52,001 research outputs found

    Ricci dark energy in Chern-Simons modified gravity

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    In this work, we have considered the Ricci dark energy model, where the energy density of the universe is proportional to the Ricci scalar curvature, in the dynamic Chern-Simons modified gravity. We show that in this context the evolution of the scale factor is similar to that displayed by the modified Chaplygin gas.Comment: 7 pages; to appear in EPJ

    Quantum Chaos and Thermalization in Isolated Systems of Interacting Particles

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    This review is devoted to the problem of thermalization in a small isolated conglomerate of interacting constituents. A variety of physically important systems of intensive current interest belong to this category: complex atoms, molecules (including biological molecules), nuclei, small devices of condensed matter and quantum optics on nano- and micro-scale, cold atoms in optical lattices, ion traps. Physical implementations of quantum computers, where there are many interacting qubits, also fall into this group. Statistical regularities come into play through inter-particle interactions, which have two fundamental components: mean field, that along with external conditions, forms the regular component of the dynamics, and residual interactions responsible for the complex structure of the actual stationary states. At sufficiently high level density, the stationary states become exceedingly complicated superpositions of simple quasiparticle excitations. At this stage, regularities typical of quantum chaos emerge and bring in signatures of thermalization. We describe all the stages and the results of the processes leading to thermalization, using analytical and massive numerical examples for realistic atomic, nuclear, and spin systems, as well as for models with random parameters. The structure of stationary states, strength functions of simple configurations, and concepts of entropy and temperature in application to isolated mesoscopic systems are discussed in detail. We conclude with a schematic discussion of the time evolution of such systems to equilibrium.Comment: 69 pages, 31 figure

    Cν\nuB damping of primordial gravitational waves and the fine-tuning of the Cγ\gammaB temperature anisotropy

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    Damping of primordial gravitational waves due to the anisotropic stress contribution owing to the cosmological neutrino background (Cν\nuB) is investigated in the context of a radiation-to-matter dominated Universe. Besides its inherent effects on the gravitational wave propagation, the inclusion of the Cν\nuB anisotropic stress into the dynamical equations also affects the tensor mode contribution to the anisotropy of the cosmological microwave background (Cγ\gammaB) temperature. Given that the fluctuations of the Cν\nuB temperature in the (ultra)relativistic regime are driven by a multipole expansion, the mutual effects on the gravitational waves and on the Cγ\gammaB are obtained through a unified prescription for a radiation-to-matter dominated scenario. The results are confronted with some preliminary results for the radiation dominated scenario. Both scenarios are supported by a simplified analytical framework, in terms of a scale independent dynamical variable, kηk \eta, that relates cosmological scales, kk, and the conformal time, η\eta. The background relativistic (hot dark) matter essentially works as an effective dispersive medium for the gravitational waves such that the damping effect is intensified for the Universe evolving to the matter dominated era. Changes on the temperature variance owing to the inclusion of neutrino collision terms into the dynamical equations result into spectral features that ratify that the multipole expansion coefficients ClTC_{l}^{T}'s die out for l∼100l \sim 100.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure
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