5 research outputs found

    The dtermination of aphid (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) species damage to plants in Urla districtof Izmir region

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    2007-2008 yılları İzmir ili, Urla ilçesinde kültür bitkileri ve doğal yetişen bitkiler üzerinde yapılan bu çalışmada 38 afit türü belirlenmiştir. Bu türler 3 familya, 5 alt familya, 6 tribus ve 20 cins içerisinde toplanmıştır. Teşhis edilen türler arasında Aphis serphylli Koch, 1854 ve Chaitophorus saliciniger (Knowlton, 1927) Türkiye afit faunası için yeni kayıttır. Bu yeni kayıtlarla birlikte Türkiye afit fauna sayısı 448'e yükselmiştir. Bu yeni kayıtlara ilave olarak, teşhis edilen türlerin çoğu çalışılan alan için yeni kayıttır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları bu tip lokal çalışmaların Türkiye afit faunasının belirlenmesinde ne denli önemli olduğunu göstermektedir.As a result of the study carried out from 2007 to 2008, 38 aphid species are determined on herbaceous, cultured and naturally growing plants from Urla district of Izmir region. These species are belongs to 3 family, 5 subfamily, 6 tribus and 20 genus. Among these determined species Aphis serpylli Koch, 1854 and Chaitophorus eleagni ( Knowlton, 1927) are new records for Turkey aphid fauna.With these new records, Turkey aphid fauna raised up to 448. In addition to new records, most of the identified species are recorded for the first time from study area. Findings of this study showed that how this kind of local studies are important for the determination of Turkey aphid fauna

    Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) species of the Urla district of İzmir region

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    As a result of the study organized to determine aphid fauna of the Urla district of İzmir region, 38 species were identified. Of these species, Chaitophorus saliciniger (Knowlton, 1927) and Aphis serpylli Koch, 1954 are new records for Turkey aphid fauna. With these new records, the total number of aphid species in Turkey comes up to 450. Findings of the presented study and other recent studies showed that with the detailed study Turkey aphid fauna will be substantially increased.As a result of the study organized to determine aphid fauna of the Urla district of İzmir region, 38 species were identified. Of these species, Chaitophorus saliciniger (Knowlton, 1927) and Aphis serpylli Koch, 1954 are new records for Turkey aphid fauna. With these new records, the total number of aphid species in Turkey comes up to 450. Findings of the presented study and other recent studies showed that with the detailed study Turkey aphid fauna will be substantially increased

    Oral Research Presentations

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    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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    Poster presentations.

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