11 research outputs found

    Determination of Natural Radioactivity and Radiological Hazards of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K in the Grains Available at Penang Markets, Malaysia, Using High-purity Germanium Detector

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    In the present study, the concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K and their radiological hazards in 18 types of grain samples, collected from local markets in Penang, Malaysia, are investigated using high-purity germanium detector (HPGe). The results indicated that the concentration of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K in grain samples was ranged from 56.97 to 86.13 Bq.kg−1, from 34.71 to 52.14 Bq.kg−1, and from 517.05 to 997.59 Bq.kg−1, respectively. The results of the average annual ingestion dose of natural radionuclides of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K were found to be 66.555, 35.199, and 15.328 μSv y−1, respectively. These  results are below  the standard worldwide value (290 μSv y−1) that was  reported by UNSCEAR. Therefore, the studied samples are considered safe in terms of the radiological health hazards, and there is no health hazard from the grain in this region

    Heavy metals in blood and urine impact on the woman fertility

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    This study was designed to investigate heavy metals that were associated with fertility of women. Heavy metals have been identified as factors affecting human fertility. For a lot of women, whole blood specimens were analyzed for Pb, Zn, As, Mg, Co, Sn, Ag, Sb, Fe, and Cr using ICP–MS. Heavy  metals as estimated  has an impact on the hormonal profile and fertility in women. Findings indicate that Fe, Mg and Zn may impact female fecundity, also findings indicate that Fe, Mg and Zn caucus a different affects in the blood and urine samples , Fe >Mg> Zn > Pb > Sn > Cr as shown by the high concentrations of  Fe, Mg,  Pb,  and Zn,  in the blood and in urine samples.  Fe >Mg> Zn > Pb > Sn > Cr as shown by the high concentrations of Fe, Mg, Pb, and Zn  in the blood and in urine samples. Significant difference(p<0.001) found in blood concentration of these metals, where highest concentration was found in Fe, while the lowest observed in Cr, also showed significant (p<0.001) difference among the concentrations of these metals in urine. The highest concentration was noticed in Mg, while the lowest was in Cr, Keyword: Heave metals, blood, urine, lead, women infertilit

    Estimation the dose on radiosensitive tissue for women in dwelling and health risks caused to reduce the fertility women and cancer in gonads in Iraqi Kurdistan regions.

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    Present work, described the risk of indoor radon  concentration on the women ?s body tissue, such as  bladder, gonads, and uterus.  Minimum and  maximum annual effective dose A. E. D. to  uterus and many tissues were found  2.39 m Svy-1 and 32.28 mSvy-1,  respectively. The lowest radon concentration detected was found in the living room   94.883 Bq m-3, and the highest radon concentration detected was found in the kitchen  364.412  Bq m-3. The distribution of indoor radon concentration was high in many houses and many pose health risk affected on women fertility causative the infertility and cancer in gonads. The large variation of the indoor radon activity between different dwellings can be explained depending on the age of the house, ventilation conditions and the type of building materials, nature of the soil underneath, and geological considerations.  Majority of the houses had poor ventilation attributed to the absence of ventilators.  Dose is higher in old houses than in new ones because the ventilation rates in new houses are higher than those in old houses. The results showed significant difference ( p value  <  0.001) found between kitchen and living results, where concentration of radon in kitchen had higher results medians than results of living. Significant difference ( p value  <  0.001)  found among organs in living room, where the gonads are the organ with highest concentration while bladders were the lowest,  also significant difference ( p value  <  0.001)  found among participants organs in kitchen room Key words: Infertility, gonads cancer, indoor radon, human risk, CR-39NTDs, annual effective dose

    Assessment the Natural Radioactivity of Radionuclides ( 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, and 137Cs) in Wheat Grain

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    This paper investigates the activity concentration of radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs) in the wheat grain samples using a high-purity germanium detector. Thirty-six wheat grain samples were collected from different locations of Koya City, Iraqi Kurdistan region. Average activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in wheat grain are found to be 0.407 ± 0.097 Bq.kg-1 for 226Ra, 0.36 ± 0.14 Bq.kg-1 for 232Th and 109.25± 2.214 Bq.kg-1 for 40K, respectively. The measured activity concentrations for the radionuclides are compared with the reported data from other countries. In addition, the fallout radionuclide of 137Cs has no detection of in the wheat grain samples. The radium equivalent activity Raeq, internal and external hazard indices Hin and Hex, and annual gonadal dose equivalent are calculated for the measured samples. The total ingestion dose is 113.19 µSv.y-1, which is below the world average value of 290 µSv.y-1

    Medición de la concentración de radón (222Rn) y torón (220Rn) en diferentes plantas (vegetales) ubicadas en la ciudad de Sulaimania empleando el detector CR-39

