678 research outputs found

    Merger of black hole-neutron star binaries: nonspinning black hole case

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    We perform a simulation for merger of a black hole (BH)-neutron star (NS) binary in full general relativity preparing a quasicircular state as initial condition. The BH is modeled by a moving puncture with no spin and the NS by the Γ\Gamma-law equation of state with Γ=2\Gamma=2. Corotating velocity field is assumed for the NS. The mass of the BH and the rest-mass of the NS are chosen to be ≈3.2M⊙\approx 3.2 M_{\odot} and ≈1.4M⊙\approx 1.4 M_{\odot} with relatively large radius of the NS ≈14\approx 14 km. The NS is tidally disrupted near the innermost stable orbit but ∼80\sim 80% of the material is swallowed into the BH with small disk mass ∼0.3M⊙\sim 0.3M_{\odot} even for such small BH mass ∼3M⊙\sim 3M_{\odot}. The result indicates that the system of a BH and a massive disk of ∼M⊙\sim M_{\odot} is not formed from nonspinning BH-NS binaries, although a disk of mass ∼0.1M⊙\sim 0.1M_{\odot} is a possible outcome.Comment: 5 pages. Phys. Rev. D 74, 121503 (R) (2006

    On the X-ray Image of The Crab Nebula: Comparison with Chandra Observations

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    An axisymmetric model for the Crab Nebula is constructed to examine the flow dynamics in the nebula. The model is based on that of Kennel and Coroniti (1984), although we assume that the kinetic-energy-dominant wind is confined in an equatorial region. The evolution of the distribution function of the electron-positron plasma flowing out in the nebula is calculated. Given viewing angles, we reproduce an image of the nebula and compare it with Chandra observation. The reproduced image is not a ring-like but rather 'lip-shaped'. It is found that the assumption of toroidal field does not reproduce the Chandra image. We must assume that there is disordered magnetic field with an amplitude as large as the mean toroidal field. In addition, the brightness contrast between the front and back sides of the ring cannot be reproduced if we assume that the magnetization parameter σ\sigma is as small as ∼10−3\sim 10^{-3}. The brightness profile along the semi-major axis of the torus is also examined. The non-dissipative, ideal-MHD approximation in the nebula appears to break down. We speculate that if the magnetic energy is released by some process that produce turbulent field in the nebula flow and causes heating and acceleration, e.g. by magnetic reconnection, then the present difficulties may be resolved (i.e. we can reproduce a ring image, and a higher brightness contrast). Thus, the magnetization parameter σ\sigma can be larger than previously expected.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. accepted for publication in MNRA

    Inferring the neutron star equation of state from binary inspiral waveforms

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    The properties of neutron star matter above nuclear density are not precisely known. Gravitational waves emitted from binary neutron stars during their late stages of inspiral and merger contain imprints of the neutron-star equation of state. Measuring departures from the point-particle limit of the late inspiral waveform allows one to measure properties of the equation of state via gravitational wave observations. This and a companion talk by J. S. Read reports a comparison of numerical waveforms from simulations of inspiraling neutron-star binaries, computed for equations of state with varying stiffness. We calculate the signal strength of the difference between waveforms for various commissioned and proposed interferometric gravitational wave detectors and show that observations at frequencies around 1 kHz will be able to measure a compactness parameter and constrain the possible neutron-star equations of state.Comment: Talk given at the 12th Marcel Grossman Meeting, Paris, France, 12-18 Jul 200

