26 research outputs found

    Performance of Forage Crops and Grass Mixtures in Kosovo

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    Grasslands represent a land-use which is effective and has great economical importance in the European agriculture. Grasslands these are important and effective sources of energy and proteins for ruminants, and combine high yields stability by draught resistance with low tillage operations and pesticide after use leading to good environmental conditions. Furthermore, good management practice in grasslands provides high potential of carbon sequestration in soils, resulting in climate change mitigation. Based on actual data, the meadows and pastures cover 224410.83 ha of total surface of the Kosovo; moreover there, just a particular of these surfaces are distinguished clearly as meadows or pastures. The most important forage crops which are dominant in our country include plants from Poaceae; this botanical family is divided into long, medium, and low herbs. Medium and long herbs are the best suited for mowing and silage or drying for sanitary preparations, while short herbs are very suitable for grassland. The most important of fodder or plants in Kosovo are: (Medicago sativa L.) alfalfa, red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.), etc. Legumes are of great importance for the creation and development artificial grasslands and very valuable mulching surfaces that produce very high yields that are not only useful for silage, but also for drying

    Genetic Variability of some Maize Inbred Lines (Zea mays L.)in Agroecological Conditions of Kosovo

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    The aim of this study, conducted during the years 2005 (Y1) and 2006 (Y2), was to investigate the variability and appearance of genotype reaction in maize inbred lines. In the investigation were included 10 maize inbred lines obtained from the University of Tirana- Albania, department of Agronomy. The experiment was based on a ranomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications in the locality of Ferizaj. The variability and genotype reaction was analysed for quantitative parameters for plants as following: Ear height (EH); plant height (PH), ear leaf area (LA) and leaf area index (LAI). The experimental average values μ for investigated parameters were: EH was 60.46 cm, PH (169.88 cm), LA (446.2 cm2) and LAI (3.23 plant m-2) respectively. The inbred lines between them for EH at the first year (Y1) and the second year (Y2) had show the variability 52.59% and 43.16%, respectively. The highest value for EH was shown by inbred L4 (76.10 cm), which differs from the value μ for +25.86%. While the lowest value was recorded at the inbred L5 (44.30 cm) that difference was a reduction of -26.72%. In the Y2 the same values were repeated but with minimal differences. The maize inbred L7 for the Y1 had a greater total plant height (196.5 cm), while for the Y2 was obtained 206.7cm. The minimal average value for PH were shown by the inbred L8 and L2, while the total variability between all inbred lines for PH were Y1 (32.61%) and Y2 (36.55%) respectively. Average values of the two years investigation for ear leaf area (LA) were obtained by inbred L7 (544.1cm2 plant-1), whereas lowest values were showed by maize inbred L10 (356.9cm2plant-1). Variability between inbred lines was 41.95 %. The highest value of LAI was obtained for inbred L7 on coefficient 3.9 plant m2 (Y1) and 4.0plant m-2(Y2) whereas the lowest LAI was realised on maize inbred L10 (2.5 plant m-2) at the Y1, while for the Y2 was obtained at maize inbred L8 (2.6 plant m-2)


