13,002 research outputs found

    Digestibilidade "in situ" da matéria seca da silagem de capim elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum) com diferentes níveis de cunha (Clitoria ternatea, L).

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    Para as condições em que este trabalho foi conduzido, pode-se concluir que, A degradabilidade da matéria seca de todas as silagens foi em media 67,76%, caracterizando silagens de bom valor nutritivo

    Fermion localization on degenerate and critical branes

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    In this work we analyze the localization of fermions on degenerate and critical Bloch branes. This is done directly on physical coordinates, in constrast to some works that has been using conformal coordinates. We find the range of coupling constants of the interaction of fermions with the scalar fields that allow us to have normalizable fermion zero-mode localized on the brane on both, critical and degenerate Bloch branes. In the case of critical branes our results agree with those found in [Class. Quantum Grav. \textbf{27} (2010) 185001]. The results on fermion localization on degenerate Bloch branes are new. We also propose a coupling of fermions to the scalar fields which leads to localization of massless fermion on both sides of a double-brane.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Ocorrência e cultivares de bananeiras preferenciais da broca-gigante (Castnia licus) em Rondônia.

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    Avaliou-se as cultivares de bananeiras existentes no Campo Experimental de Porto Velho, com o objetivo de verificar a infestação pela praga Castnia licus, ordinariamente chamada de broca-gigante.bitstream/item/42534/1/Cot292-bananeira.pd

    Uso e aplicação de formulações dietéticas para cordeiros Morada Nova sob terminação em confinamento no semiárido brasileiro, tendo como referência o NRC (2007): medidas da área de olho de lombo e pH.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso e a aplicação de formulações dietéticas, tomando por base o NRC (2007), sobre as medidas de área de olho de lombo e pH inicial e final. O experimento foi realizado na cidade de Sobral-CE, no período de 16 de Dezembro de 2013 a 21 de Fevereiro de 2014. Foram utilizados vinte animais distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (duas dietas prescritas pelo NRC (2007) para a categoria em estudo - maturidade precoce e tardia e restrição ou não de nutrientes). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: pH inicial e final, assim como área de olho de lombo e suas medidas (largura e comprimento). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. Houve efeito significativo entre dietas conforme o NRC (2007) para largura e área de olho de lombo. Não houve efeito de restrição de nutrientes para os parâmetros avaliados. A formulação baseada no NRC (2007) para maturidade precoce, reduzindo-se em 15% os teores de NDT e proteína bruta, garante a melhor área de olho de lombo em cordeiros Morada Nova sob terminação em confinamento. [Use and application of dietary formulations for Morada Nova lambs under feedlot finishing in the brazilian semi-arid, based on the NRC (2007): measures of rib eye area and pH]. Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the applicability of the concepts of maturity and nutrient restriction on measures of ribeye area and on the initial and final pH and carcass of Morada Nova lambs feedlot. The experiment was conducted in Sobral-Ceará-Brazil, in the period 16 December 2013 to 21 February 2014. Twenty animals distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial 2x2 (two diets prescribed by NRC (2007) for the category under study - early and late maturity and nutrient restriction or not). The parameters evaluated were: initial and final pH as well as the area of rib eye and your measurements (width and length). Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. There was a significant effect between diets according to NRC (2007) for width and loin eye area. There was no effect of nutrient restriction on these parameters. The formulation based on NRC (2007) for early maturity, reducing by 15% the levels of TDN and crude protein, ensures the best rib eye area in Morada Nova lambs under feedlot finishing

    Liquidity and the multiscaling properties of the volume traded on the stock market

