss additives used in water-based mud to reduce fluid loss and invasion of solid particles into the formation. The objective of this research work was to introduce nanosilica and pectin as fluid loss control agents in basic water-based mud at ambient condition and 250°F. The experimental results were then compared with commercial fluid loss control agent (i.e., HydroPac R) in basic water-based mud (WBM). The laboratory experiments were conducted using different concentrations ranging from 0.50 – 1.50 lb/bbl (wt. %) of nanosilica, pectin, and HydroPac R. The laboratory works were conducted as per the API Recommended Practice 13 B-1 (2009). The experimental results revealed that pectin gave a comparable fluid loss control performance as compared to HydroPac R (i.e., pectin was able to yield 7 cc of filtrate volume compared with HydroPac R which yield 6.6 cc of filtrate volume at the end of 30 minutes under low pressure of 100 psi and at ambient temperature) while nanosilica, an amorphous silica powder, produced the worst performance (i.e., 10 cc of filtrate volume at the end of 30 minutes). The experiment work was then repeated using the mixture of pectin and nanosilica as filler. The mixture yields a better reading than mud samples containing only pectin by reducing further fluid loss by 5%. The research work revealed that pectin with nanosilica as filler has the potential to be used as a fluid loss control agent in water-based mud as it produces a comparable performance with HydroPac R

    Key enablers in a production sharing contract operatorship transfer exercise

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    Production Sharing Contract (PSC) is one of the petroleum agreements mode that are being utilized in many parts of the world in enabling exploration, development and production of the petroleum resources at the respective locations. It was first introduced in Indonesia in 1966, and followed by Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Brunei. One of interesting aspects of PSC management is the operatorship transferhandling when a PSC is nearing its expiry. When the time come, the current PSC contractor as operator has the option to relinquish it to the host authority to be handed over to other operator, farm it out to the other PSC contractor to reduce the risk exposure or continue operating under a new PSC terms. The most challenging will be to relinquish the operatorship to another operator whereby several complexities will need to be adequately addressed to ensure benefit preservation to the host authority, incoming operator and outgoing operator. Therefore there is a need to adhere to key factors or enablers to administer the operatorship transfer exercise if it occurs in the near future. The key enablers would be able to address the operatorship transfer exercise effectively with the objective to alleviate complications to the host authority, outgoing operator and incoming operator. With the emphasized in the PETRONAS Procedure & Guideline for Upstream Activities together with three case studies, this paper proposed several key enablers to be considered for a PSC successful operatorship transfer which is human resources, data management, asset reliability and integrity management, supply chain management and good relationship between parties. With identified key factors, it is hoped that any PSC operatorship transfer will be able to be managed smoothly and will ensure benefits to all parties concerned

    Ethane feeder pipeline corrosion rate prediction analysis

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    Carbon dioxide CO2 is one of the major gases of concern in ethane feeder pipeline since it presence will induce corrosion which then damage the pipeline. The purpose of this study is to determine the corrosion rate using NORSOK M-506 commercial software prior to comparing corrosion rate with international standard, identify optimum level to control corrosion rate, and analyse the relationship of moisture content towards H2CO3 impact and its pH level for variety of CO2 concentration, temperature, pH and moisture content in the ethane feeder pipeline. Evaluation impact was done for CO2, temperature and pH value using average value and is categorised as moderate between 0.025 to 0.12 mm/year as per an International Standard – National Association of Corrosion Engineer (NACE). Corrosion rate for CO2 is 0.055 mm/year while for temperature and pH are 0.054 mm/year and 0.055 mm/year respectively. Based on the average corrosion rate of 0.05 mm/year, the simulation results produce the optimum corrosion control level when CO2 concentration is 1.40 mole percent at temperature of 21.5 °C and pH of 4.7. Since NORSOK M-506 software has the limitation of pH coverage within 3.5 – 6.5, moisture effect is analysed using chemistry equation approach. It was found that the concentration of H2CO3 increases with moisture content. More H2CO3 formation in pipeline will definitely promote a more serious internal corrosion

    A review on conventional candidate-well selection for hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas wells

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    Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) which is an ever-increasing focus area for upstream industry is the pumping of fluids at high rates and pressures in order to break the rock, and it is using to accelerate hydrocarbon production and improving ultimate recovery in many reservoirs. It is clearly indicated in HF experience's literature, to be successful conducted, it is directly depending on rigorous candidate-well selection. The techniques applied in HF candidate-well selection could be divided into two methods; conventional and advanced approaches. Being familiar with the conventional methods in candidate-well selection that mainly deals with engineering, geological, etc aspects in decision making process, is of particular importance in order to increase the performance of the advanced techniques that mainly utilized artificial intelligence methods. This paper is a review of the conventional candidate-well selection for hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas wells

    Development of a fuzzy system model for candidate-well selection for hydraulic fracturing in a carbonate reservoir

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    With current technology, it is only possible to extract 20% to 25% of the original oil in place from Iranian carbonate reservoirs, 10% less than the world average. In addition, formation damage is a serious problem in those reservoirs, which mainly caused by asphaltene precipitation, sand production, and ineffective stimulation method. The majority of mature carbonate reservoirs in Iran have low permeability and high skin values. Therefore, such reservoirs are capable of producing at commercial rates only if they are hydraulically fractured. Acid fracturing is usually reported as a standard method for fracturing in carbonate reservoirs. Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) technology, which was originally applied to overcome near wellbore damage, is a proper replacement stimulation method. It is evident that to adopt this technology, considerable efforts have to be strenuous in candidate-well selection. As asserted in the literature, even though a common practice, candidate-well selection is not a straightforward process and up to now, there has not been a well-defined approach to address this process. The techniques applied in HF candidate-well selection could be divided into two methods; conventional and advanced approaches. Conventional methods are not easy to use for nonlinear processes, such as candidate-well selection that goes through a group of parameters having different attributes and features such as geological aspect, reservoir and fluid characteristics, production details, etc. and that's because it is difficult to describe properly all their nonlinearities. However, it is believed that advanced methods such as Fuzzy Logic (FL) could be better decrease the uncertainty existed in candidate-well selection. This paper presents a Mamdani fuzzy model where rules for HF candidate-well selection were derived from multiple knowledge sources such as existing literature, intuition of expert opinion to verify the gathered information. The needs for adapting HF as replacement stimulation in Iranina carbonate reservoirs are discussed and advanced methods for HF candidate selection will be reviewed in this paper. Also, the main reasons which show why propped HF is the choice in carbonate reservoirs will be discussed. Finally, the proposed Fuzzy system model is applied along with a case study in a carbonate reservoir