75 research outputs found
Retooling For Terminated Contract Workers Of Vocational School Alumni (Back) To Work
Abstract. Unemployment of vocational high school graduates consists of two categories, the graduates who never been in work and who had been in work as a contract workers and then terminated. More than 63 percent of the graduates who have ever been as a contract workers did not work match with their competence, as a result when the contract agreement expired the workers did not been assigned as permanent workers. In order to get other jobs after termination,Ă‚Â the workers need to upgrade their competence or to retool with skills other than the skills the workers acquired from vocational school, in order to fit well with the need of workers in industry. Besides the functional skill needed for handling operational works, the terminated contract workers need to upgrade their soft skill suitable for the future working environment, that is learning to work in a group consisting of many communities to solve very complex problem as the characteristic of jobs in the industry 4.0, besides other component of soft skills such as honesty, discipline, attitude, commitment to work, communication skill, and open for change
The Profile of Special Job Market of Vocational School in Kebumen Regency
The research was aimed to describe the profile and the management of special jobs recruitment of Vocational Schools in Kebumen Regency. The mandate of the special jobs recruitment is to facilitate the graduates of the schools to get jobs soon after their graduation. The research is a qualitative approach. The setting of the research was the Asociation of special jobs recruitment in the Kebumen Regency. The association consists of 59 schools, consisting of 29 business and management schools and 30 industrial technology schools. The data of the research were collected by using interview, observation, and documentation methods. The resources of the data were the head of the Asociation of special jobs recruitment, the managers of special jobs recruitment, teachers, principals, and the guidance and counselor teachers. The key informant was the head of the special jobs recruitment association in the Regency. The data were inductively analyzed, and the steps of data analysis using Miles and Huberman interactive model. The results of the research show that (1) the rate of recruitment of vocational high school graduates relatively high, (2) the graduates get the job facilitated by special jobs recruitment by the model of contract for 6 months to 2 years, (3) the graduates get the jobs not always in their competences as they were trained, (5) it is very rare the graduates get a permanent job after their first or second contract finish. The industries prefer to hire new graduates as job seekers rather than giving a permanent assignment. There is a concern that the graduates will be lost their job in their productive lifetime
The aim of the researh was to describe the effectiveness of industrial appreticeship program of mechanical engineering education students, the Education and Teacher Training Faculty of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. The research was a qualitative approach research. To measure the effectiveness of the apprenticeship program the research used CIPP (context, input, process, product) model introduced by Stuflebeam. The data of the research was collected by using interview and observation method, and completed by documentation. From the context side, the goal of the apprenticeship can fullfil the hope of industry to answer the lack of competencies of the vocational school teacher candidates, while from the input side, the the strategy implemented by the management in finding and selecting the industry by the students can not assure the feasibility of the industry for apprenticeship. From the process side, due to the budgetary, the gude lines as prescribed in the guide book are not fully implemented, the lecturers as the conselor can not perform as prescribe in the guide book. From the product side, in general the apprentisechip can be categorized as effective, the students doing their work mostly more than 256 hours as prescribed in the regulation. The subject of the apprenticeship focus are the management and the skill relevance to the concentration of the students, the skill reletaed to the concentration can be categorized as effctice, but on the management side, the apprenticeship can be categorized as not effective. Ther is no one of the student learning the management of the company in the industry the students doing apprenticeship
Cooperative learning model of snowball throwing to improve the activity and learning achievemens
The aims of this research were to improve the activity and learning achievements of Cooling System subjects in class XI Light Vehicle Engineering (TKR) of Muhammadiyah 1 Imogiri Vocational School using the Cooperative Snowball Throwing type model. This research was a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of this study was the tenth-grade students of Light Vehicle Engineering at Muhammadiyah 1 Imogiri Vocational School in the year 2017/2018, amounted to 29 students, while the object of this classroom action research was the application of the Snowball Throwing a type cooperative learning model. The data collection techniques used were observation and test. The instruments used were test sheets and observation sheets. The data analysis techniques used descriptive and quantitative analysis to determine the percentage of activity and learning were an achievement. The results of this research show that: (1) the application of the Snowball Throwing type cooperative learning model could improve students’ activity in the cooling system subjects. The result shows that the activeness score in the first cycle (48.8%) and increased in the second cycle became (68.2%), and (2) The application of the Snowball Throwing type cooperative learning model could improve the learning achievements of the Cooling System. The results show that the results of the pre-cycle test were 13.79%. Students who completed the first cycle of KKM were 13 students with a percentage of 44.9%. The test results in cycle II increased from cycle I. Students completed cycle II as many as 23 people with a percentage of 79.3%
The aim of the research is to produce an e-module learning the clutch system in the subject of maintenance of light vehicle power transfer chassis for XI students at SMK Muhammadiyah Gamping. This research was developed using the research and development (R&D) model of 4-D by Thiagarajan Sammel. The stages used in the e-module process of the coupled coupling system are the definition stage, the design stage, the development stage, and the dissemination stage. This feasibility data collection by using a questionnaire. Material experts, media experts, and students as users participate in surveys to obtain evaluations and responses regarding the feasibility of developing E-modules. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this research are e-module clutch system learning media that studies light vehicle power transmission maintenance. The results of the e-module feasibility test were categorized as very feasible, namely from media experts it was obtained 68.05% in the feasible category, material experts obtained 83.90% in the very feasible category, and the results of testing on students obtained 84.88% with a very feasible classification
