8 research outputs found

    Mineral and organic fertilizer combined with doses of Azospirillum brasilense in an orchid hybrid

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    Orchid production requires careful management of the crop. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth of transplanted seedlings of hybrid orchid Cattleya virginia x BrassoCattleya pastoral, added with Azospirillum brasilense and different sources of fertilization. The experiment was conducted in a private orchard in the municipality of Marechal Cândido Rondon (PR). The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme (2 fertilization sources x 4 concentrations of A. brasilense), containing four replications with 5 plants per replicate, totaling 160 homogeneous seedlings, where the fertilization sources were Bokaschi® as a source of organic fertilizer and NPK in formulation 10-10-10 as a soluble mineral at the rates: C1 = 0 mL-1 water, C2 = 1.0 mL-1 water, C3 = 1.5 mL -1 of water and C4 = 2.0 mL-1 of water. After 10 months, phytotechnical evaluations were performed, such as total number of roots; length of the largest root; number of leaves; length and width of the largest sheet; number of pseudobulbs; number of shoots; diameter of the pseudobulb. The use of Masterfix Gramines® in the growth of the hybrid Cattleya virginia x BrassoCattleya pastoral, provided the increase in the diameter of the pseudobulb, the largest number of roots and the largest root length. The interaction of the addition of A. brasilense with mineral fertilization with NPK in the formulation 10-10-10 obtained the highest number of shoots.Para produção de orquídeas são necessários vários cuidados no manejo da cultura. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o crescimento de mudas transplantadas de orquídea híbrida Cattleya virginia x BrassoCattleya pastoral, adicionados de Azospirillum brasilense e diferentes fontes de adubação. O experimento foi conduzindo em orquidário particular no município de Marechal Cândido Rondon (PR). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 (2 fontes de adubação x 4 concentrações de A. brasilense), contendo quatro repetições com 5 plantas por repetição, totalizando 160 mudas homogêneas, onde as fontes de adubação foram o Bokaschi® como fonte de adubo orgânico e NPK na formulação 10-10-10 como mineral solúvel, nas doses:   C1 = 0 mL-1 de água, C2 = 1,0 mL-1 de água, C3 = 1,5 mL-1 de água e  C4 = 2,0 mL-1 de água. Após 10 meses foram realizadas avaliações fitotécnicas, como número total de raízes; comprimento da maior raiz; número de folhas; comprimento e largura da maior folha; número de pseudobulbos; número de brotos; diâmetro do pseudobulbo O uso de Masterfix Gramíneas® no crescimento do híbrido Cattleya virginia x BrassoCattleya pastoral, proporcionou o aumento no diâmetro do pseudobulbo, o maior número de raízes e o maior comprimento de raiz. A interação da adição de A. brasilense com a adubação mineral com NPK na formulação 10-10-10 obteve o maior número de brotos

    Rhizogenesis in black raspberry stem cuttings: interaction between substrates and lesions at the base of the cuttings

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    The black raspberry tree has a great potential for cultivation in Brazil, as it produces large amounts of fruit, intended mainly for the processing of fine products. However, its propagation is an obstacle to the establishment of commercial plantations. Given the above, the objective of the present work was to evaluate rhizogenesis in stem cuttings, with the interaction between substrates and types of basal cuts. The experiment was conducted in a screened condition in the Institution itself. Stem cuttings were taken from mother plants in the orchard of the experimental farm. The experimental design used in the experiment was randomized blocks, consisting of a 4x2 factorial scheme, with four substrates (sand, rice husks, commercial substrate and earth) x two basal cuts (straight and bevel). After thirty days, the percentage of rooted cuttings (%), average number of roots and shoots per cutting, length of the largest root (cm) and fresh and dry biomass of the shoot and root system (g) were evaluated. Black raspberry can be propagated asexually, with cuttings without injuries at the base and rooted in gully soil or Plantmax®


