39 research outputs found

    Institutional Dynamics in a Re-ordering World

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    The chapters in this volume point to a profound re-definition of structuring frames for action and of normative and cognitive reference sets. All chapters, individually and as a whole, document in other words significant institutional transformation. The transnationalization of our world, sometimes hastily labeled “globalization”, is not only – and far from it – about flows of goods, capital or people. Nor is transnationalization simply a discourse even though it does have important discursive dimensions. Our transnationalizing world is a re-ordering world, a world where institutional rules of the game are in serious transition. Furthermore, the chapters in this volume clearly suggest – and many mundane contemporary experiences confirm it – that the impact of re-ordering processes is significant and consequential for our everyday lives. [First paragraph

    Keywords and Cultural Change: Frame Analysis of Business Model Public Talk, 1975–2000

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    Group identities as the building blocks of organizations: a story about nurses' daily work

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    This article describes the everyday interactions in an organization composed of groups to which gender identities have been ascribed, namely a hospital ward. The female identity of the nursing profession is reflected in the interaction both within the group and in the interaction between nurses and doctors. The female identity of the nurses repeatedly appears as a norm and as a frame for interpreting their activities. However, work patterns are changing. In particular, those aspects of nursing which have been most closely associated with the female identity of the profession are being questioned, and great efforts are being made to change them. Conclusions are drawn about what effect such changed group identities may have on the organizational setting, and on the relations between occupational groups.Nursing hospital occupational groups identity gender organizational transformation

    Society on board? : External board members and the embedding of Swedish higher education organizations in society, 1998-2016

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    Boards in higher education organizations (HEOs) play multiple roles. While they govern, boards are also expected to embed HEOs in society. Indeed, recent higher education reforms in Europe have emphasized the embedding role of HEO boards more than their governing role. But, although these reforms are widespread, we still know little about the ways in which boards are affected by ambitions of embedding HEOs. The aim of our paper is to explore how such ambitions are expressed through HEO board nominations and compositions. We address this aim by turning to Sweden, whose higher education system has, during the past three decades, undergone recurrent reforms that emphasize the embedding role of boards at public HEOs. Our study builds on a longitudinal dataset of external HEO board members' positions, employers, and simultaneous board seats, collected for 1998, 2007, and 2016 so as to accompany Swedish reforms. We find that external board members, over time, embedded HEOs in expanding and sprawling networks of ties to organizations from the public, private, and civil society sectors. Our findings push the literature beyond its focus on private sector ties by showing how governmental reforms lead HEOs to embed among public and civil society organizations as well

    Governance and its Transnational Dynamics: Towards a Reordering of our World?

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    The transnationalization of our world, sometimes hastily labelled 'globalization', is not only - and far from it - about flows of goods, capital, or people. Nor is transnationalization simply a discourse even though it does have important discursive dimensions. Together with others, we suggest that our transnationalizing world is also defined by powerful dynamics of reordering. Some contributions point to the emergence of an 'audit society' where accounting and conrol become powerful social and institutional practices with an increasingly transnational scope (Hopwood and Miller 1994; Power 1997). [First lines

    Transnational Governance: Institutional Dynamics of Regulation

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    Globalization involves a profound re-ordering of our world with the proliferation everywhere of rules and transnational modes of governance. This book examines how this governance is formed, changes and stabilizes. Building on a rich and varied set of empirical cases, it explores transnational rules and regulations and the organizing, discursive and monitoring activities that frame, sustain and reproduce them. Beginning from an understanding of the powerful structuring forces that embed and form the context of transnational regulatory activities, the book scrutinizes the actors involved, how they are organized, how they interact and how they transform themselves to adapt to this new regulatory landscape. A powerful analysis of the modes and logics of transnational rule-making and rule-monitoring closes the book. This authoritative resource offers ideal reading for all academic researchers and graduate students of governance and regulation. [Jacket

    Transnational Governance:Institutional Dynamics of Regulation

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    Globalization involves a profound re-ordering of our world with the proliferation everywhere of rules and transnational modes of governance. This book examines how this governance is formed, changes and stabilizes. Building on a rich and varied set of empirical cases, it explores transnational rules and regulations and the organizing, discursive and monitoring activities that frame, sustain and reproduce them. Beginning from an understanding of the powerful structuring forces that embed and form the context of transnational regulatory activities, the book scrutinizes the actors involved, how they are organized, how they interact and how they transform themselves to adapt to this new regulatory landscape. A powerful analysis of the modes and logics of transnational rule-making and rule-monitoring closes the book. This authoritative resource offers ideal reading for all academic researchers and graduate students of governance and regulation. [Jacket