The study aimed to describe (1) correlation between theory knowledge with interest to continue the study; (2) correlation between practice competence of electrical system subject with interest to continue the study; and (3) correlation between theory knowledge and practice competence of electrical system subject with interest to continue the study among the eleventh grade students of vocational school Piri Sleman in academic year 2014/2015. This study was ex-post facto research. Data collecting methods were questionnaires and documentation. Data analyzing methods used descriptive analysis, first and second hypothesis testing used partial correlation and third hypothesis testing used double regression. This study shows that (1) there was a positive and significant correlation between theory knowledge with learning achievement of among the eleventh grade students of vocational school Piri Slemanin academic year 2015/2016 with the significant score 0.000 < 0.05; (2) there was a positive and significant correlation between practice competence of electrical system subject with interest to continue the study among the eleventh grade students of vocational school Piri Slemanin academic year 2015/2016 with the significant score 0.000 < 0.05; and (3) there was a positive and significant correlation between theory knowledge and practice competence of electrical system subject with interest to continue the study among the eleventh grade students of vocational school Piri Sleman in academic year 2015/2016 with the significant score 0.000 < 0.05. The score of determinant coefficient (R2) 0.323, it means that theory knowledge and practice competence of electrical system subject gave a positive contribution 32.3% toward interest to continue the study, while 67.7% was influenced by other factors that were not discussed in this stud
Pengaruh Kelengkapan Fasilitas Praktik dan Kedisiplinan Siswa Terhadap Hasil Evaluasi Belajar Akhir Semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku Siswa Kelas I Jurusan Teknik Permesinan SMK Pembangunan Kutowinangun Kebumen Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh fasilitas praktik terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar akhir semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku, (2) pengaruh kedisplinan terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar akhir semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku, dan (3) pengaruh fasilitas praktik dan kedisplinan terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar akhir semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku siswa kelas I Jurusan Teknik Permesinan SMK Pembangunan Kutowinangun, Kebumen tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil uji korelasi parsial antara kelengkapan fasilitas praktik (X1) terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar (Y) dengan mengendalikan X2 diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi rx1-y = 0,446 dan korelasi parsial antara kedisplinan belajar (X2) terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar (Y) dengan mengendalikan X1 diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi rx2-y = 0,699. Nilai koefisien determinan (R²) antara X1, X2 dengan Y sebesar 0,249, artinya besarnya pengaruh antara X1 dan X2 dengan Y adalah sebesar 24,9%. Kelengkapan fasilitas praktik memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 5,48% terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar dan kedisplinan belajar memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 19,5% terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar dengan total 24,9%. Kelengkapan fasilitas praktik memberikan sumbangan relatif sebesar 21,7% terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar dan kedisplinan belajar memberikan sumbangan relatif sebesar 78,3% terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar. Dengan demikian, fasilitas praktik dan kedisplinan berpengaruh terhadap hasil evaluasi belajar akhir semester Mata Pelajaran Kerja Bangku
Increasing outcomes of the results learn through project based learning
The purpose of the research is to know the effectiveness of learning outcomes of light vehicle engine maintenance subjects between students who are following a project based learning models compared with students who are following learning with conventional models. The type of this research is Quasi-experimental with a population consist of 54 students and divided into two classes, namely XI TKR 1 and XI TKR 2. The samples were taken on a clustered basis and found XI TKR 2 class as an experimental class with 27 students and XI TKR 1 class as an control class consist of 27 students. The instrument of data collection is used multiple choice tests. The technique of data analysis using descriptive, the prerequisite test analysis using a normality test and homogeneity test, while the hypothesis is using t-test. The results of the study were the results of learning by implementing a project based learning models in the experimental class higher than applying conventional models in control class. This can be proved by testing the t-test in the post-test between the experiment and control class which shows the t-hitung > t-tabel value, (2,189 > 1,674) and its significance value is less than 0.05 (P = 0.02 < 0.05)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh prestasi belajar mata pelajaran kejuruan dan informasi dunia kerja terhadap minat bekerja siswa kelas XI program Studi Mekanik Otomotif Smk Patriot Purworejo. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menemukan adanya pengaruh antara prestasi belajar mata pelajaran kejuruan (X1) dan informasi dunia kerja (X2) secara bersama-sama terhadap minat bekerja (Y) ditemukan harga Fhitung = 10,479 dengan derajat kebebasan (df) 2 pada taraf kepercayaan 5 %. Ada pengaruh signifikan bernilai positif masing-masing predictor X1 dan X2 adalah 0,074 dan 0,025 dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 17,8 %. Prestasi belajar mata pelajaran kejuruan (X1) terhadap minat bekerja (Y) memiliki koefisien rhitung = 0,361. Sementara harga rtabel pada taraf kesalahan 5% adalah 0,165. Karena harga rhitung > rtabel, hal ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara prediktor X1 dengan kriterium Y dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 12,282 %. Kemudian pengaruh antara Informasi dunia kerja (X2) terhadap minat bekerja (Y) memiliki koefisien korelasi rhitung = 0,309, sementara harga rtabel pada taraf kepercayaan 5 % adalah 0,165. Karena harga rhitung > rtabel, hal ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara prediktor X2 dengan kriterium Y dengan efektif sebesar 5,518%
The objectives of this study are to describe; (1) the influence of  learning motivation on learning achievement of measuring tool subject (2) the influence of learning activeness in class on learning achievement of measuring tool subject; and (3) the influence of learning motivation and learning activeness in class on learning achievement of measuring tool subject . This results of the study was ex-post facto research. Data collecting methods were questionnaires and documentation. Data analyzing methods used descriptive analysis, first and second hypothesis testing used partial correlation and third hypothesis testing used multiple regression. The study show that (1) there is positive and significant correlation between learning motivation with learning achievement of measuring tool subject; (2) there is  positive and significant correlation between learning activeness in class with learning achievement of measuring tool subject; and (3) there is positive and significant correlation between learning motivation and learning activeness in class with learning achievement of measuring tool subject
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