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    We investigate the correlation properties of transaction data from the New York Stock Exchange. The trading activity f(t) of each stock displays a crossover from weaker to stronger correlations at time scales 60-390 minutes. In both regimes, the Hurst exponent H depends logarithmically on the liquidity of the stock, measured by the mean traded value per minute. All multiscaling exponents tau(q) display a similar liquidity dependence, which clearly indicates the lack of a universal form assumed by other studies. The origin of this behavior is both the long memory in the frequency and the size of consecutive transactions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Uso e aplicação de formulações dietéticas para cordeiros Morada Nova sob terminação em confinamento no semiárido brasileiro, tendo como referência o NRC (2007): morfometria e peso da carcaça fria.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso e a aplicação de formulações dietéticas, tomando por base o NRC (2007), sobre a morfometria e o peso de carcaça fria de cordeiros da raça Morada Nova sob terminação. O experimento foi realizado na cidade de Sobral-CE, no período de 16 de Dezembro de 2013 a 21 de Fevereiro de 2014. Foram utilizados vinte animais distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (duas dietas prescritas pelo NRC (2007) para a categoria em estudo - maturidade precoce e tardia e restrição ou não de nutrientes). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: peso da carcaça fria, comprimento interno da carcaça, profundidade do tórax, perímetro do tórax, garupa e pernil, comprimento de perna e índice de compacidade da carcaça. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. Houve efeito significativo entre dietas conforme o NRC (2007) para o peso de carcaça fria e medidas morfométricas, com exceção do comprimento interno da carcaça, profundidade do tórax e comprimento de pernil. O adensamento energético indicado na formulação para maturidade precoce de acordo com o NRC (2007) contribui para o maior desenvolvimento muscular da carcaça de cordeiros Morada Nova terminados em confinamento. [Use and application of dietary formulations for Morada Nova lambs under feedlot finishing in the brazilian semi-arid, based on the NRC (2007): Morphometry and cold carcass weight]. Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the use and application of dietary formulations for Morada Nova lambs under feedlot finishing, based on the NRC (2007), about the morphometry and cold carcass weight. The experiment was conducted in Sobral-Ceará-Brazil, in the period 16 December 2013 to 21 February 2014. Twenty animals distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial 2x2 (two diets prescribed by NRC (2007) for the category under study - early and late maturity and nutrient restriction or not). The parameters evaluated were: cold carcass weight, internal carcass length, chest depth, chest girth, rump and shank, leg length and carcass compactness index. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. There was a significant effect between diets according to NRC (2007) for cold carcass weight and morphometric measurements except the internal carcass length, chest depth and leg length. The energy density formulation indicated for early maturity according to NRC (2007) contributes to the greater muscular development of housing Morada Nova lambs feedlot

    Occurrence of Ophiocordyceps myrmicarum on a non-Formicidae insect in integrated crop-livestock farming systems.

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    Na publicação: Fabricia Z. V. Torres; Daniela A. Souza; Marcos Faria; Edison Sujii; Rogerio B. Lopes

    Agronomic and chemical characterization of soybean genotypes for human consumption.

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill) presents a high level of good quality protein and lipids that consist mainly of unsaturated fatty acids. It also has considerable amounts of B complex vitamins and minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium (Carrão-Panizzi, 1987). In addition to these good nutritional characteristics, soybean for human consumption should have a sweet, nut-like flavor, pale colored seeds (tegument, hilum and cotyledon) and suitable seed size for use as food (Destro, 1991; Vello, 1992). This research was carried out to describe the agronomic and chemical characteristics of food-type soybean genotypes for later use as cultivars or in crosses. Seventy-two soybean genotypes were used in the study, and the agronomic quantitative, qualitative and chemical traits of the grains were assessed, including mineral composition, oil, protein, carbohydrates and ash contents. The results showed that there was great genetic diversity among the genotypes studied for all the agronomic characteristics assessed. The F 82-5782 genotype was outstanding, presenting yield compatible with commercial exploitation as well as large seeds. The Mikawashima genotype presented the highest carbohydrate contents, while the Toffumame II genotype showed the greatest P contents and was also among the six genotypes that presented the greatest K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Mn and protein values. These genotypes can be used as cultivars or in breeding programs to solve specific problems of nutrient shortage due to genetic traits