241 research outputs found

    Environnement : La gouvernance par la responsabilité ?

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    La spécificité des problèmes d’environnement les rend difficilement gouvernables par le recours aux formes de l’action publique standard. La transgression des échelles politiques traditionnelles, la trans-sectorialité des problèmes et la désynchronisation des impacts vis-à-vis à des temporalités des activités humaines ont conduit à l’émergence de politiques de co-responsabilité (interterritoriales, intersectorielles, intergénérationnelles). Cette tendance s’affirme au travers de politiques qui renforcent des interdépendances explicites entre des territoires, qui imaginent des dispositifs de responsabilisation visant à « faire rendre des comptes » et qui font porter une part croissante de la régulation des problèmes collectifs d’environnement sur les changements de pratiques sociales individuelles (consommer autrement, se déplacer autrement, etc.). Ce texte expose ces trois mécanismes de responsabilisation caractéristiques de la gouvernance de l’environnement contemporaine et interroge leur portée et leur limite.Due to their specificity, environmental problems are difficult to govern using standard politics. The transgression of the traditional political scale, the intersectorial nature of the problems, and the desynchronization of the impact of human activity on the environment, have resulted in the emergence of policies that champion co-responsibility (inter-territorial, intersectorial, intergenerational). This tendency is evidenced by politics which reinforce explicit interdependencies between territories, and by devices which serve to make social actors aware of their responsibilities (in regards to the environment). These environmental devices represent a new and increasing trend in the regulation of collective environmental problems, in that they place greater emphasis on shifting the social practices of individuals (alternate forms of consumption, travel, etc…). This text exposes these mechanisms aimed at making people more responsible. It explores the range and the limits of environmental governance

    Responsibility based environmental governance

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    Due to their specificity, environmental problems are difficult to govern using standard policy tools. The transgression of the traditional political scale, the intersectorial nature of the problems, and the desynchronization of the impact of human activity on the environment, have resulted in the emergence of policies that champion co-responsibility (inter-territorial, intersectorial, intergenerational). This tendency is evidenced by politics which reinforce explicit interdependencies between territories, and by devices which serve to make social actors aware of their responsibilities (in regards to the environment). These environmental devices represent a new and increasing trend in the regulation of collective environmental problems, in that they place greater emphasis on shifting the social practices of individuals (alternate forms of consumption, travel, etc.). This text exposes these mechanisms aimed at making people more responsible. It explores the range and the limits of environmental governance

    Construction géohistorique du "sauvage" de la Garonne toulousaine : quelle part de naturalisé dans les paysages fluviaux ? part. 1

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    International audienceThe Garonne between Toulouse and the confluence of the Tarn is composed of many wetlands. Here, v arious protective dev ices would label a "wild" dim ension to the river, supporting its maintenance and conservation without actually questioning their original condition. Given this situation, how to consider the part of naturalness of river landscapes of the Garonne today ? According to managers, the Garonne has a strong image of "wild" river while geohistorical heritage rather shows Garonne im pacted by human activities. This work explores the meaning of the gap between the reality and geohistorical conveyed by contemporary representations of the river.La Garonne toulousaine (entre Toulouse et la confluence du Tarn) est composée de nombreuses annexes fluviales : bras-morts, zones humides et ripisylves. Ici, différents dispositifs de protection labellisent une dimension « sauvage » pour le fleuve, favorisant son maintien et sa conserv ation sans réellement s'interroger sur leur état d'origine. Face à ce constat, com m ent considérer la part de naturalité des paysages fluviaux de la Garonne toulousaine aujourd'hui ? Au dire des gestionnaires, la Garonne possède une image forte de fleuve « sauvage » alors que l'héritage géohistorique montre plutôt une Garonne impactée par les activités humaines. Ce travail interroge le sens du décalage entre cette réalité géohistorique et l'image véhiculée par les représentations contemporaines du fleuve

    Pratiques phytosanitaires en agriculture et environnement : des tensions irréductibles ?