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    Tomato together with pepper is main vegetable crop in Kosovo. Yearly tomato is planted on around 2.000 ha. Quality preparation of seedling is important precondition for successful production of tomato. Substrates used in Kosovo for production of tomato seedlings are different (it is same for other different vegetables). With the aim to test the effect of feeding substrate in growth and development of seedlings during different phases three types of substrates were used: loam (soil mixed with decomposed organic manure 50:50) - SP1, Peat 100% - SP2, and mixed loam + peat (50:50) - SP3. These substrates were tested in three tomato hybrids (Graziella, Big Beef and Amati). Design of experiment was based on case block system with three repetitions for every treatment (RBDE). Analysis included: roots fresh weight, root length, seedling height, internodes length, fresh stalk weight. Regarding roots fresh weight and roots length different results were achieved for different cultivars. Average general values for all three cultivars were 8.72 g and for length 22.22 cm. Hybrid Graziella for two parameters realized average values: maximal value for root fresh weight of 13.90 g (SP2) and root length of 27.83 cm (SP1). Amati achieved lower values of weight in substrate (SP3) 5.03 g. Graziella achieved lower values for root length in substrate SP1 18.23 cm. Difference for root fresh weight and roots length were highly significant at level 0.05 and 0.01, respectively. Also for seedling height and distance between nodies the results between substrates were significant at the level 0.05 and 0.01.Rajčica i paprika najvažnije su povrtne kulture na Kosovu. Rajčica se godišnje uzgaja na oko 2.000 ha. Kvaliteta proizvedenih presadnica važna je predispozicija za uspješnu proizvodnju rajčice. Supstrati koji se na Kosovu koriste za proizvodnju presadnica su različiti. U cilju utvrđivanja utjecaja supstrata na rast i razvoj presadnica rajčice u različitim fazama korištena su tri tipa supstrata: ilovasto tlo SP1 (tlo pomiješano s razgrađenom organskom tvari 50:50), treset SP 2 i treset pomiješan s ilovastim tlom SP3 (50:50). Supstrati su testirani na tri hibrida rajčice (Graziella, Big Bef i Amati). Pokus je postavljen po shemi običnog bloknog rasporeda u tri ponavljanja. Analizirana je masa svježeg korijena, dužina korijena, dužina presadnice, dužina internodija i težina svježe stabljike. Za težinu svježe stabljike i dužinu korijena ostvareni su različiti rezultati kod različitih hibrida. Prosječna težina svježe stabljike za sva tri hibrida bila je 8,72 g, a dužina korijena 22,22 cm. Hibrid Graziella je imao najveću masu svježeg korijena 13,90 g u supstratu SP2 i najduži korijen 27,83 cm u supstratu SP1. Hibrid Amati imao je najnižu masu svježe stabljike u supstratu SP3 a bila je 5,03 g dok je Graziella imala najmanju dužinu korijena pri uzgoju u supstratu SP1 od svega 18,23 cm. Statistički visoko značajne razlike između supstrata utvrđene su za masu svježeg korijena, njegovu dužinu kao i dužinu internodij

    General and Specific Combining Ability Studies for Leaf Area (LA) in some Maize Inbreed Lines (Zea mays L.) in Agroecological Conditions in Kosova

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    In the methods of diallel crossing which are based on Hayman, (1954), Jinks,(1954), Griffing, (1956), Mather and Jinks, (1971), can produce values of hybrid combination and methods of heritage for a particular trait of selection. The use of heterosise in the world has started since the year 1933 in USA, where about 1% of the total surfaces were planted, while latter in the year 1953 the hetorsis of the maize hybrids was expanded up to 96% (Sprague, 1962). The cultivation of the maize hybrids started after the year 1960 in about 4.38%, and the seed was provided by the USA. Now, in Kosovo, about 95% of of surfaces are planted with different types of hybrids (Fetahu, 1998). The main object was to test and identify the reaction of some hybrid combinations of the F1 generation for leaf area (LA). Research includes 10 inbreed lines that had been in diallel crossing for GCA and SCA. The formula that provides the component of genetic variance was Griffings (1956) method 2, the mathematical model I.Xij= micro+gi+gj+sij+e. With maximal LA where heterozygote combination from inbreed lines was L6xL10, xg=788.6 cm 2, while minimal value was combination L4xL5, xgj=558.9 cm2. The experimental average value of F1 generation was micro= 678.8 cm2. With maximal and minimal average differences for LA of F1 generation were + 109.8 cm2 or 17%, respectively -119.9 cm2 or 18%, comparing with value micro. The total variability between genotypes were +/- 35%, with high significance. ANOVA for combination ability of GCA and SCA for LA provided with high phenotypes differences that were significant for P =< 0.05 and 0.01. Higher value for GCA obtained L2= +31.326, while with lower combination, the value was L4 = 38.069. For SCA with higher values had L6xL10= + 156.73, with high significance for P =< 0.01

    Effects of cold-stratification, gibberellic acid and potassium nitrate on seed germination of yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea L.)

