78 research outputs found

    Correlated behavior of conductance and phase rigidity in the transition from the weak-coupling to the strong-coupling regime

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    We study the transmission through different small systems as a function of the coupling strength vv to the two attached leads. The leads are identical with only one propagating mode ξCE\xi^E_C in each of them. Besides the conductance GG, we calculate the phase rigidity ρ\rho of the scattering wave function ΨCE\Psi^E_C in the interior of the system. Most interesting results are obtained in the regime of strongly overlapping resonance states where the crossover from staying to traveling modes takes place. The crossover is characterized by collective effects. Here, the conductance is plateau-like enhanced in some energy regions of finite length while corridors with zero transmission (total reflection) appear in other energy regions. This transmission picture depends only weakly on the spectrum of the closed system. It is caused by the alignment of some resonance states of the system with the propagating modes ξCE\xi^E_C in the leads. The alignment of resonance states takes place stepwise by resonance trapping, i.e. it is accompanied by the decoupling of other resonance states from the continuum of propagating modes. This process is quantitatively described by the phase rigidity ρ\rho of the scattering wave function. Averaged over energy in the considered energy window, is correlated with 11-. In the regime of strong coupling, only two short-lived resonance states survive each aligned with one of the channel wave functions ξCE\xi^E_C. They may be identified with traveling modes through the system. The remaining M2M-2 trapped narrow resonance states are well separated from one another.Comment: Resonance trapping mechanism explained in the captions of Figs. 7 to 11. Recent papers added in the list of reference

    Influence of branch points in the complex plane on the transmission through double quantum dots

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    We consider single-channel transmission through a double quantum dot system consisting of two single dots that are connected by a wire and coupled each to one lead. The system is described in the framework of the S-matrix theory by using the effective Hamiltonian of the open quantum system. It consists of the Hamiltonian of the closed system (without attached leads) and a term that accounts for the coupling of the states via the continuum of propagating modes in the leads. This model allows to study the physical meaning of branch points in the complex plane. They are points of coalesced eigenvalues and separate the two scenarios with avoided level crossings and without any crossings in the complex plane. They influence strongly the features of transmission through double quantum dots.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure

    S-matrix theory for transmission through billiards in tight-binding approach

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    In the tight-binding approximation we consider multi-channel transmission through a billiard coupled to leads. Following Dittes we derive the coupling matrix, the scattering matrix and the effective Hamiltonian, but take into account the energy restriction of the conductance band. The complex eigenvalues of the effective Hamiltonian define the poles of the scattering matrix. For some simple cases, we present exact values for the poles. We derive also the condition for the appearance of double poles.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. and Ge

    Bound states in the continuum in open Aharonov-Bohm rings

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    Using formalism of effective Hamiltonian we consider bound states in continuum (BIC). They are those eigen states of non-hermitian effective Hamiltonian which have real eigen values. It is shown that BICs are orthogonal to open channels of the leads, i.e. disconnected from the continuum. As a result BICs can be superposed to transport solution with arbitrary coefficient and exist in propagation band. The one-dimensional Aharonov-Bohm rings that are opened by attaching single-channel leads to them allow exact consideration of BICs. BICs occur at discrete values of energy and magnetic flux however it's realization strongly depend on a way to the BIC's point.Comment: 5 pgaes, 4 figure


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    © 2015 The Authors. Human erythrocytes are highly specialized enucleate cells that are involved in providing efficient gas transport. Erythrocytes have been extensively studied both experimentally and by mathematical modeling in recent years. However, understanding of how aggregation and deformability are regulated is limited. These properties of the erythrocyte are essential for the physiological functioning of the cell. In this work, we propose a novel mathematical model of the molecular system that controls the aggregation and deformability of the erythrocyte. This model is based on the experimental results of previously published studies. Our model suggests fundamentally new mechanisms that regulate aggregation and deformability in a latch-like manner. The results of this work could be used as a general explanation of how the erythrocytes regulate their aggregation and deformability, and are essential in understanding erythrocyte disorders and aging

    Phase rigidity and avoided level crossings in the complex energy plane

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    We consider the effective Hamiltonian of an open quantum system, its biorthogonal eigenfunctions ϕλ\phi_\lambda and define the value rλ=(ϕλϕλ)/r_\lambda = (\phi_\lambda|\phi_\lambda)/ that characterizes the phase rigidity of the eigenfunctions ϕλ\phi_\lambda. In the scenario with avoided level crossings, rλr_\lambda varies between 1 and 0 due to the mutual influence of neighboring resonances. The variation of rλr_\lambda may be considered as an internal property of an {\it open} quantum system. In the literature, the phase rigidity ρ\rho of the scattering wave function ΨCE\Psi^E_C is considered. Since ΨCE\Psi^E_C can be represented in the interior of the system by the ϕλ\phi_\lambda, the phase rigidity ρ\rho of the ΨCE\Psi^E_C is related to the rλr_\lambda and therefore also to the mutual influence of neighboring resonances. As a consequence, the reduction of the phase rigidity ρ\rho to values smaller than 1 should be considered, at least partly, as an internal property of an open quantum system in the overlapping regime. The relation to measurable values such as the transmission through a quantum dot, follows from the fact that the transmission is, in any case, resonant with respect to the effective Hamiltonian. We illustrate the relation between phase rigidity ρ\rho and transmission numerically for small open cavities.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The brachistochrone problem in open quantum systems

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    Recently, the quantum brachistochrone problem is discussed in the literature by using non-Hermitian Hamilton operators of different type. Here, it is demonstrated that the passage time is tunable in realistic open quantum systems due to the biorthogonality of the eigenfunctions of the non-Hermitian Hamilton operator. As an example, the numerical results obtained by Bulgakov et al. for the transmission through microwave cavities of different shape are analyzed from the point of view of the brachistochrone problem. The passage time is shortened in the crossover from the weak-coupling to the strong-coupling regime where the resonance states overlap and many branch points (exceptional points) in the complex plane exist. The effect can {\it not} be described in the framework of standard quantum mechanics with Hermitian Hamilton operator and consideration of SS matrix poles.Comment: 18 page