10 research outputs found

    Computer programs to characterize alloys and predict cyclic life using the total strain version of strainrange partitioning: Tutorial and users manual, version 1.0

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    This manual presents computer programs for characterizing and predicting fatigue and creep-fatigue resistance of metallic materials in the high-temperature, long-life regime for isothermal and nonisothermal fatigue. The programs use the total strain version of Strainrange Partitioning (TS-SRP). An extensive database has also been developed in a parallel effort. This database is probably the largest source of high-temperature, creep-fatigue test data available in the public domain and can be used with other life prediction methods as well. This users manual, software, and database are all in the public domain and are available through COSMIC (382 East Broad Street, Athens, GA 30602; (404) 542-3265, FAX (404) 542-4807). Two disks accompany this manual. The first disk contains the source code, executable files, and sample output from these programs. The second disk contains the creep-fatigue data in a format compatible with these programs

    Procedures for characterizing an alloy and predicting cyclic life with the total strain version of Strainrange Partitioning

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    Procedures are presented for characterizing an alloy and predicting cyclic life for isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue conditions by using the total strain version of strainrange partitioning (TS-SRP). Numerical examples are given. Two independent alloy characteristics are deemed important: failure behavior, as reflected by the inelastic strainrange versus cyclic life relations; and flow behavior, as indicated by the cyclic stress-strain-time response (i.e., the constitutive behavior). Failure behavior is characterized by conducting creep-fatigue tests in the strain regime, wherein the testing times are reasonably short and the inelastic strains are large enough to be determined accurately. At large strainranges, stress-hold, strain-limited tests are preferred because a high rate of creep damage per cycle is inherent in this type of test. At small strainranges, strain-hold cycles are more appropriate. Flow behavior is characterized by conducting tests wherein the specimen is usually cycled far short of failure and the wave shape is appropriate for the duty cycle of interest. In characterizing an alloy pure fatigue, or PP, failure tests are conducted first. Then depending on the needs of the analyst a series of creep-fatigue tests are conducted. As many of the three generic SRP cycles are featured as are required to characterize the influence of creep on fatigue life (i.e., CP, PC, and CC cycles, respectively, for tensile creep only, compressive creep only, and both tensile and compressive creep). Any mean stress effects on life also must be determined and accounted for when determining the SRP inelastic strainrange versus life relations for cycles featuring creep. This is particularly true for small strainranges. The life relations thus are established for a theoretical zero mean stress condition

    Life prediction of thermomechanical fatigue using total strain version of strainrange partitioning (SRP): A proposal

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    A method is proposed (without experimental verification) for extending the total strain version of Strainrange Partitioning (TS-SRP) to predict the lives of thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) cycles. The principal feature of TS SRP is the determination of the time-temperature-waveshape dependent elastic strainrange versus life lines that are added subsequently to the classical inelastic strainrange versus life lines to form the total strainrange versus life relations. The procedure is based on a derived relation between failure and flow behavior. Failure behavior is represented by conventional SRP inelastic strainrange versus cyclic life relations, while flow behavior is captured in terms of the cyclic stress-strain response characteristics. Stress-strain response is calculated from simple equations developed from approximations to more complex cyclic constitutive models. For applications to TMF life prediction, a new testing technique, bithermal cycling, is proposed as a means for generating the inelastic strainrange versus life relations. Flow relations for use in predicting TMF lives would normally be obtained from approximations to complex thermomechanical constitutive models. Bithermal flow testing is also proposed as an alternative to thermomechanical flow testing at low strainranges where the hysteresis loop is difficult to analyze

    Tensile deformation damage in SiC reinforced Ti-15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn

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    The damage mechanisms of a laminated, continuous SiC fiber reinforced Ti-15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn (Ti-15-3) composite were investigated. Specimens consisting of unidirectional as well as cross-ply laminates were pulled in tension to failure at room temperature and 427 C and subsequently examined metallographically. Selected specimens were interrupted at various strain increments and examined to document the development of damage. When possible, a micromechanical stress analysis was performed to aid in the explanation of the observed damage. The analyses provide average constituent microstresses and laminate stresses and strains. It was found that the damage states were dependent upon the fiber architecture

    Calculation of thermomechanical fatigue life based on isothermal behavior

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    The isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) crack initiation response of a hypothetical material was analyzed. Expected thermomechanical behavior was evaluated numerically based on simple, isothermal, cyclic stress-strain - time characteristics and on strainrange versus cyclic life relations that have been assigned to the material. The attempt was made to establish basic minimum requirements for the development of a physically accurate TMF life-prediction model. A worthy method must be able to deal with the simplest of conditions: that is, those for which thermal cycling, per se, introduces no damage mechanisms other than those found in isothermal behavior. Under these assumed conditions, the TMF life should be obtained uniquely from known isothermal behavior. The ramifications of making more complex assumptions will be dealt with in future studies. Although analyses are only in their early stages, considerable insight has been gained in understanding the characteristics of several existing high-temperature life-prediction methods. The present work indicates that the most viable damage parameter is based on the inelastic strainrange

