166 research outputs found

    A Modica-Mortola approximation for branched transport

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    The M^\alpha energy which is usually minimized in branched transport problems among singular 1-dimensional rectifiable vector measures with prescribed divergence is approximated (and convergence is proved) by means of a sequence of elliptic energies, defined on more regular vector fields. The procedure recalls the Modica-Mortola one for approximating the perimeter, and the double-well potential is replaced by a concave power

    Models and applications of Optimal Transport in Economics, Traffic and Urban Planning

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    Some optimization or equilibrium problems involving somehow the concept of optimal transport are presented in these notes, mainly devoted to applications to economic and game theory settings. A variant model of transport, taking into account traffic congestion effects is the first topic, and it shows various links with Monge-Kantorovich theory and PDEs. Then, two models for urban planning are introduced. The last section is devoted to two problems from economics and their translation in the language of optimal transport

    Introduction to Optimal Transport Theory

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    These notes constitute a sort of Crash Course in Optimal Transport Theory. The different features of the problem of Monge-Kantorovitch are treated, starting from convex duality issues. The main properties of space of probability measures endowed with the distances WpW_p induced by optimal transport are detailed. The key tools to put in relation optimal transport and PDEs are provided

    Dealing with moment measures via entropy and optimal transport

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    A recent paper by Cordero-Erausquin and Klartag provides a characterization of the measures μ\mu on Rd\R^d which can be expressed as the moment measures of suitable convex functions uu, i.e. are of the form (\nabla u)\_\\#e^{- u} for u:RdR{+}u:\R^d\to\R\cup\{+\infty\} and finds the corresponding uu by a variational method in the class of convex functions. Here we propose a purely optimal-transport-based method to retrieve the same result. The variational problem becomes the minimization of an entropy and a transport cost among densities ρ\rho and the optimizer ρ\rho turns out to be eue^{-u}. This requires to develop some estimates and some semicontinuity results for the corresponding functionals which are natural in optimal transport. The notion of displacement convexity plays a crucial role in the characterization and uniqueness of the minimizers

    A note on some Poincar\'e inequalities on convex sets by Optimal Transport methods

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    We show that a class of Poincar\'e-Wirtinger inequalities on bounded convex sets can be obtained by means of the dynamical formulation of Optimal Transport. This is a consequence of a more general result valid for convex sets, possibly unbounded.Comment: 13 page

    Optimal transportation for a quadratic cost with convex constraints and applications

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    We prove existence of an optimal transport map in the Monge-Kantorovich problem associated to a cost c(x,y)c(x,y) which is not finite everywhere, but coincides with xy2|x-y|^2 if the displacement yxy-x belongs to a given convex set CC and it is ++\infty otherwise. The result is proven for CC satisfying some technical assumptions allowing any convex body in R2\R^2 and any convex polyhedron in Rd\R^d, d>2d>2. The tools are inspired by the recent Champion-DePascale-Juutinen technique. Their idea, based on density points and avoiding disintegrations and dual formulations, allowed to deal with LL^\infty problems and, later on, with the Monge problem for arbitrary norms

    A Modica-Mortola approximation for the Steiner Problem

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    In this note we present a way to approximate the Steiner problem by a family of elliptic energies of Modica-Mortola type, with an additional term relying on the weighted geodesic distance which takes care of the connexity constraint.Comment: short not