52 research outputs found

    Wrong taxonomy leads to a wrong conclusion on a putatively ‘invasive’ species to Europe: the case of Pseudacrobasis nankingella (Lepidoptera Pyralidae).

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    In this paper the current distribution, biology and ecology of Pseudacrobasis tergestella (Ragonot) was revised in the light of the new synonymy with Pseudacrobasis nankingella Roesler. The synonymy, established in 2014, falsified the hypothesis of a recent biological invasion of P. nankingella in European countries. Furthermore, new records for the Italian Peninsula are provided after 113 years from its description for the type locality near Trieste. Males and females were dissected and their genitalia compared to illustrations in literature for warranting a correct identification. This species is polyvoltine and feeds on seeds of Quercus but adults are reported to emerge also from cones of Pinus. It was usually found in mild and humid forested habitats, in coastal areas and along rivers. The currently known range of P. tergestella includes the westernmost and the easternmost regions of the Palearctic, with a very large disjunction. We plan to submit specimens from as many as possible populations of this species to DNA barcoding analysis in order to investigate the diversification of genetic lineages

    Susceptibility of Cultivars to Biotic Stresses

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    Bankesia desplatsella Nel, 1999 (Lepidoptera, Psychidae): a species new to the Italian fauna

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    Bankesia desplatsella Nel, 1999, is recorded here as new to the Italian fauna from specimens collected in the Calabria and Abruzzi regions. We provide the first description of the larval case, putatively belonging to this species, add details to our knowledge of the species' ecology, and analyse DNA barcodes of specimens from central and southern Italy. The female remains unknown

    Pandesma robusta (Walker, 1858) (Noctuidae, Catocalinae) e Calamodes subscudularia (Turati, 1919) (Geometridae, Ennominae), specie nuove per la fauna dell’Italia continentale (Lepidoptera)

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    FIRST RECORD OF PANDESMA ROBUSTA (WALKER, 1858) (NOCTUIDAE, CATOCALINAE) AND CALAMODES SUBSCUDULARIA (TURATI, 1919) (GEOMETRIDAE, ENNOMINAE) FOR CONTINENTAL ITALY (LEPIDOPTERA). (Contributions to the knowledge of the Lepidoptera of Southern Italy. XXI) Pandesma robusta (Walker, 1858) was collected in Calabria, first record for Southern and continental Italy, and in a new locality of Western Sicily: the Trapani’s saline; Calamodes subscudularia (Turati, 1919), previously noted only for Sicily in Italy, was also collected on the river bed Fiumara Trionto (Calabria). On underline the increment in italian fauna of Sicilia species and tropical or subtropical species. Key words: Noctuidae, Geometridae, first record, Calabria, Southern Italy. Pandesma robusta (Walker, 1858) viene segnalata per la prima volta in Italia continentale a Copanello (Cosenza, Calabria); inoltre, per questa specie si segnala una nuova stazione in Sicilia occidentale, le saline di Paceco (Trapani). Calamodes subscudularia (Turati, 1919) viene anch’essa segnalata per la prima volta in Italia continentale nella Fiumara del Trionto (Cosenza, Calabria); in precedenza era nota solo per la Sicilia. Viene messa in evidenza la tendenza per la fauna dell’Italia continentale ad arricchirsi di specie finora note solo per la Sicilia o dalla distribuzione tropicale o subtropicale

    Traditional and TLS-based forest inventories of beech and pine forests located in Sila National Park. A dataset

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    Vegetation structure is a key determinant of species distribution and diversity. Compared to traditional methods, the use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) has allowed massive amounts of point cloud data collected for quantifying threedimensional habitat properties at increasing spatial and temporal scales. We used TLS to characterize the forest plots across a broad range of forest structural diversity, located in the Sila National Park, South Italy. The dataset reports data collected in 24 15-m-radius circular plots, 12 of which were dominated by beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and 12, by black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. laricio). In detail, this work provides dataset of i) plot-level attributes calculated from raw data, such as the number of trees, ii) tree-level data, comprising a total of 1709 trees, with information related to field-based forest inventory such as the diameter at breast height (DBH), and iii) plot-level information related to the time for conducting both traditional field- and TLS-based forest inventories. Compared to traditional methods, the use of TLS allows a very high-resolution quantification of the 3D forest structural properties, also reducing the time for conducting forest inventories

    Nuove segnalazioni di Nottuidi (Lepidoptera) per l’Italia meridionale

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    NEW RECORDS OF NOCTUID MOTHS IN SOUTHERN ITALY (LEPIDOPTERA) (Contribution to the knowledge of Lepidoptera in southern Italy. XIX) 75 species are reported in the present paper, 11 of wich are new for southern Italy. Among them, one (Aletia (Aletia) languida) is new for Italian fauna, two (Parascotia nisseni, Metachrostis velocior) are new for continental Italy, two (Paradrina fuscicornis, Gortina borelii lunata) are new for central-southern Italy and six (Tathorhynchus exsiccata, Luperina samnii, Archanara geminipuncta, Hecatera corsica weissi, Leucania comma, Tholera cespitis) are new for southern Italy. Moreover 11 species were collected for the first time in Campania, 12 in Apulia, 15 in Basilicata and 45 in Calabria. Key words: Macrolepidoptera, new reports, faunistic


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    A list of 181 species of Lepidoptera Tortricidae recorded during several expeditions realized in Calabria(southern Italy) is reported. Fifty-nine species are mentioned for the first time in Calabria. Of particular interest are 23species that have as a southern limit of their distribution area the Calabria territory