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    The plants are directly affected by environmental factors such as water stress, temperature, radiation, among others. These factors affect not only the vegetative organs, but also reproductive structures and may cause damage to plants agriculturally exploited. Physalis peruviana L. is a species of commercial interest belongs to the Solanaceae family, preferably grown under shade, which still features restricted to small cultivation areas in Brazil. Given the need for shading culture presented by this study aimed to characterize the pollen grain species for future applications in breeding programs and the influence of shading nets on the external morphology of the pollen grains of this species. The study was conducted at the Federal University of Lavras, where three replicates of two plants were grown in full sun and under shading nets in white, blue, red and black colors. The pollen of flowers in anthesis was collected, processed and photographed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) electron microscopy. The polar diameter, equatorial diameter and area were measured in ten pollen grains. The results showed that pollen grains of P. peruviana are isopoloares, radial, of prolate-spheroidal format and medium size. Also there was an increase in the pollen grain area when grown in white shading net and full sun.As plantas são diretamente afetadas por fatores ambientais tais como, estresse hídrico, temperatura, radiação, dentre outros. Estes fatores afetam não só os órgãos vegetativos, mas também estruturas reprodutivas, podendo acarretar danos à plantas agronomicamente exploradas. Physalis peruviana L. é uma espécie de interesse comercial pertencente à família Solanaceae, cultivado preferencialmente em ambiente sombreado, que ainda apresenta cultivo restrito a pequenas áreas no Brasil. Diante da necessidade de sombreamento apresentado pela cultura o presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar o grão de pólen da espécie para futuras aplicações em programas de melhoramento genético e verificar a influência de malhas fotoconversoras utilizadas no sombreamento sobre a morfologia externa dos grãos de pólen desta espécie. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Universidade Federal de Lavras, onde três repetições de duas plantas foram cultivadas a pleno sol e sob malhas fotoconversoras nas colorações branca, azul, vermelha e preta. O pólen de flores em antese foi coletado, processado e fotografado em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). O diâmetro polar, diâmetro equatorial e área do pólen foram medidos em dez grãos de pólen. Os resultados demonstraram que grãos de pólen de P. peruviana são isopoloares, radiais, de formato prolato-esferoidal e tamanho mediano. Também verificou-se aumento da área do grão de pólen quando cultivado em sombreamento com malha fotoconversora branca e a pleno sol

    Field development of physalis species produced in different shading levels

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    The objective of this work was to verify the fixation and development in the field and later production of Physalis seedlings species produced in different levels of shading. The treatments were composed by Physalis seedlings formed in different environment with shading and four species. The conduction system adopted was “V”. The seedlings survival rate, number of internodes, flowers number, number of fruit per plant, average fruit biomass per plant, yield and titratable acidity of fruits were evaluated. At the end of the production period, the stem diameter was evaluated. The experimental design was a randomized blocks, 4 x 4 factorial scheme (cultivation environments x species), with four replications. Seedlings produced in an environment of 25% were the ones that presented the highest survival rate when transplanting the field, favoring a greater glue of the seedlings. It was observed an increase of the fruits fresh biomass and the biomass of fruit per plant, and a higher number of fruit per plant in an environment with 25% of shading, and consequently the environment that had the highest fruit yield

    Silvopastoral system compared to other conventional production systems in the Maranhão State Cerrado

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    Silvipastoral systems are identified as options for land use due to the high potential they offer to increase the level of income from agronomic, social, economic, and ecological aspects. Given the above, this study aimed to evaluate the environmental benefits of implementing a silvopastoral system in Cerrado Maranhense, in comparison to other conventional production systems. The same was done in 2013 from February to May on a private property located in São Francisco do Brejão (MA) during the rainy season. The experiment evaluated three types of system: a) silvopastoral, composed of leucaena, grasses, and beef cattle, b) rotational system, and c) extensive system. A randomized block design in a 3x3 factorial scheme with three replications was used. Three pasture management systems (silvopastoral system, rotational system with native regeneration and extensive system) and three evaluation times (08:00 h, 12:00 h, and 16:00 h) were evaluated. After sample collection, dry biomass was determined. In the evaluation of ecophysiological parameters, the photochemical efficiency and estimate of the relative chlorophyll content in brachiaria plants of the three systems were determined. The photochemical efficiency was determined in the grasses of each system, being randomly evaluated three leaves per plant. The silvopastoral system was the one that showed the greatest increase in dry biomass of forage and the best results for the photochemical parameters, standing out as the best system for livestock

    Adequacy of electrical conductivity test for lentil seeds

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    The electrical conductivity test stands out among the existing physiological quality tests due to its simplicity of execution, repeatability, speed, easy interpretation of results, and low cost. This study aimed to establish a methodology for the test of electric conductivity in lentil seeds (Lens culinaris Medik), involving the seeds’ number of seeds and soaking time. The experiment was conducted at the Multidisciplinary Laboratory of the State University of Goiás, Campus Ipameri, in 2018. Lentil Silvina seeds were used, stored in the seed laboratory of the same institution. The experimental design used was completely randomized, in a 4x5 factorial scheme, with four seed lots (25, 50, 75, and 100 seeds) and five soaking times (3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 hours) at 25 ºC, with four replications. The initial seed quality was characterized (water content, first counting of germination, percentage of germination, accelerated aging and 1000-seed weight). For the electrical conductivity test, four repetitions of 25, 50, 75, and 100 seeds each were used, weighed on a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.001 g and placed in plastic cups, with a capacity of 200 mL, containing 75 mL of distilled water. Then, the plastic cups remained in a BOD chamber, adjusted at 25 °C and the measuring was performed after 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 hours of soaking in a conductivity meter (DIGIMED DM 31), the results being expressed in μS cm-1 g-1. There was a significant interaction when evaluating the number of seeds per repetition and the soaking time. The use of replicates with 50 seeds subjected to 12 h of soaking shows the best results for the lentil seeds' electrical conductivity test