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    Introduction: Radon is a radioactive gas released from the normaldecay of uranium in rocks and soil depending on local geology. Radioactive decay of uranium through radium produces radon. Materials and Methods: In the present work, seventeen plant (vegetables) samples collected from Sulaimania Governorate. The plants have been analyzed and examined to measure the level of radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) using plastic track detector (CR-39) for evaluation of radon and thoron concentration in this region. Results and Discussion: The results indicated that the higher andlower radon concentration have been found in Halabjay-con, and inSulaimani-center, to be (119.72 Bq.m-3, 3.236 pCi/L), (54.36 Bq.m-3,1.469 pCi/L), respectively, and the higher and lower thoron concentration have been found in Qaladza and in Sulaimani-center, to be (733.66 Bq.m-3, 19.828 pCi/L), (227.33 Bq.m-3, 9.117 pCi/L), respectively. Radiation level compared with the standard level known by the EPA (4 pCi/L) and190 Bqm-3. The concentration of radon in all sample plants is less than international standard level 4(pCi/L)and190 (Bqm-3), therefore the human in safety. The average effective dose equivalent (EDE) of radon from plants determined was (7.2) μSv.y-1 for all the samples. This is lower than the normal value of (1.3) mSv.y-1 given by EPA. Conclusions: This study showed that the contamination in the plant (vegetables) is normal and is not considered a great radial dose for plants and consequently for humans

    Assessment the Effects of Alpha Particles on Women's Urine using CR-39 NTDs

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    This research describes the results that have been obtained from the alpha particles after carrying out the present study. The study was conducted on 60 urine samples taken from women, who were either infertile, had weak fertility with 30 urine samples of normal women. The age of those women ranged between (18-47) years. They further belonged to different locations in Iraqi Kurdistan region. values calculated in 20 ml of female urine samples was noted that the average values of concentrations of alpha emitters in 20 ml of urine of women's problem with fertility were 0.371 ppm in Erbil,  0.330 ppm in Sulaymania, and 0.199 for normal women, respectively, The results showed that the concentration of alpha emitters in Erbil > Sulaymania> normal, the number of areas do represent a source of danger to human life. This denotes that there is evidence of health problems. Significant difference found in participants’ laboratory outcomes between Erbil, Sulaymania and normal. Significant correlations (p < 0.001) found between participants’ demographic data and their laboratory outcomes. Also the range of alpha particles in the surface of urine samples and CR-39NTDs was calculated using SRIM program Keywords: infertility in women, Urine, Iraqi Kurdistan region, CR- 39NTDs, Alpha particle

    Uranium Concentration in Human Blood using Fission Track Etch Technique

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    The technique of fission track etch has been applied to determine concentration of uranium in human blood samples for exposed group and control group, male and female, using CR-39 track detector that is employed for registration of induced fission tracks. The blood samples of exposed group were collected from three key southern Iraqi governorates (Basrah, Muthanna and Dhi-Qar). These governorates were the center of intensive military activities during the 1991 and 2003 Gulf wars. The blood samples of the control group were taken from individuals who live in Babil governorate. This governorate, which is considered environmentally uncontaminated, is located north-west of the study area. The results showed that the uranium concentrations in human blood of exposed group ranged from 0.78 ppb (male, 3 years old, from Dhi-Qar) to 2.47 ppb (female, 65 years old, from Basrah). For the control group, the uranium concentration ranged from 0.32 ppb (male, 4 years old) to 1.47 ppb (female, 52 years old). It has also been found that the uranium concentrations in blood samples of exposed group are higher than those of the control group, and the uranium concentrations for female exposed group and control group are higher than those for male exposed group and control group. Keywords: uranium concentration, human blood, CR-39, fission track, Ira

    Assessment of Radon Concentration in Blood Samples of Different Kinds of Cancer by Using CR-39 Nuclear Track Detectors

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    The goal of this work to measure the radon concentrations in twenty blood samples taken from a cancer patient and a healthy group of Erbil governorates, by using CR-39 NTD. The results obtained the average concentrations of radon in blood samples for cancer patients and the healthy group were 19.318 ±3.86 Bq/m3 and 8.5077 ±1.84 Bq/m3 respectively. The mean value of radon concentration of the cancer group is higher than the healthy group. The variation in concentrations of radon in different locations may be caused due to the variation in the nature of blood samples and nuclei content in these samples. also depending on the allergic reaction of the body to radiation. This increase could be caused by pollution of environment with radioactive materials including uranium since cancer can be caused by ionization radiation results showed that the all of concentration of radon in blood samples for cancer and healthy group were less than the global permissibility limiting of exhibition to radon 200 Bq.m−3 (IAEA, 2010.)This work owes its importance to the fact that it aims at knowing and measuring the radon concentrations in the blood samples and impact it on the cancer in particular