    Presenza di Setina irrorella (Linnaeus, 1758) in Italia meridionale e di Setina roscida (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) in Abruzzo; considerazioni sulle specie europee del genere Setina Schranck (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae)

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    FIRST RECORD OF SeTina irrorella (LINNAEUS, 1758) IN SOUTHERN ITALY AND SeTina roScida (DENIS SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) IN ABRUZZO (CENTRAL ITALY); CONSIDERATIONS ON THE EUROPEAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS SeTina SCHRANCK (LEPIDOPTERA: ARCTIIDAE, LITHOSIINAE). Setina species are typically glacial relicts confined to the mountain of Southern Europe. In this work, we report the first capture of Setina roscida on Gran Sasso (Passo delle Capannelle and Mt. S. Francesco, Abruzzo, Central Italy) as well as the first observation of Setina irrorella in South Italy (Basilicata, Mt. Pollino: Serra Dolcedorme and Serra delle Ciavole). A survey of the six species of Setina present in Europe (i. e. Setina roscida ([Denis Schiffermueller], 1775), S. flavicans (Geyer, [1836]), S. cantabrica de Freina Witt, 1985, S. irrorella (Linnaeus, 1758), S. alpestris Zeller, 1865 and S. aurita (Esper, 1787)) is also provided. A new taxonomic grouping of European Setina species is suggested on the basis of morphological evidence drawn from the male genitalia. The S. irrorella group (S. irrorella, S. alpestris, S. aurita) has a sping clasper, whereas the S. roscida group (S. roscida, S. cantabrica, S. flavicans) has a concave clasper. This new arrangement also is supported by ecological features. Key words: Setina, faunistic record, Southern Italy. Il genere Setina comprende un ristretto numero di specie a geonemia Euroasiatica, tipicamente di alta montagna, che si sono espanse nel corso delle glaciazioni, al termine delle quali sono rimaste delle popolazioni relitte nelle zone di alta montagna. Il rinvenimento di due specie appartenenti al contingente sibirico giunto in Italia peninsulare a seguito dell'ultima glaciazione: Setina roscida sul Massiccio del Gran Sasso (Passo delle Capannelle e Monte San Franco) e Setina irrorella, sul Massiccio del Pollino (Serra Dolcedorme e Serra delle Ciavole), che costituiscono le stazioni più meridionali lungo gli Appennini per le due specie, ci ha indotto a fare una messa a punto di quanto noto a tutt’oggi sulle specie europee del genere Setina, avanzando una ipotesi filogenetica sulla base della biologia e delle caratteristiche morfologiche del clasper nelle armature genitali maschili. Parole chiave: Setina, segnalazioni faunistiche, Italia meridionale

    The impact of some compounds utilised in organic olive groves on the non-target arthropod fauna: canopy and soil levels

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    An increasing literature body is devoted to the study of efficacy and risks concerning compounds allowed in organic farming and new compounds considered harmless for environmental and human health. The great biodiversity inhabiting olive agroecosystem lead to a biotic control of many pest species. The only widespread pest causing economic damages is the olive fly, Bactrocera oleae. The side effects of compounds allowed against the olive fly in open field are still little known as well as the agronomical methods for mitigating them. The aims of this research were to evaluate the impact of compounds allowed in organic olive farming and searching for more ecocompatible farming strategies. The research was carried out in Southern Italy. Experimental olive groves were untilled, and the grass cover was periodically managed. Six theses composed by 200 plants were randomly chosen and sprayed with rotenone, kaolin, a mixture of copper oxychloride and propolis, and dimethoate. Due to different actions of active agents involved in this research, arthropods were sampled at canopy and soil levels. The same compound showed different consequences on arthropods at canopy and soil levels. The sprayed compounds showed few negative effects in respect to previous studies. This fact could be attributed to the grass cover which probably reduced the effects of active agents with short term efficacy. In definitive, the grass cover could play an important role in minimising the impact of sprayed compounds on non target arthropods providing a shelter against the direct contact with active agents

    Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) control in organic olive farming.

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    In the Mediterranean area the olive fly control, difficult to realise in conventional farming, becomes even more arduous in organic farming, owing to the restrictions laid down by Regulation. The EC Reg. 2092/91 which implements organic farming and its updates provide standards allowing only the use of natural origin substances for crop protection contained in annex IIB, forbidding the chemical pesticides use. The present study has been performed in Calabria (Southern Italy) in two different pedoclimatic olive areas (Mirto-Crosia and Terranova da Sibari) and in two observation years (2005-2006) in order to assess the efficacy of substances listed in the annex IIB as copper (antibacterial substance) and biopesticides azadiracthin and rotenone and the efficacy of kaolin and the antibacterial substance propolis. These substances were compared among them and with theses used as control (treated only with water) and in Mirto-Crosia field with conventional product dimethoate. The present research confirms the need to restrain the Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) infestation in olive areas of the Southern Italy. The results obtained in the two different investigated areas in both years indicated that kaolin has great potential for the control of B. oleae infestation. The use of copper and propolis showed a good efficacy both on adult and preimago population. Rotenone application confirms its known efficacy in Terranova da Sibari area while it does not appear very efficacious in Mirto-Crosia area. Azadiracthin turned out to be not so efficacious for olive fly control in both olive areas and years. On the basis of the results of the most recent studies, a revision of the Regulation is needed
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