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    La vulnérabilité croissante des ressources en eau et des milieux aquatiques aux pollutions a conduit au développement de dispositifs agri-environnementaux chargés en particulier de réduire et d’encadrer l’utilisation des pesticides (le plus récent étant le plan Ecophyto 2018 issu du Grenelle de l’environnement). Cette contribution analyse la tension entre les contraintes agricoles qui conditionnent les changements de pratiques phytosanitaires et les exigences environnementales désormais posées en termes d’obtention de résultats. L’observation d’un dispositif expérimental de diffusion de " pratiques améliorées " de traitement phytosanitaire, inscrit dans le Groupe d’action phytosanitaire de Midi-Pyrénées (Gramip), est mobilisée pour interroger, à partir d’une approche interdisciplinaire (économie, sociologie, agronomie), la permanence de logiques agricoles technico-économiques et l’émergence d’arguments sanitaires et commerciaux comme facteurs potentiels de diffusion de pratiques alternatives à l’utilisation des pesticides en agriculture. / The increasing vulnerability of water resources and aquatic pollution has led to the development of agrienvironmental tools in particular to reduce and control the use of pesticides. This paper explores the tension between the constraints that affect changes of phytosanitary practices and environmental requirements now posed in terms of environmental results. The observation of an experimental policy instrument of "better practices" in Midi-Pyrenees (Gramip), is mobilized to examine, from an interdisciplinary approach (economics, sociology, agronomy), the permanence of agricultural techno-economic logic and the emergence of health and commercial factors as potential diffusion of alternative practices to the use of pesticides in agriculture

    Le chimiste, le sociologue et les résidus médicamenteux : l’interdisciplinarité saisie par la pratique

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    Modes d'insertion socio-spatiale du bâti agricole périurbain et sociabilités locales (le cas des "hameaux agricoles" dans l'Hérault)

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    Cette thèse porte sur la coexistence entre l activité agricole et les usages résidentiels des espaces périurbains via l étude sociologique des nouvelles modalités de gestion du bâti viticole développées dans le département de l Hérault. Nommés hameaux agricoles , ces nouveautés répondent à la planification urbaine durable introduite par la loi SRU (2000) et ses conséquences sur le logement des agriculteurs et sur la cohabitation entre l activité agricole et les usages résidentiels. Ces modes innovants de gestion du bâti agricole révèlent l émergence d une gestion publique de la cohabitation entre activité agricole et usages résidentiels. La thèse s articule autour de deux principaux axes qui analysent 1) les conceptions politiques de la cohabitation entre activité agricole et usages résidentiels qui émanent de la loi SRU et de ses traductions en nouvelles modalités de gestion du bâti agricole, 2) de la cohabitation vécue par les agriculteurs et par les résidents dans les villages périurbains concernés par ces projets. L analyse des conceptions politiques de la cohabitation permet de mettre à jour trois idéaux-types de vivre ensemble . La confrontation de ces conceptions politiques avec la réalité des dynamiques sociale, met à jour des problèmes inattendus d équité sociale. La thèse se conclut sur des perspectives de recherche et d'action pour une gestion durable du bâti agricole.This thesis highlights certain aspects of the coexistence between agriculture and residential uses in the periurban via a sociologic study of new ways of managing wine growers' farm buildings introduced in the department of the Hérault (France). Named agricultural hamlets , these innovations take into account legal requirements related to sustainable planning introduced by the SRU law (2000), the implications for farmers' dwellings and issues of the coexistence between agriculture and residential uses. These new ways of managing farm buildings reveal the emergence of a public management of this issue. The thesis is organized around two principal axes which analyze: 1) the political conceptions of the coexistence between agriculture and residential uses which result in the varied interpretation of the SRU law and in the development of new management of farm building, 2) the real-life experience of living together as experienced by farmers and residents of the periurban villages concerned by these projects. The analysis of the political conceptions of coexistence reveals three ideal types of living together . The confrontation of political conceptions with the reality of social dynamics brings to light unexpected problems of social equity. The thesis concludes with the presentation of the numerous perspectives of research and action on the sustainable management of farm building.TOULOUSE2-SCD-Bib. electronique (315559903) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Fast Search-By-Classification for Large-Scale Databases Using Index-Aware Decision Trees and Random Forests