    Electrical conductivity test for evaluation of the pea seed vigor

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    The electrical conductivity test is routinely used to differentiate the physiological quality of seed lots, and has stood out for its ease of execution, low cost, speed, repeatability, and straightforward interpretation of results. This study aimed to establish a methodology for the electrical conductivity test in pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.) involving seed quantity and seed imbibition periods. The experiment was carried out at the Multidisciplinary Laboratory of the State University of Goiás, the campus of Ipameri Campus, in 2018. Pea seeds (Pisum sativum) stored in the seed laboratory of the same institution were used for this experiment. The completely randomized experimental design with four replications in a 4x6 factorial scheme was used. Four quantity of seeds (25, 50, 75, and 100 seeds) and six imbibition periods (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h) at 25ºC were evaluated. The electrical conductivity test was performed with four replicates of 25, 50, 75, and 100 seeds each, weighed on a precision scale (0.001g) and placed in disposable plastic cups, with a capacity of 200 mL, containing 75 mL of distilled water. The cups were then kept in a BOD chamber, set at 25°C, and the measuring was performed after 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h of imbibition with a conductivity meter and results were expressed in μS cm-1 g-1. There were no significant results for the interaction between the number of seeds and the imbibition time. Significant results were observed only for the individual effects of each factor. It is recommended to use 100 seeds of Maria pea, and 24 h for the electrical conductivity test

    The Physical and fruit region characterization of araticum and seed germination as a result of accesses

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    The physical characteristics of the fruits are of great importance for the identification and selection of superior genetic materials, appropriate for commercialization or industrial use. Given the above, the objective was to physically characterize the araticum fruit and to verify the influence of accessions and fruit region under seed germination. The work was developed at Unioeste, Marechal Cândido Rondon Campus (PR), and conducted at the University Laboratory of Post-Harvest Technology. Ripe fruits of araticum (Annona sylvatica) were collected from four native plants (accessions A1, A 2, A3, and A4) at the Experimental Farm of the University in February 2019. As for the physical evaluation of the fruits, four repetitions of 10 randomly chosen ripe fruits per access were evaluated. The longitudinal diameter, transversal diameter, fruit biomass, epicarp biomass, fruit pulp, number of seeds, and mass of 100 seeds were the characteristics evaluated. The experimental design used for the germination test was completely randomized, in a factorial scheme 4 x 2 [4 accessions (A1, A2, A3, and A4) x 2 regions of the fruit (proximal and distal) in 500 mg L-1 of acid gibberellic (GA3)], containing 4 repetitions and 25 seeds per repetition. The evaluations were carried out from the 15th day of the experiment setup until 105 days. The characteristics evaluated were: first germination count (%), germination percentage (%), germination speed index, and average germination time (days). The fruits had an average biomass of 63.41 g, an average of 38 seeds per fruit, and fruit pulp with an average of 39.63 g. The germination of araticum seeds was not influenced by the accessions and fruit region.The physical characteristics of the fruits are of great importance for the identification and selection of superior genetic materials, appropriate for commercialization or industrial use. Given the above, the objective was to physically characterize the araticum fruit and to verify the influence of accessions and fruit region under seed germination. The work was developed at Unioeste, Marechal Cândido Rondon Campus (PR), and conducted at the University Laboratory of Post-Harvest Technology. Ripe fruits of araticum (Annona sylvatica) were collected from four native plants (accessions A1, A 2, A3, and A4) at the Experimental Farm of the University in February 2019. As for the physical evaluation of the fruits, four repetitions of 10 randomly chosen ripe fruits per access were evaluated. The longitudinal diameter, transversal diameter, fruit biomass, epicarp biomass, fruit pulp, number of seeds, and mass of 100 seeds were the characteristics evaluated. The experimental design used for the germination test was completely randomized, in a factorial scheme 4 x 2 [4 accessions (A1, A2, A3, and A4) x 2 regions of the fruit (proximal and distal) in 500 mg L-1 of acid gibberellic (GA3)], containing 4 repetitions and 25 seeds per repetition. The evaluations were carried out from the 15th day of the experiment setup until 105 days. The characteristics evaluated were: first germination count (%), germination percentage (%), germination speed index, and average germination time (days). The fruits had an average biomass of 63.41 g, an average of 38 seeds per fruit, and fruit pulp with an average of 39.63 g. The germination of araticum seeds was not influenced by the accessions and fruit region