5,420 research outputs found

    The Ideological Questions of Marriage in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure

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    As one of the prominent ideologies of the nineteenth-century— in a complex interrelation with other contemporary ideological discourses particularly femininity and marriage—religion adopts a critical stance in Hardy's presentation of characters. Breaching the religio-conventional image of femininity as “Angel in the House” and “Cow Woman,” Hardy's Jude the Obscure (1895) is indeed deemed to be his milestone in presenting his anti-Christian attitudes towards the contemporary religion. This study aims to present Hardy's outright hostility towards the nineteenth-century Christianity through his creation of non-conformist characters, necessitating a parallel study with other contemporary discourses regarding marriage and femininity, and conflict with the religion of the time. Hardy's magnum opus, the work on which he was to stake his final reputation as a novelist, was clearly Jude the Obscure which as a noticeable socio-religious experimentation of the late nineteenth-century, reveals Hardy's perception of new ideas about femininity and marriage by presenting the hot contemporary issues of “New Woman” and “Free Union” through the development and presentation of Sue Bridehead and her free union with Jude, respectively. Hardy's presentation of Sue Bridehead as a “New Woman,” and employing the “Free Union” in marked contrast with the nineteenth-century convention of marriage as a “Bonded Pair” is Hardy's closing upshot of his final novelistic attempt. The non-conformist Jude and Sue are presented as figures touching the Victorian Christian standards of morality, while, the final tragic destiny of Jude and Sue's helplessness attest to the writer's substantial contribution as a Victorian male novelist to the ideologies circulating at the time

    Annealing characteristics of amorphous silicon alloy solar cells irradiated with 1.00 MeV protons

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    Amorphous Si:H and amorphous Si sub x, Ge sub (1-x):H solar cells were irradiated with 1.00 MeV proton fluences in the range of 1.00E14 to 1.25E15 cm (exp -2). Annealing of the short circuit current density was studied at 0, 22, 50, 100, and 150 C. Annealing times ranged from an hour to several days. The measurements confirmed that annealing occurs at 0 C and the initial characteristics of the cells are restored by annealing at 200 C. The rate of annealing does not appear to follow a simple nth order reaction rate model. Calculations of the short-circuit current density using quantum efficiency measurements and the standard AM1.5 global spectrum compare favorably with measured values. It is proposed that the degradation in J sub sc with irradiation is due to carrier recombination through the fraction of D (o) states bounded by the quasi-Fermi energies. The time dependence of the rate of annealing of J sub sc does appear to be consistent with the interpretation that there is a thermally activated dispersive transport mechanism which leads to the passivation of the irradiation induced defects

    Hodge structures associated to SU(p,1)

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    Let A be an abelian variety over C such that the semisimple part of the Hodge group of A is a product of copies of SU(p,1) for some p>1. We show that any effective Tate twist of a Hodge structure occurring in the cohomology of A is isomorphic to a Hodge structure in the cohomology of some abelian variety

    Pola Komunikasi Orangtua dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Berkomunikasi Anak Autis (Studi pada Orangtua Anak Autis di Sekolah Dasar Swasta Khusus Autis Anak Mandiri Jalan Kutilang No. 5 Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Today the symptoms of children with autism increasingly found. Autism has asense as the conditions experienced by a person which can affect the berhubunagn andcommunicate, especially in interpersonal communication. Autism is not a disease, butrather aimed at a genetic disorder that is associated with the development of the brainbefore, during, and even after birth.This study was conducted in an Sekolah Dasar Swasta Khusus Autis AnakMandiri Jalan Kutilang No. 5 Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru. Subjects in this studyconsisted of teachers, parents, and students. While the object of research is the ParentCommunication Patterns in Autistic Children Communicate Overcoming Adversity(Studies in Autistic Children Parents in Sekolah Dasar Swasta Khusus Autis AnakMandiri Jalan Kutilang No. 5 Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru.Holders important role in dealing with cases of autism, particularly in children,are the parents themselves. Parents are the ones who determine whether children withautism can develop properly or it gets worse. Parents are encouraged to think two timesmore astute in dealing with children with autism.Methods This study used a descriptive method with data collection interview.Therefore, it will be obtained a picture of the interpersonal communication betweenchildren with autism with parents.This study resulted in the conclusion that, parents who have children withautism experience many obstacles in her life dealing with autism. Parents havedifficulty in communicating both verbally and non-verbally, as well as interpersonalcommunication. Therefore, the role and support of parents is necessary in dealing withchildren with autism and the key word is merely a consequence.Keyword : Parents who have children with autism,Autism, Helping Autism

    Classification of the phases of 1D spin chains with commuting Hamiltonians

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    We consider the class of spin Hamiltonians on a 1D chain with periodic boundary conditions that are (i) translational invariant, (ii) commuting and (iii) scale invariant, where by the latter we mean that the ground state degeneracy is independent of the system size. We correspond a directed graph to a Hamiltonian of this form and show that the structure of its ground space can be read from the cycles of the graph. We show that the ground state degeneracy is the only parameter that distinguishes the phases of these Hamiltonians. Our main tool in this paper is the idea of Bravyi and Vyalyi (2005) in using the representation theory of finite dimensional C^*-algebras to study commuting Hamiltonians.Comment: 8 pages, improved readability, added exampl

    Agenda dan Strategi Pembangunan Hukum dalam Pjp II

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    Strategi penting dalam mengantisipasi hukum pada PJPT II salah satunya adalah dengan merevisi dan mengganti sebagian besar hukum kolonial yang masih berlaku. Hal ini dilakukan bukan hanya karena alasan politik untuk membayar hutang sejarah terhadap cita-cita proklamasi kemerdekaan. Tapi juga karena hukum peninggalan kolonial itu sudah ketinggalan jaman, demikian tulis Salman. Lebih jauh memasuki PJPT II berbagai masalah sosial barupun muncul dan hal itu tentuperlu alternatif

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kepuasan terhadap Loyalitas (Studi pada Nasabah Tabungan Bank Bca Cabang Purwakarta)

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    Perkembangan BCA khususnya di Kabupaten Purwakarta sangat menjanjikan. Industri Perbankan Khususnya  Bank BCA  menempati peran  yang  sangat penting dalam sector ekonomi,  terutama dalam mendukung pengembangan USAha mikro/ makro dan menengah. Semakin ketat persaingan perbankan,  maka pelayanan  yang berikan bank BCA harus lebih optimal sehingga Perusahaan mampu memenangkan persaingan. Fokus penelitian pada nasabah tabungan dan dalam menggunakan produk kartu debet BCA, dengan asumsi bahwa konsumen dalam mempertimbangkan pembelian suatu produk lebih didasarkan pada factor obyektif dan subyektif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada BCA  Di Kabupaten Purwakarta. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah nasabah tabungan di BCA minimal berpendidikan SMA, dan mereka telah menjadi nasabah minimal selama 6 bulan. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini ditetapkan 235 responden dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel   yang   disebut   Convenience sampling atau Accidental Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Jalur (Path Analysis) dengan bantuan program IBM SPSS 20. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah, 2) kepuasan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah,  3)  kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah. Disarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk memperluas ruang lingkup penelitian tidak hanya pada satu jenis bank tetapi mencakup lembaga keuangan lainnya dan untuk manajemen BCA sebaiknya melakukan evaluasi dan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan terutama dalam hal daya tanggap dengan memberikan pelatihan khusus kepada customer services untuk meminimalkan keluhan dalam rangka meningkatkan kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah.   Kata kunci:  Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan, LoyalitasNasabah
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