    Merger of black hole-neutron star binaries in full general relativity

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    We present our latest results for simulation for merger of black hole (BH)-neutron star (NS) binaries in full general relativity which is performed preparing a quasicircular state as initial condition. The BH is modeled by a moving puncture with no spin and the NS by the Γ\Gamma-law equation of state with Γ=2\Gamma=2 and corotating velocity field as a first step. The mass of the BH is chosen to be ≈3.2M⊙\approx 3.2 M_{\odot} or 4.0M⊙4.0M_{\odot}, and the rest-mass of the NS ≈1.4M⊙\approx 1.4 M_{\odot} with relatively large radius of the NS ≈13\approx 13--14 km. The NS is tidally disrupted near the innermost stable orbit but ∼80\sim 80--90% of the material is swallowed into the BH and resulting disk mass is not very large as ∼0.3M⊙\sim 0.3M_{\odot} even for small BH mass ∼3.2M⊙\sim 3.2M_{\odot}. The result indicates that the system of a BH and a massive disk of ∼M⊙\sim M_{\odot} is not formed from nonspinning BH-NS binaries irrespective of BH mass, although a disk of mass ∼0.1M⊙\sim 0.1M_{\odot} is a possible outcome for this relatively small BH mass range as ∼3\sim 3--4M⊙M_{\odot}. Our results indicate that the merger of low-mass BH and NS may form a central engine of short-gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 14 pages. To appear in a special issue of Classical and Quantum Gravity: New Frontiers in Numerical Relativit

    Differentially rotating strange star in general relativity

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    Rapidly and differentially rotating compact stars are believed to be formed in binary neutron star merger events, according to both numerical simulations and the multi-messenger observation of GW170817. The lifetime and evolution of such a differentially rotating star, is tightly related to the observations in the post-merger phase. Various studies on the maximum mass of differentially rotating neutron stars have been done in the past, most of which assume the so-called jj-const law as the rotation profile inside the star and consider only neutron star equations of state. In this paper, we extend the studies to strange star models, as well as to a new rotation profile model. Significant differences are found between differentially rotating strange stars and neutron stars, with both differential rotation laws. A moderate differential rotation rate for neutron stars is found to be too large for strange stars, resulting in a rapid drop in the maximum mass as the differential rotation degree is increased further from A^∼2.0\hat{A}\sim2.0, where A^\hat{A} is a parameter characterizing the differential rotation rate for jj-const law. As a result the maximum mass of a differentially rotating self-bound star drops below the uniformly rotating mass shedding limit for a reasonable degree of differential rotation. The continuous transition to the toroidal sequence is also found to happen at a much smaller differential rotation rate and angular momentum than for neutron stars. In spite of those differences, A^\hat{A}-insensitive relation between the maximum mass for a given angular momentum is still found to hold, even for the new differential rotation law. Astrophysical consequences of these differences and how to distinguish between strange star and neutron star models with future observations are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures

    Two cases of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia syndrome after postoperative irradiation for breast cancer

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    We report two cases of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) syndrome that developed after postoperative radiation therapy for breast cancer. In both patients, chest radiographs and computed tomography (CT) showed multiple consolidations outside the irradiation fields after several months of tangential radiation therapy. These patients were diagnosed as having radiation-associated BOOP syndrome, based on their clinical course and the findings on examination. After treatment with a systemic corticosteroid, radiographic consolidations and symptoms improved rapidly. In cases where consolidations appear outside the irradiated field, it is important to consider BOOP syndrome as a pulmonary complication of radiation therapy for breast cancer

    Identification of lactate dehydrogenase as a mammalian pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-binding protein

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    Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), a redox-active o-quinone, is an important nutrient involved in numerous physiological and biochemical processes in mammals. Despite such beneficial functions, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain to be established. In the present study, using PQQ-immobilized Sepharose beads as a probe, we examined the presence of protein(s) that are capable of binding PQQ in mouse NIH/3T3 fibroblasts and identified five cellular proteins, including l-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) A chain, as potential mammalian PQQ-binding proteins. In vitro studies using a purified rabbit muscle LDH show that PQQ inhibits the formation of lactate from pyruvate in the presence of NADH (forward reaction), whereas it enhances the conversion of lactate to pyruvate in the presence of NAD+ (reverse reaction). The molecular mechanism underlying PQQ-mediated regulation of LDH activity is attributed to the oxidation of NADH to NAD+ by PQQ. Indeed, the PQQ-bound LDH oxidizes NADH, generating NAD+, and significantly catalyzes the conversion of lactate to pyruvate. Furthermore, PQQ attenuates cellular lactate release and increases intracellular ATP levels in the NIH/3T3 fibroblasts. Our results suggest that PQQ, modulating LDH activity to facilitate pyruvate formation through its redox-cycling activity, may be involved in the enhanced energy production via mitochondrial TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
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