73 research outputs found

    Building Interpersonal Communication Skills in the Digital Age for Vocational Students in South Jakarta

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    Interpersonal communication skills are a person's ability to establish personal relationships with others directly well. Amid the rampant development of communication and information technology today, interpersonal communication skills on the one hand are needed but on the other hand face challenges. In the digital age, people tend to prefer to communicate with others using social media rather than communicating face-to-face in person. People prefer using social media rather than socializing with others. As a result, interpersonal communication skills become undeveloped and inhibited. Among students, interpersonal communication skills are needed for self development and soft skills, especially in building positive relationships with friends, teachers, family, and the social environment where they are. This Community Partnership Program offers solutions to build interpersonal communication skills among students of Al Falah Mampang Prapatan Vocational High School (SMK), South Jakarta. The results of this program show that students become more familiar with the concept of interpersonal communication skills, consider it important to have interpersonal communication skills, and are motivated to improve their interpersonal communication skills

    Daftar Hadir, BAP, Daftar Nilai Matkul MPK2 5F

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    Discourse of radicalism that proposes a system of government khilafah (Islamic State) to replace Pancasila as the basis of the state strengthened again after the reform era in 1998. Along with the development of information and communication technology today, discourse of radicalism then spread through online media and social media affiliated to radical Muslim groups. Islamic State discourse in online media must be countered with counter-discourse in the same realm. Therefore, the role of online media from moderate Islamic groups such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) becomes needed to match the discourse of these radical Muslim groups. The research problem is how do forms of counter-discourse of radicalism about the Islamic state in Indonesia through online media suaramuhammadiyah.id and NU Online? The study used Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis method, which focused his analysis on three levels: (1) text analysis, (2) analysis of discourse practice and (3) socio-cultural analysis (context). The results showed that the form of counter-discourse of radicalism suaramuhammadiyah.id about the Islamic State is to represent the State of Pancasila as darul ahdi wa shahadah (state of agreement and testimony). NU Online represents Pancasila as Islamic, there is no conflict between Islam and Pancasila. The discourse that represented by suaramuhammadiyah.id and NU Online is a counter-discourse about the Islamic State which is disoursed by radical Muslim groups in Indonesia


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    This article focuses on the process of understanding or interpretation of Muhammadiyah as an Islamic movement about tolerance toward non-Muslims. The understanding of tolerance to non-Muslims is very important in the midst of strengthening intolerant action and discrimination in the form of intimidation and assault on minority groups. This problem of tolerance can be considered to be one of the triggers of radical action, especially when associated with issues of political leadership, the establishment of a place of worship, and the like. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to understand how the process of understanding conducted by Muhammadiyah as an Islamic movement about tolerance to non-Muslims. The method used in this study was the hermeneutics method of Paul Ricoeur emphasizing the interpretation of the text with distanciation process between the text and the reader. The study shows that the process of understanding the tolerance of non-Muslims is based on the language (verses) of the Qur’an sura al-Hujurat verse 13 “lita’arafu”, means to get to know each other. In the process of being a language to be discourse, the verse is understood by the Muhammadiyah as ukhuwah Insaniyah, the Brotherhood of inter-fellow man. The practice of discourse shows that the understanding is backed by the reality that the plurality of religion as Sunnatullah, and its practice in its Muamalah context. Contextually understanding of Muhammadiyah is based on various forms of discrimination against minority groups. Muhammadiyah’s understanding of tolerance to non-Muslims can be used as a counterdiscourse of the understanding of radical Islamist groups that considers non-Muslims as enemies to be fought

    Nahdlatul Ulama dan Praktik Deradikalisasi di Media Online

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    This study focuses on deradicalization practices carried out by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) through NU Online media (nu.or.id), to dismantle power relations in deradicalization practices in particular. The research method uses Foucault's Critical Discourse Analysis, which emphasizes two elements, namely discourse practice and dominant�marginal discourse. The results of the study show, first, deradicalization has become the dominant discourse in nu.or.id as the right measure to overcome radicalism. Deradicalization practices at NU's online media are carried out by proposing deradicalization regional regulations (Raperda), workshops and seminars, reciting Kitab, and meetings of interfaith leaders. Second, the power relations in deradicalization practices carried out by NU are influenced by NU's power relations with the government. The results of this study confirm the existence of a strategic role for NU's online media in in disseminating the idea of deradicalization to overcome radicalism in Indonesia