    High temperature fatigue behavior of Haynes 188

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    The high temperature, creep-fatigue behavior of Haynes 188 was investigated as an element in a broader thermomechanical fatigue life prediction model development program at the NASA-Lewis. The models are still in the development stage, but the data that were generated possess intrinsic value on their own. Results generated to date is reported. Data were generated to characterize isothermal low cycle fatigue resistance at temperatures of 316, 704, and 927 C with cyclic failure lives ranging from 10 to more than 20,000. These results follow trends that would be predicted from a knowledge of tensile properties, i.e., as the tensile ductility varies with temperature, so varies the cyclic inelastic straining capacity. Likewise, as the tensile strength decreases, so does the high cyclic fatigue resistance. A few two-minute hold-time cycles at peak compressive strain were included in tests at 760 C. These results were obtained in support of a redesign effort for the Orbital Maneuverable System engine. No detrimental effects on cyclic life were noted despite the added exposure time for creep and oxidation. Finally, a series of simulated thermal fatigue tests, referred to as bithermal fatigue tests, were conducted using 316 C as the minimum and 760 C as the maximum temperature. Only out-of-phase bithermal tests were conducted to date. These test results are intended for use as input to a more general thermomechanical fatigue life prediction model based on the concepts of the total strain version of Strainrange Partitioning

    A high temperature fatigue life prediction computer code based on the total strain version of StrainRange Partitioning (SRP)

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    A recently developed high-temperature fatigue life prediction computer code is presented and an example of its usage given. The code discussed is based on the Total Strain version of Strainrange Partitioning (TS-SRP). Included in this code are procedures for characterizing the creep-fatigue durability behavior of an alloy according to TS-SRP guidelines and predicting cyclic life for complex cycle types for both isothermal and thermomechanical conditions. A reasonably extensive materials properties database is included with the code

    Ability of the total strain version of strainrange partitioning to characterize thermomechanical fatigue behavior

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    Strainrange partitioning (SRP) was originally developed on an inelastic strain basis for isothermal fatigue in the high-strain regime where the inelastic strainrange could be determined accurately. However, most power-generating equipment operates in the regime where the inelastic strains are small and difficult to determine with any degree of accuracy. This shortcoming led to the development of the total strain version of SRP (TS-SRP). Power-generating equipment seldom operates under isothermal conditions, and isothermal life prediction methods cannot be depended on to predict the lives of anisothermal cycles. To overcome this shortcoming, a method was proposed for extending TS-SRP to characterize anisothermal fatigue behavior and to predict the lives of thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) cycles using apppropriate anisothermal data. The viability of this method, referred to as TMF/TS-SRP, was demonstrated using TMF data for two high-temperature aerospace alloys. In this report, data from the literature are used to examine the ability of TMF/TS-SRP to characterize the failure and flow behavior of three low-strength, high-ductility alloys widely used for ground-based power-generating equipment. The three alloys are type 304 stainless steel, 1Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel, and 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. Because of the limited nature of the data, it was possible to evaluate the characterization, but not the predictive capability of TMF/TS-SRP

    Proposed framework for thermomechanical life modeling of metal matrix composites

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    The framework of a mechanics of materials model is proposed for thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) life prediction of unidirectional, continuous-fiber metal matrix composites (MMC's). Axially loaded MMC test samples are analyzed as structural components whose fatigue lives are governed by local stress-strain conditions resulting from combined interactions of the matrix, interfacial layer, and fiber constituents. The metallic matrix is identified as the vehicle for tracking fatigue crack initiation and propagation. The proposed framework has three major elements. First, TMF flow and failure characteristics of in situ matrix material are approximated from tests of unreinforced matrix material, and matrix TMF life prediction equations are numerically calibrated. The macrocrack initiation fatigue life of the matrix material is divided into microcrack initiation and microcrack propagation phases. Second, the influencing factors created by the presence of fibers and interfaces are analyzed, characterized, and documented in equation form. Some of the influences act on the microcrack initiation portion of the matrix fatigue life, others on the microcrack propagation life, while some affect both. Influencing factors include coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch strains, residual (mean) stresses, multiaxial stress states, off-axis fibers, internal stress concentrations, multiple initiation sites, nonuniform fiber spacing, fiber debonding, interfacial layers and cracking, fractured fibers, fiber deflections of crack fronts, fiber bridging of matrix cracks, and internal oxidation along internal interfaces. Equations exist for some, but not all, of the currently identified influencing factors. The third element is the inclusion of overriding influences such as maximum tensile strain limits of brittle fibers that could cause local fractures and ensuing catastrophic failure of surrounding matrix material. Some experimental data exist for assessing the plausibility of the proposed framework

    Packing Problems: High Z

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