13 research outputs found

    Analisis Terhadap Perilaku Bertransaksi Online Pengguna Facebook Commerce

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    The concept of electronic commerce is widely used today's society, or better known as e-commerce, information technology was born as globalization in economics. Social networking is one of the media of electronic commerce, which currently has a lot of users. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence e-commerce user on social networks, one of which is the facebook for online transactions. Data analysis performed in this study using multiple linear regression techniques to look at the variables that affect behavior variables commerce facebook users either partially or simultaneously. The results of this study are expected to provide empirical evidence about the factors that influence the behavior of users of facebook commerce in conducting online transactions. In addition the test results are also expected to give evidence about the dominant factors that influence user behavior in online transactions through social networking media. Keywords: Perception of Service Quality, Perceived Ease, Perceived Trust worthiness, User Behavior, Facebook Commerce, Online Transactions

    Evaluasi Penerimaan Teknologi Informasi di Beberapa Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Kota Palembang

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    Information technology is an invaluable tool in solving the problems faced by humans. Utilization of information technology to provide better performance implications on information technology. Information and technologies that support college activities is a valuable asset. College success is usually to understand the advantages and usefulness of information technology to support high-performance university. Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of The Technolgy (UTAUT) Model is a model of information technology acceptance. User acceptance is an important factor affecting the successful implementation of a technology. The study results showed that simultaneous or partially contained a significant and positive relationship between the variables of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, Behavioral Intention and Behavior Use of the Technology Acceptance variables. While the results of regression analysis obtained by the fact that the contribution of these three variables is 58.9% of the revenues of Information Technology. Keywords:UTAUT Model, User Acceptance, and Information Technolog

    Implementasi Dan Analisis Tingkat Akurasi Software Penyelesaian Persamaan Non Linier Dengan Metode Fixed Point Iteration Dan Metode Bisection

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    This study aims to build the software solution of non-linear equations by the method of Bisection and Fixed Point Iteration, revealed that the software non-linear equations have been carried out through five stages, namely: (1) Engineering systems modeling (2) needs analysis software, (3) create a design (4) code generation, (5) conduct testing and implementation using the programming languages C # (C-Sharp). Validator research have 4 experts in the field of both matter and media. Data analysis using descriptive analysis techniques. Settlement of one case of non-linear equations assessed the average time it takes not too long because the turnaround time less than 1 second. Judging from the fault tolerance, the number of iterations and the average time it takes the Bisection method is better than the fixed point iteration method. Overall in terms of both content and media, that any assessment of the software is considered good and decent that can be used lecturers taught courses in numerical methods, specially methods Bisection and Fixed Point iteration

    Evaluasi USAbility Sistem E-learning sebagai Aplikasi Pendukung Proses Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Use Questionnaire

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    Implementation of elearning can help the learning process in college. Measurements using Usability emphasis on the effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction. This study aimed to evaluate the use of elearning as a support in the learning process in Higher Education. Instruments used in this measurement is to use a variable that contains the USE Questionnaire usefulness (U), Satisfaction (S) and Ease of use and Ease of Learning (E). Each of these variables will be elaborated into a package statement in the questionnaire using a Likert scale. Testing will be done using statistical calculations with application tools and application processing (SPPS) and excel application. The results provide empirical evidence about the influence of variables Usefulness, Ease of use and ease of learning the satisfaction variables either partially or simultaneously, also gave evidence about the dominant factors on the use of e-learning systems

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran untuk Anak Usia Dini Berbasis Android

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    Education is spearheading the human form smart and competitive so as to produce qualified human resources and able to compete. A good education should start from an early age. With proper education, will be able to produce children who have the intellectual quality. The exact method can provide a good mindset for children early age so that they can stimulate their memories which can also be a solid foundation in the process of intellectual development of children. The existence of the current smartphone makes it easy for children to learn. This study aimed to establish a learning application for android-based early childhood. System development method used is the Waterfall model. Applications built is expected to help the children an early age to learn both to recognize numbers, recognize letters, recognize words and counting. Keywords: Smartphone, Application of Learning, Android, Early Childhoo