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    The purpose of this study was to show the effect of cold-stratification, gibberellic acid and potassium nitrate on seed germination of yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea L.). The seeds of natural yellow gentian populations of the Albanian Alps (Kosovo) were collected in September 2010. Seeds placed in filter paper (plastic bag) and in mixture of sand-soil were cold-stratified (2±1°C) for 72 days. The effect of different concentrations of gibberellic acid (250, 500 and 1000 ppm GA3) and potassium nitrate (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% KNO3) in final germination percentage (FGP), mean germination time (MGT) and germination index (GI) in non-stratified and stratified seeds were examined. Seeds stratified in filter paper and treated with 1000 ppm GA3 and 0.1% KNO3 showed significantly higher percentage of germination (FGP and GI), while seeds stratified in mixture of sand-soil showed the highest values of FGP and GI in treatments with 500 ppm GA3 and different concentrations of KNO3. The cold-stratification and GA3 treatments of yellow gentian seeds are suitable for the higher percentage of germinations.Key words: Gentiana lutea L., cold-stratification, seeds, germination, gibberellic acid (GA3), potassium nitrate (KNO3)

    Changes in the dental pulp calcifications with a lamellar concentric structure and calcifications with an amorphous to finely granular structure

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    The aim of the study was to inspect change in the pulp with dental calcifications by different structure. Material and method: we carried out the research on 40 pulps after indicated tooth extraction, during which we made a vertical section of the teeth and removed the pulps, and 60 extirpated pulps from teeth with an endodontic diagnosis of pulpitis chronica. With the method of light microscopy, and by using standard differential histo-chemical coloring, results were obtained on the Institute of Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje. Results: 2 morphological images of changed pulp were obtained with the method of light microscopy with the application of standard differential histochemical staining: (1) dental pulp with calcifications with a lamellar concentric structure; (2) dental pulp with calcifications present with an amorphous to finely granular structure. In both groups, a reduction of cellularity in the connective tissue is observed, with evident but gradual hyalinization, which takes the form of wider areas or tracks, dissociated from relatively preserved loose connective tissue. Pulps containing nodular calcifications show a certain degree of congestion of blood vessels, in contrast to dispersed and irregularly shaped calcifications. Keywords: dental pulp, dental calcification, hystopathological analysis

    Pulp changes in the presence of denticles

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    Aim: To determine the histopathological changes of the pulp, in which denticles are present. Material and method: The research was made on 40 pulps after indicated tooth extraction, we made a vertical section of the teeth, removed them, and 60 extirpated pulps of teeth with an endodontic diagnosis of chronic pulpitis. According to the method of light microscopy, and by using standard differential histo-chemical coloring, results were obtained at the Institute of Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje. Results: The obtained results showed that in some specimens, tangential sections of denticles showed a continuous surface of loose connective tissue of the pulp, in which there was a collection of mononuclear inflammatory cells. Between the loose connective tissue of the pulp and the denticles, there is a layer of odontoblasts. In the other parts of the pulp, there are no major deviations in the cellularity, as well as in the vascular and nerve morphological compartments. The interstitium is proportional to that of relatively preserved pulps. Keywords: dental pulp, denticles, histopathological analysis

    Determination on Genetic Variation for Morphological Traits and Yield Components of New Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) Lines

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    he genetic studies were conducted on six new winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) line during three years investigations developed in agro ecological conditions of Kosovo. Data for various morphological and yield traits were taken and analyzed for spike length (SL), plant height (PH), total dry matter (TDM), spike Weight (SW), grain weight per spike (GWS), yield (Y) and harvest index (HI). Field design consisted in a randomized blocks design (RBD) with three replications. Results indicated that the line 01KS as the most competitive genotypes produced significantly higher for SL (9.58 cm), GWS (2.37 g per spike) and grain yield (10.66 t ha-1) while lower yield was recorded at the line 04KS (8.02 t ha-1). The lowest SL (8.4 cm) belonged to line 06KS which was ranked as the least competitive genotype. The significantly higher total dry matter (TDM) was recorded at the wheat line 02KS on value 4.88 g, while the lowest (4.44 g) belonged to 04KS which was ranked as the last genotype. There was a positive and significant harvest index (HI) on value from 50.5% to 39.1%