23 research outputs found

    Paediatric HIV infection in Western Africa: the long way to the standard of care

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, newborns and children continue to suffer from insufficient access to early diagnosis and antiretroviral (ARV) treatments. A survey had been conducted in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Ivory Coast, from January 2010 to February 2011 to identify the major challenges regarding HIV prophylaxis and treatment of children in western Africa. The results of this survey highlight that only a small proportion of HIV-exposed newborns receive ARV prophylaxis. However, this problem is often not perceived at the national level. The problem could be faced by improving the communication process between the peripheral health services and the national procurement system. Moreover, supporting the development of local pharmaceutical industries could facilitate the availability of child-sized drugs, contextualized to the socio-cultural needs of such area, adequate not only in terms of efficacy, safety and tolerability, but also in terms of palatability, storage, distribution and cost

    Heatmap of symptom frequency and histogram of asymptomatic patients by age group.

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    A. Heatmap of symptom frequency by age group. Symptoms are listed in rows and age groups in columns. Values in cells indicate the frequency of patients from the corresponding age group manifesting the corresponding symptom. The more the red color is accentuated, the more the symptom is frequent. The blue box targets the "cough" symptom, one of the most involved symptoms in transmission due to the dispersed micro-droplets. This symptom is less frequent in young patients (most active sub-population) compared to adult (less active sub-population). B. Histogram of asymptomatic patients by age group. Black vertical bars represent the standard errors.</p

    Forest plot for COVID-19 associated factors.

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    A. Forest plot for factors associated with COVID-19 infection. B. Forest plot for factors associated with COVID-19 symptomatic disease. C. Forest plot for factors associated with COVID-19 mortality. Vertical lines (red and blue) represent odds ratio of 1. Red (respectively blue) dots represent crude (respectively adjusted) odds ratio. Red (respectively blue) horizontal lines around dots represent 95% confidence intervals for crude (respectively adjusted) odds ratio.</p