    Daftar Hadir, BAP, Daftar Nilai MPK 1 4E Genap 2020-2021

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    Sebuah realitas pada dasarnya merupakan hasil konstruksi yang menyebabkan realitas menjadi berwajah banyak (multi reality). Hal ini karena adanya kepentingan-kepentingan dari berbagai pihak terutama pihak media. Salah satunya dalam peristiwa kekerasan aparat kepolisian di Desa Wadas, Jawa Tengah. Media mengonstruksi realitas tersebut secara berbeda karena adanya kepentingan yang berbeda. Artikel ini memfokuskan kajiannya mengenai bagaimana media online mengonstruksi peristiwa kekerasan aparat kepolisian di desa Wadas? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Framing Robert N. Entman, yang menitikberatkan pada pemilihan dan penonjolan suatu isu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kompas.com mengonstruksi peristiwa kekerasan aparat Kepolisian di Desa Wadas sebagai pengamanan pengukuran tanah di Desa Wadas. Sedangkan cnnindonesia.com mengonstruksi peristiwa tersebut sebagai tindakan represif aparat Kepolisian terhadap warga Desa Wadas. Faktor organisasi media yang memengaruhi konstruksi Kompas.com maupun cnnindonesia.com adalah faktor organisasi media yang meliputi tujuan, peran, struktur organisasi, dan kontrol kekuasaan organisasi. Hasil penelitian ini memperkuat pandangan mengenai framing bahwa suatu realitas yang sama dapat diberitakan (dikonstruksi) secara berbeda oleh media yang berbeda karena kepentingan organisasi media yang berbedaSebuah realitas pada dasarnya merupakan hasil konstruksi yang menyebabkan realitas menjadi berwajah banyak (multi reality). Hal ini karena adanya kepentingan-kepentingan dari berbagai pihak terutama pihak media. Salah satunya dalam peristiwa kekerasan aparat kepolisian di Desa Wadas, Jawa Tengah, di mana media mengonstruksi realitas tersebut secara berbeda karena adanya kepentingan yang berbeda. Artikel ini memfokuskan kajiannya mengenai bagaimana konstruksi media online pada peristiwa kekerasan aparat kepolisian di desa Wadas, dan apa faktor yang memengaruhi konstruksi media online tersebut? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Framing Robert N. Entman, yang menitikberatkan pada pemilihan dan penonjolan suatu isu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, Kompas.com mengonstruksi peristiwa kekerasan aparat Kepolisian di Desa Wadas sebagai pengamanan pengukuran tanah di Desa Wadas. Sedangkan cnnindonesia.com mengonstruksi peristiwa tersebut sebagai tindakan represif aparat Kepolisian terhadap warga Desa Wadas. Kedua, faktor yang memengaruhi konstruksi Kompas.com maupun cnnindonesia.com adalah faktor organisasi masing-masing media yang meliputi tujuan, peran, struktur organisasi, dan kontrol kekuasaan organisasi. Hasil penelitian ini memperkuat pandangan mengenai framing bahwa suatu realitas yang sama dapat diberitakan (dikonstruksi) secara berbeda oleh media yang berbeda karena kepentingan organisasi yang berbeda


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    Kajian ini memfokuskan kajiannya mengenai diskursus bentuk negara sebagai salah satu isu yang memicu gerakan radikalisme di kalangan organisasi masyarakat (Ormas) Islam (Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama). Asumsinya, munculnya gerakan-gerakan radikal di dunia dewasa ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman umat Islam mengenai ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan bentuk negara. Kajian ini menggunakan metode hermeneutika Ricour yang menekankan pada otonomi teks yang berkaitan dengan keputusan dan pernyataan resmi kedua Ormas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, berdasarkan analisis teks yang menggunakan hermeneutika Ricoeur, bahwa pemahaman ormas Islam mengenai bentuk negara, di mana Muhammadiyah memandang negara Pancasila sebagai ahlul ahdi wa syahada. Sedangkan NU memandang bentuk negara sebagai konsep bersama dalam hidup bernegara

    Representasi Muhammadiyah di Ranah Publik Baru

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    Daftar hadir, bap, daftar nilai MPK 2 5F ganjil 2021-2022

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