678 research outputs found

    Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome in Two Previously Healthy Adults: A Case-based Review

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    We describe here the clinical manifestations of platypnea-orthodeoxia in two patients with interatrial shunting. In both cases, the patients were asymptomatic prior to developing additional cardiopulmonary issues that apparently enhanced right-to-left intracardiac shunting. The patients were both treated with percutaneously deployed occlusion devices, with excellent results. Symptoms and positional oxygen desaturation resolved after device placement in both cases. In addition, these patients remain symptom-free 30 months after device implantation

    Final Specification of Cooperative Functionalities

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    This deliverable presents the specification of the final version of the Cooperative AP Functionalities that have been designed in the context of Work Package (WP) 4 of the Wi-5 project. In detail, we present a general cooperative framework that includes functionalities for a Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithm, which provides channel assignment and transmit power adjustment strategies, an AP selection policy, which also provides horizontal handover, and a Radio Access Technology (RAT) selection solution for vertical handover. The RRM algorithm achieves an important improvement for network performance in terms of several parameters through the channel assignment approach and the transmit power adjustment. The AP selection solution extends the approach presented in deliverables D4.1 and D4.2 and is based on a centralised potential game, which optimises the distribution of the so-called Fittingness Factor (FF) parameter among the Wi-Fi users. Such a parameter efficiently matches the suitability of the available spectrum resource to the users’ application requirements. Moreover, the RAT selection solution extends the AP selection algorithm towards vertical handover functionality including 3G/4G networks. The assessment of the newest algorithms developed in the context of WP4 is illustrated in this deliverable through the analysis of several performance results in a simulated environment against other strategies found in the literature. Finally, the set of smart AP functionalities developed in the context of WP3, implemented on the Wi5 APs and on the Wi-5 controller, and their use in the proposed algorithms are illustrated. Specifically, this deliverable describes how these functionalities can enable the correct deployment of the proposed cooperative AP solutions in realistic scenarios. Therefore, the main novel contributions of this deliverable are i) the strengthening of the AP selection algorithm, ii) the design and assessment of a new algorithm for vertical handover and iii) the presentation of the finalised integration of the cooperative AP functionalities of the Wi-5 system

    Examining the Relationship Between Uterine Fibroids and Dyspareunia Among Premenopausal Women in the United States

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    Despite estimates of a high prevalence of deep dyspareunia (DD) among women in the US, risk factors for this important area of sexual dysfunction have been largely understudied

    Critical statistics in a power-law random banded matrix ensemble

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    We investigate the statistical properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in a random matrix ensemble with HijijμH_{ij}\sim |i-j|^{-\mu}. It is known that this model shows a localization-delocalization transition (LDT) as a function of the parameter μ\mu. The model is critical at μ=1\mu=1 and the eigenstates are multifractals. Based on numerical simulations we demonstrate that the spectral statistics at criticality differs from semi-Poisson statistics which is expected to be a general feature of systems exhibiting a LDT or `weak chaos'.Comment: 4 pages in PS including 5 figure

    Specification of Cooperative Access Points Functionalities version 2

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    The What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West H2020 project (Wi-5) combines research and innovation to propose an architecture based on an integrated and coordinated set of smart Wi-Fi networking solutions. The resulting system will be able to efficiently reduce interference between neighbouring Access Points (APs) and provide optimised connectivity for new and emerging services. The project approach is expected to develop and incorporate a variety of different solutions, which will be made available through academic publications, in addition to other dissemination channels. This deliverable presents the specification of the second version of the Cooperative AP Functionalities that are being designed in the context of Work Package (WP) 4 of the Wi-5 project. Specifically, we present a general cooperative framework that includes functionalities for a Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithm, which provides channel assignment and transmit power adjustment strategies, an AP selection policy, and a solution for vertical handover. The RRM achieves an important improvement for network performance in terms of several parameters through the channel assignment approach, that can be further improved by including the transmit power adjustment. The AP selection solution extends the approach presented in deliverable D4.1 based on the Fittingness Factor (FF) concept, which is a parameter for efficiently matching the suitability of the available spectrum resource to the application requirements. Moreover, the preliminary details, which will allow us to extend AP selection towards vertical handover functionality including 3G/4G networks, are also presented. The assessment of the algorithms proposed in this deliverable is illustrated through the analysis of several performance results in a simulated environment against other strategies found in the literature. Finally, a set of monitoring capabilities implemented on the Wi-5 APs and on the Wi-5 controller are illustrated. These capabilities will enable the correct deployment of the cooperative APs functionalities proposed in this deliverable in realistic scenarios

    No strong dependence of Lyman continuum leakage on physical properties of star-forming galaxies at 3.1 ≲ z ≲ 3.5

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    We present Lyman continuum (LyC) radiation escape fraction (fesc) measurements for 183 spectroscopically confirmed star-forming galaxies in the redshift range 3.11 300 Å. For candidate LyC leakers, we find a weak negative correlation between fesc and galaxy stellar masses, no correlation between fesc and specific star-formation rates (sSFRs) and a positive correlation between fesc and EW0([O III] + Hβ). The weak/no correlations between stellar mass and sSFRs may be explained by misaligned viewing angles and/or non-coincident timescales of starburst activity and periods of high fesc. Alternatively, escaping radiation may predominantly occur in highly localised star-forming regions, or fesc measurements may be impacted by stochasticity of the intervening neutral medium, obscuring any global trends with galaxy properties. These hypotheses have important consequences for models of reionisation

    The transcription factors Ets1 and Sox10 interact during murine melanocyte development

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    Melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells, arise from multipotent neural crest (NC) cells during embryogenesis. Many genes required for melanocyte development were identified using mouse pigmentation mutants. The variable spotting mouse pigmentation mutant arose spontaneously at the Jackson Laboratory. We identified a G-to-A nucleotide transition in exon 3 of the Ets1 gene in variable spotting, which results in a missense G102E mutation. Homozygous variable spotting mice exhibit sporadic white spotting. Similarly, mice carrying a targeted deletion of Ets1 exhibit hypopigmentation; nevertheless, the function of Ets1 in melanocyte development is unknown. The transcription factor Ets1 is widely expressed in developing organs and tissues, including the NC. In the chick, Ets1 is required for the expression of Sox10, a transcription factor critical for the development of various NC derivatives, including melanocytes. We show that Ets1 is required early for murine NC cell and melanocyte precursor survival in vivo. Given the importance of Ets1 for Sox10 expression in the chick, we investigated a potential genetic interaction between these genes by comparing the hypopigmentation phenotypes of single and double heterozygous mice. The incidence of hypopigmentation in double heterozygotes was significantly greater than in single heterozygotes. The area of hypopigmentation in double heterozygotes was significantly larger than would be expected from the addition of the areas of hypopigmentation of single heterozygotes, suggesting that Ets1 and Sox10 interact synergistically in melanocyte development. Since Sox10 is also essential for enteric ganglia development, we examined the distal colons of Ets1 null mutants and found a significant decrease in enteric innervation, which was exacerbated by Sox10 heterozygosity. At the molecular level, Ets1 was found to activate an enhancer critical for Sox10 expression in NC-derived structures. Furthermore, enhancer activation was significantly inhibited by the variable spotting mutation. Together, these results suggest that Ets1 and Sox10 interact to promote proper melanocyte and enteric ganglia development from the NC