5 research outputs found

    Agroecological characteristics of the effect of a mixture of probiotic preparations with concomitant formation water on soil microorganisms

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    In the context of energy and environmental crisis, the search for new substances ensuring the formation of microbial cenosis with a rich composition of agronomically valuable groups of bacteria, the optimal level of humification, and the increase of organic matter in the soil will allow to substantiate innovative environmentally safe types of fertilizers and plant protection under specific soil and climatic conditions. Therefore, the aim of the research was to study the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of microbial cenosis of podzolic chernozem soil and the intensity of soil-biological processes upon application of a mixture of probiotic preparations and concomitant formation water in different concentrations. Different concentrations of concomitant formation water (小FW) and probiotic preparations were applied to the soil in the selected plots, and the soil microbial cenoses of farmland were evaluated in the spring and autumn periods on days 15, 30, and 60 after application of the mixtures. Soil without the application of any substances was considered a control variant. The most effective impact is observed on day 30 after application, there is an activation of microbiological processes on day 15, and a significant decrease is observed on day 60, although higher than the control due to the prolonged action of 小FW. It was determined that the best variant of the experiment in both spring and autumn periods to improve the viability of soil microbial cenosis is the option of joint use of 小FW at a concentration of 900 L ha-1 and probiotic Sviteco-Agrobiotic-01 diluted in a ratio of 1:10 (dose 100 L ha-1). In particular, the total number of all groups of bacteria in the soil increases with the use of probiotics diluted in a ratio of 1:10 (15-31% compared to control) and is the maximum when using a mixture of 小FW at a dose of 900 L ha-1 and 10% probiotic (by 82-102% compared to control). Based on the analysis of the coefficients of mineralization-immobilization, oligotrophy, and pedotrophy, it was found that the application of 小FW mixture and probiotic increases the soil nutrient content for different ecological and trophic groups of bacteria, reduces the rate of humus decomposition and creates favorable conditions for the development of soil bacteria

    Influence of Bacillus subtilis on soil microbiocenosis

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    The peculiarities of the formation and functioning of the microbial coenosis of podzolized chernozem soil and the intensity of soil-biological processes when using probiotic preparations in different concentrations containing Bacillus subtilis were studied. Probiotic preparations were applied to the soil in different concentrations and doses in separate areas, and the viability of the soil microbial coenosis of agricultural land was assessed in the spring and autumn periods on the 15th and 30th days after the application of the mixtures. The soil without any substances was considered a control option. The analysis of the coefficients of mineralization - immobilization, oligotrophicity and pedotrophicity determined that the use of probiotics helps to increase the content of nutrients in the soil for various ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms, showed that the best result for the functioning of the microbial coenosis of podzolic chernozem soil is observed when using a probiotic in a dilution of 1:10 in a dose of 100 l ha-1. Thus, the use of probiotics in a dilution of 1:10 at a dose of 100 l ha-1 can be used as an environmentally friendly fertilizer in organic farming, which will improve the biological parameters of the soi

    Microbial remediation of petroleum polluted soil

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    Saabunud / Received 10.05.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 28.07.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 28.07.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Anna Taranenko ; [email protected] issues of land pollution, restoration, and return of land to agricultural cultivation are today. Especially, this is gaining new relevance in modern conditions of military action on the territory of Ukraine and other countries, which causes the reduction of cultivation areas. Therefore, there is a need for maximum cleaning and restoration of polluted soils to ensure environmental and food security. Petroleum hydrocarbons are classified as major environmental pollutants due to their stability and durability in the environment. The influence of petroleum hydrocarbons is caused by direct toxic activity and by the soil environment transformation. The research aimed: to study the effectiveness of probiotics in the technology of soil cleaning and remediation; evaluate the phytotoxic effect of oil-contaminated soil before and after the application of probiotics; to find the optimal concentration of probiotics for the effective cleaning and remediation of soil. The seedling method was used to evaluate the phytotoxic effect of contaminated soil before and after the application of probiotics. Research results showed an ambiguous impact on Pisum sativum and Av茅na sat铆va at different times after pollution. In the initial phase, polluted soil has no significant influence on Pisum sativum. For Av茅na sat铆va soil, become toxic right away after pollution. Phytotoxic effect of Pisum sativum and Av茅na sativa decrease by the indexes of seed emergence, roots length, roots weight, underground part length and ground part weight due to probiotics treatment. The high efficiency of biological remediation by probiotics in comparison with soil cleaning in natural conditions is determined in the experiment. Probiotic concentration 1:10 is the most effective of all studied initial concentrations of pollutants. Reducing probiotic concentration leads to a decrease in the efficiency of soil cleaning from petroleum products

    Estimating and Forecasting the Resource-Ecological Security in the Context of Ensuring the Economic Security of Region

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    The article proposes methodical bases for forecasting of resource-ecological security in the context of development of ecological component of national economy. In particular, they include an adaptive model of estimating and forecasting the status of the resource-ecological security by means of the taxonomic analysis and the main components methods, indicative management, determination of factor loadings which impact security the most. The article also propose the system of supporting the decision-making for implementation of optimal management, realization of which allows to identify peculiarities and tendencies of development of the given sphere and to adjust financial flows, directed to financing of the nature-protective and resource efficient measures. The inverse relationship between the growth of economic security and the decline of resource-ecological security is determined, which indicates the raw-material orientation of the Ukrainian economy, gaining profit from the seizure of natural resources and deterioration of the quality of natural environment. Practical application of the developed approach is possible within the program-target method of management at development and realization of the State programs directed towards increase of stability both the resource-ecological security and the economic security of the State against the internal and external risks and threats

    Sunflower Residues-Based Biorefinery: Circular Economy Indicators

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    Fossil fuel price increases, their uneven distribution, environmental issues from their incineration, and lack of guarantees of their energy security are the main drivers for the development of green energy. Agricultural waste is an abundant resource for energy bioprocessing, which improves the functioning of the circular economy. In this study, the following were used as the main indicators: the share of renewable energy and the benefit from it, the coefficient of cyclical use of biomass, and the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. The ways in which sunflower waste is applied for energy purposes are emphasized. The highest comprehensive ecological and economic effects are shown to be achieved in the production of biogas from sunflower residues with the incineration of this biogas in cogeneration plants. The residues from the biogas plant that are left after fermentation should be used as a biofertilizer. Such a cyclic system allows not only the full processing of all biomass waste that significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions during the cultivation and processing of sunflower, but also an increase in the share of renewable energy used in technological processes up to 70%