13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi Terhadap Turnover Intention Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada PT Bank Sulselbar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh iklim organisasi secara langsung terhadap turnover intention dan secara tidak langsung melalui kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel intervening di PT Bank Sulselbar. Desain penelitian Path Analysis digunakan sebagai alat analisis untuk menentukan arah variabel yang diteliti serta menjustifikasi seberapa signifikan pengaruh variabel independen dan dependen baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui variable mediasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel iklim organisasi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan secara langsung. Iklim organisasi berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap turnover intention secara langsung. Variabel kepuasan kerja terhadap turnover intention berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap turnover intention. Melalui mediasi kepuasan kerja secara tidak langsung iklim organisasi tetap berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap turnover intention. Orisinalitas: Pengelolaan personalia dan promosi karyawan yang berdasarkan kompetensi akan semakin memacu karyawan dalam berprestasi dan dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya. Dengan menempatkan salah satu variable sebagai mediasi dapat menghasilkan sesuatu yang berbeda dan penelitian ini dapat memberikan gambaran bagi manajer berkaitan dengan masalah pengambilan keputusan

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Mind Map Sebagai Media Inovatif Dalam Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Sekolah Dasar

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    This study was conducted to develop an innovative medium in learning Elementary School-Civic Education (PKn SD) Development course in order to improve the lecturer competency in developing good learning media, improving learning quality, and producing a computer and internet-based media product. The development of innovative media in this study was carried out by utilizing mind map application available in internet. This study was taken place in Elementary School Teacher Education, Pedagogic Faculty, Semarang State University. The subject of research consisted of corresponding students and lecturers. This study was an educational research with research and development approach. The procedure of research included preliminary study with descriptive qualitative approach, media development design, design validation and design improvement, and followed with limited trial on media design by applying experimental method (before-after), and product revision, if any, and final product development. The result achieved in this study was that the author had conducted a preliminary study by mapping competency and indicator into PKn SD Development course and then designed the lecturing learning plan as needed by utilizing the mind map application as learning media. The author had designed an innovative media using mind map application and had the media design validated by the competent validators in their area. The mind map application-based learning media had been tried out in treatment class. The result of test with the data processed by the author showed the following result. 1) The result of pretest and posttest showed significant improvement; it could be seen from the number of correct answer minimally 5 (40%) and maximally 13 (63%) in pre-test result and minimally 16 (80%) and maximally 20 (100%) in posttest result. 2) The result of content quality and objective aspect questionnaire before and after using mind map application showed the ratio of 55%: 89%, with instructional quality aspect of 54% : 88%, and technical quality aspect of 51% : 90%, so that the overall ratio was 54% : 89%. Considering the result of data analysis, it could be found that the mind map application use can be developed further as an innovative learning media utilizing computer technology and informatics technology mastery support. The author organized the result of study into a scientific article to be published and organized a final report as accountability


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    Terrorism groups have obviously put their attention to recruiting new members of educated people like college-age students, a number of terrorists who have been caught showing their status as students or college students. We consider one of the most important ways to be cultivated in a college environment by conducting radical anti-radical and anti-terrorist campaigns and campaigning the right way to deal with situations that focus on radical thinking and action and terrorism. This study will look at students' perceptions within the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the University of North Sumatra against the danger of radical understanding and understanding of terrorism and prevention solutions for the safety of their surrounding environment. The method used in this study is literature study, documentation and focus group discussion (FGD). The results of this study show a strong appreciation of student discussion groups on the intent and purpose of this activit

    Pengaruh Kecepatan Potong (Vc) terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan pada Pembubutan Kering Baja ASTM A 29 Menggunakan Pahat Karbida Berlapis Titanium Aaluminium Nitrida (TiAlN)

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    Peningkatan kualitas produksi harus disertai dengan kualitas produk yang digunakan. Pada bidang permesinan kualitas permukaan suatu benda kerja dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti suhu pemotongan, kecepatan pemotongan, sudut pemotongan, kedalaman potong dan material yang digunakan dalam proses pembubutannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel dan kondisi pemotongan terhadap hasil kekasaran permukaan pada proses pemesinan bubut. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan pahat karbida berlapis Titanium Alumunium Nitrida (TiAlN) pada pemotongan baja ASTM A 29 menggunakan cairan pemotongan dan tanpa menggunakan cairan pemotongan (Dry Machining). Pengukuran kekasaran dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu menetapkan kondisi pemotongan dengan mesin bubut. Hasil yang didapat pada proses pembubutan kekasaran permukaan terendah berada pada nilai (µm) 1.535 dengan parameter kecepatan potong (Vc) 250 m/mnt, gerak makan (f) 0.1 mm/putaran, dan kedalaman potong (a) 1.5 mm dengan kondisi pemesinan basah, sedangkan kekasaran permukaan tertinggi berada pada nilai (µm) 2,077 dengan parameter kecepatan potong (Vc) 250 m/mnt, gerak makan (f) 0.1 mm/putaran, dan kedalaman potong (a) 1.5 mm dengan kondisi pemesinan kering. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekasaran permukaan terendah berada pada proses pemotongan basah menggunakan pahat karbida pada pemotongan material baja ASTM A 29 dengan (Vc) 250 m/mnt