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    The vast amounts of data collected in various domains pose great challenges to modern data exploration and analysis. To find "interesting" objects in large databases, users typically define a query using positive and negative example objects and train a classification model to identify the objects of interest in the entire data catalog. However, this approach requires a scan of all the data to apply the classification model to each instance in the data catalog, making this method prohibitively expensive to be employed in large-scale databases serving many users and queries interactively. In this work, we propose a novel framework for such search-by-classification scenarios that allows users to interactively search for target objects by specifying queries through a small set of positive and negative examples. Unlike previous approaches, our framework can rapidly answer such queries at low cost without scanning the entire database. Our framework is based on an index-aware construction scheme for decision trees and random forests that transforms the inference phase of these classification models into a set of range queries, which in turn can be efficiently executed by leveraging multidimensional indexing structures. Our experiments show that queries over large data catalogs with hundreds of millions of objects can be processed in a few seconds using a single server, compared to hours needed by classical scanning-based approaches


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    This study compared two different rest intervals (RI) between sets of resistance exercise. Ten resistance-trained men (M age = 24.3, SD = 3.5 yr.; M weigh t= 80.0 kg, SD = 15.3; M height = 1.75 m, SD = 0.04) performed five sets of Smith machine bench presses at 60% of one repetition maximum, either with 1.5 min. or 3 min. RI between sets. Their repetition performance, total training volume, velocity, fatigue, rating of perceived exertion, and muscular power were measured. All of these measures indicated that performance was significantly better and fatigue was significantly lower in the 3 min. RI as compared with the 1.5 min. RI, except the rating of perceived exertion which did not show a significant difference. A longer RI between sets promotes superior performance for the bench press


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    This study compared two different rest intervals (RI) between sets of resistance exercise. Ten resistance-trained men (M age = 24.3, SD = 3.5 yr.; M weigh t= 80.0 kg, SD = 15.3; M height = 1.75 m, SD = 0.04) performed five sets of Smith machine bench presses at 60% of one repetition maximum, either with 1.5 min. or 3 min. RI between sets. Their repetition performance, total training volume, velocity, fatigue, rating of perceived exertion, and muscular power were measured. All of these measures indicated that performance was significantly better and fatigue was significantly lower in the 3 min. RI as compared with the 1.5 min. RI, except the rating of perceived exertion which did not show a significant difference. A longer RI between sets promotes superior performance for the bench press

    Preferential Transfer of Certain Plasma Membrane Proteins onto T and B Cells by Trogocytosis

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    T and B cells capture antigens via membrane fragments of antigen presenting cells (APC) in a process termed trogocytosis. Whether (and how) a preferential transfer of some APC components occurs during trogocytosis is still largely unknown. We analyzed the transfer onto murine T and B cells of a large panel of fluorescent proteins with different intra-cellular localizations in the APC or various types of anchors in the plasma membrane (PM). Only the latter were transferred by trogocytosis, albeit with different efficiencies. Unexpectedly, proteins anchored to the PM's cytoplasmic face, or recruited to it via interaction with phosphinositides, were more efficiently transferred than those facing the outside of the cell. For proteins spanning the PM's whole width, transfer efficiency was found to vary quite substantially, with tetraspanins, CD4 and FcRÎł found among the most efficiently transferred proteins. We exploited our findings to set immunodiagnostic assays based on the capture of preferentially transferred components onto T or B cells. The preferential transfer documented here should prove useful in deciphering the cellular structures involved in trogocytosis
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