19 research outputs found


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    A clinical trial was undertaken using three different inhalant anaesthetic agents and one intravenous anaesthetic agent in dogs undergoing routine desexing surgery. Healthy adult dogs undergoing either ovariohysterectomy or castration were assessed as to their demeanour, with the more excitable dogs being placed in groups receiving premedication with acepromazine and morphine. All dogs were then randomly assigned an anaesthetic agent for induction of general anaesthesia. The agents were the inhalants halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane, and the intravenous agent propofol. Inhalant inductions were undertaken using a tight fitting mask attached to a standard anaesthetic machine with a rebreathing circuit, with the maximum dose of inhalant available from a standard vaporiser. Propofol inductions were undertaken via intravenous catheter. Dogs induced with propofol were randomly assigned one of the three inhalant agents for maintenance. Those induced by inhalant agent were maintained using the same agent. The surgical procedure was undertaken in standard fashion, as was recovery from anaesthesia. All dogs received the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent meloxicam. Data collection was divided into three stages: induction, maintenance, and recovery from anaesthesia. Variables measured at induction of anaesthesia were time to intubation, number of intubation attempts, tolerance of mask, quality of induction and quality of transfer to the maintenance stage. Standard variables for monitoring of anaesthesia were recorded throughout the maintenance of anaesthesia. Variables measured at recovery were time to righting, time to standing and quality of recovery. The mean time to intubation when using the newer inhalant sevoflurane (196.2 ± 14.8sec, mean ± SE) was not significantly different to that for halothane (221.4 ± 14.0sec) or isoflurane (172.4 ± 15.0sec). Time to intubation with isoflurane was significantly faster than with halothane. Mean time to intubation with propofol (85.4 ± 7.7sec) was significantly faster than that for any of the three inhalants. Choice of inhalant had no effect on quality of induction. The use of premedication significantly improved the quality of induction. The use of propofol for induction likewise significantly improved the quality of induction. Standard cardiorespiratory variables measured during the maintenance phase of anaesthesia remained within normal clinical ranges for all three inhalants, and were therefore not further analysed. Choice of inhalant agent had no significant effect on the time to righting or standing in recovery. The use of propofol for induction had no effect on these variables. Animals placed in groups receiving premedication had significantly longer times to righting and standing. The oesophageal temperature at the end of the procedure had a significant effect on times to righting and standing, with lower temperatures contributing to slower recoveries. Independent of procedure time, male dogs had shorter times to righting than female dogs

    In vivo prevention of transplant arteriosclerosis by ex vivo-expanded human regulatory T cells.

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    Transplant arteriosclerosis is the hallmark of chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD) affecting transplanted organs in the long term. These fibroproliferative lesions lead to neointimal thickening of arteries in all transplanted allografts. Luminal narrowing then leads to graft ischemia and organ demise. To date, there are no known tolerance induction strategies that prevent transplant arteriosclerosis. Therefore, we designed this study to test the hypothesis that human regulatory T cells (T(reg) cells) expanded ex vivo can prevent transplant arteriosclerosis. Here we show the comparative capacity of T(reg) cells, sorted via two separate strategies, to prevent transplant arteriosclerosis in a clinically relevant chimeric humanized mouse system. We found that the in vivo development of transplant arteriosclerosis in human arteries was prevented by treatment of ex vivo-expanded human T(reg) cells. Additionally, we show that T(reg) cells sorted on the basis of low expression of CD127 provide a more potent therapy to conventional T(reg) cells. Our results demonstrate that human T(reg) cells can inhibit transplant arteriosclerosis by impairing effector function and graft infiltration. We anticipate our findings to serve as a foundation for the clinical development of therapeutics targeting transplant arteriosclerosis in both allograft transplantation and other immune-mediated causes of vasculopathy