113 research outputs found

    Customs Valuation in India: Identifying Trade Facilitation related Concerns

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    India has introduced several trade facilitation related measures in the last couple of years. The pro-active strategy adopted by the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) has helped in introducing several policy measures which have not only streamlined the role of the customs department but has also helped industry in a major way without compromising collection of revenue.Trade Facilitation, Customs Valuation, India

    Studies in Trade and Investment: The Development Impact of Information Technology in Trade Facilitation

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    Section A of this chapter deals with the role of SMEs in exports while section B details evolution in the use of IT for cargo clearance. Section C examines the impact of IT trade facilitation measures on SMEs. Section D presents stakeholder interviews on the impact of information technology automation in trade facilitation. Section E concludes the chapter and proposes some recommendations.Trade facilitation, ICT, IT, SMEs, export, customs, India

    Impact of IT related Trade Facilitation Measures on SMEs: An Overview of Indian Experience

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    This paper examine the extent of automation of trade facilitation in India and to assess the impact of automation on SMEs in the country.Impace of Information Techonology, SMEs, India

    An Evaluation of the Need and Cost of Selected Trade Facilitation Measures in India: Implications for the WTO Negotiations

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    The study finds that in case of Article X, which basically deals with the publication and administration of trade regulations, India has already implemented most of the requirements. However comprehensive efforts are required to implement, the provision related to single inquiry point which may require software compatibility among various agencies involved apart from addressing the infrastructural constraints. In case of GATT Article VIII which deals with issues related to fees and charges and import and export formalities and documentation requirements most of the provisions are in place but efforts are required to improve the border agency coordination. In case of Articles X and VIII, the minimum cost is estimated at around Re. 2,016 million. This includes a major expenditure on equipments and infrastructure (82 per cent). The installation of electronic cargo clearance units is a major requirement at most of the leading ports in India. In Article V there is lot to be expected from India, the infrastructure requirements, especially for the physical infrastructure, deserve huge and urgent funding. This includes additional efforts required to support and strengthen the level of communication at the border points. Most of the Land Customs Stations (LCSs) require better infrastructure. There is need to attach greater priority to include various provisions of GATT Article V in the bilateral trade and transit treaties especially with land locked countries for greater facilitation of transit trade.GATT, WTO, Trade Facilitation, India

    Trade Facilitation Measures in South Asian FTAs: An Overview of Initiatives and Policy Approaches

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    In this paper authors have made an effort to take a stock of various FTAs in South Asia from the point of view of incorporation of TF measures in the text of FTAs. Authors also look into the individual initiatives being made by the South Asian countries for advancement of trade facilitation especially in context of Articles V, VIII and X.FTA, South Asia, Articles V, VIII, and X, Trade Facilitation

    Science and Technology Governance and Ethics - A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China

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    This book analyzes the possibilities for effective global governance of science in Europe, India and China. Authors from the three regions join forces to explore how ethical concerns over new technologies can be incorporated into global science and technology policies. The first chapter introduces the topic, offering a global perspective on embedding ethics in science and technology policy. Chapter Two compares the institutionalization of ethical debates in science, technology and innovation policy in three important regions: Europe, India and China. The third chapter explores public perceptions of science and technology in these same three regions. Chapter Four discusses public engagement in the governance of science and technology, and Chapter Five reviews science and technology governance and European values. The sixth chapter describes and analyzes values demonstrated in the constitution of the People’s Republic of China. Chapter Seven describes emerging evidence from India on the uses of science and technology for socio-economic development, and the quest for inclusive growth. In Chapter Eight, the authors propose a comparative framework for studying global ethics in science and technology. The following three chapters offer case studies and analysis of three emerging industries in India, China and Europe: new food technologies, nanotechnology and synthetic biology. Chapter 12 gathers all these threads for a comprehensive discussion on incorporating ethics into science and technology policy. The analysis is undertaken against the backdrop of different value systems and varying levels of public perception of risks and benefits. The book introduces a common analytical framework for the comparative discussion of ethics at the international level. The authors offer policy recommendations for effective collaboration among the three regions, to promote responsible governance in science and technology and a common analytical perspective in ethics

    Transit and Trade Barriers in Eastern South Asia: A Review of the Transit Regime and Performance of Strategic Border-Crossings

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    The analysis of this paper shows that a regional transit arrangement would perhaps enhance the regional trade, controlling for other variables. At the same time, implementation of e-governance at border is found to be significant determinant of trade flows thus indicating e-filling of Custom formalities has been helping the trade to grow in eastern South Asia.Transit, Trade Barriers, Eastern South Asia, Transit Regime


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    Deep Sea sediment core PC-1 from the South Andaman Sea (7 ̊19.85' N; 94 ̊ 39.26' E; in East Andaman Basin) below the water depth of 3144 m contain discrete ash layers at various depths. According to morphological study, these ash layers contain glass shards of different varieties i.e. Type-I, Type-II, Type-III, Type-IV and Type-V and it is comparable to glass shards of Toba volcanic reported from other parts of the world. This observation is also supported on the basis of relative biostratigraphic datum observed in the core PC-1. The Layer-A (56 cm thick) at 210 cm bsf is just above the biostratigraphic datum of ca. 0.12 Ma, correspond to Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT), followed by Layer-C belongs to Middle Toba Tuff (MTT) and Layer-D inferred as Oldest Toba Tuff (OTT). This interpretation is further supported by the geochemical data obtained from the EDX analysis, which suggest high silica and alkali contents of rhyolitic composition. Hence, geochemical composition, morphology and biostratigraphic data of these discrete tephra layers show identical characteristics to the products of Toba eruptions, including YTT, MTT and OTT