    An Effort to Improve the Quality of Workers at the Makassar City Department of Employment Services

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    The quality of labor is a major factor in the supply of human resources. This study aims to find out the efforts made to improve the quality of the workforce at the Manpower Office in Makassar City. The research approach used uses qualitative research. Research informants are people who obtain employment services at the Manpower Office. Data collection is done through interviews, observations and data collection in the field. The data analysis technique uses interactive models such as: data reduction, data condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that there are still various shortcomings such as the analysis of the needs of employees with special expertise and training systems that still do not meet expectations. Furthermore, inventory of office facilities and infrastructure that are less well maintained

    Application of the Transformational Leadership Style at the BKKBN Office in South Sulawesi Province

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    The research objective is to determine the application of the Transformational Leadership Style at the National Population and Family Planning Agency (Indonesia: Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional / BKKBN) in South Sulawesi Province. The design of this research is quantitative descriptive research. Researchers took 35% of the population of 110 people using random sampling techniques, so the research sample numbered 38 people. Techniques for getting data are: observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis technique. The results of the study show that the application of the Transformational Leadership Style runs well seen from various indicators namely: Charismatic, Intellectual, Stimulation, and Individual Consideration

    Upaya Menumbuhkan Minat Studi Saintek Santri Pondok Pesantren melalui Pelatihan Keterampilan Menggunakan Media Peraga Ayunan Bandul Sederhana

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    Pelajaran sains dan teknologi merupakan pelajaran yang sangat penting dalam kemajuan peradaban bangsa saat ini. Namun banyak siswa yang kurang tertarik dengan pelajaran ini karena banyaknya jumlah perhitungan sehingga siswa lebih cenderung monoton dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Selain itu, kurangnya alat praktikum membuat siswa kurang tertarik untuk belajar. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan PKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat siswa dalam menumbuhkan motivasi belajar khususnya bidang sains. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penjelasan teoritis dengan bantuan modul dan powerpoint dan pada akhirnya dilakukan verifikasi dengan mengaplikasikan alat peraga. Hasil angket, ditemukan bahwa dengan menggabungkan penggunaan modul dan alat, minat siswa terhadap pelajaran lebih antusias dengan tanggapan siswa 70% dari 20 siswa yang mengikuti kategori mencapai sangat setuju dengan kegiatan PKM

    The Effectiveness of IMB Services at the Makassar City Investment Office and One Door Integrated Services at Makassar City

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Building Permit (IMB) service at the Office of Investment and Integrated Services One Door Makassar City. This study is a qualitative descriptive research that in the process of collecting data using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. Based on the result of the research indicates that the effectiveness of building permit service at the Office of Capital Investment and Integrated Service One Door of Makassar City is quite effective with the description (1) simplicity is quite effective, (2) clarity is effective, (3) Legal certainty is not effective, 4) Accuracy is effective, (5) security is effective, (6) Responsibility is quite effective, (7) Completeness of Facilities and Infrastructure quite effective, (8) Ease of Access has been effective, (9) Discipline, Courtesy and Friendliness have been effective , and (10) Convenience is quite effective

    Sentiment Analysis: Sekolah Tatap Muka In The New Normal Era

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    Through the Circular of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Number 3 of 2022, face-to-face learning is limited to educational units following the provisions stipulated in the Joint Decree of the Four Ministers. In addition, it is explained that parents/guardians of students are given the choice to permit their children to take part in Limited face-to-face learning or distance learning. This study aimed to determine public sentiment regarding Sekolah Tatap Muka. To achieve the research objectives, sentiment analysis is used using the Drone Emprit application. Data collection was obtained from the Twitter social media application, the data obtained were posts from February 1, 2022, to March 31, 2022. The results showed that there were 898 tweets or 29.23 percent of positive sentiments about sekolah tatap muka, and there were 1,954 tweets or 63.61 percent of negative sentiments about sekolah tatap muka, and there were 220 tweets or 7.16 percent of neutral sentiments about sekolah tatap muka

    Pemanfaatan Kelapa sebagai Media Inovasi Masyarakat Pedesaan

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    The purpose of this research is to help the community by conducting training on Coconut Utilization as a medium for Rural Community Innovation. The training was attended by 30 participants obtained from the local community. The training was carried out in two stages, namely: 1) learning and monitoring process, 2) integrated head processing training. In the implementation of the training there were four activities, namely: 1) coconut oil processing unit, 2) shell making, 3) coir fiber fiber processing and 4) coconut juice processing