9 research outputs found
The Logico-Semantic Relation of Students’ Final Assignment Essay in English in Academic Discourse (EAD) Class
Logico-Semanticmerupakan sistem dasar yang menghubungkan klausa dan semantik yang terdapat di bahasa secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis taxisyang terdapat di dalam tugas akhir Essay mahasiswa dan hubungan logico-semantic yang dikembangkan taksis di dalam Essay mahasiswa berdasarkan konsep hubungan antara klausa yang diusulkan Halliday dan Mathiessen, (2014). Analisis ini diperlukanuntuk mendapatkan pola klausa yang digunakan mahasiswa dalam mengambangkan ide di dalam Essay-nya. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 essay yang dihasilkan oleh mahasiswa. Konten analisa digunakan untuk menganalisa hubungantaxisdanlogico-semantic. Data dimasukkan ke dalamtabel analisadan dianalisis berdasarkan teoridari Halliday dan Matthiessen (2014). Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis taxis yang paling banyak digunakan adalah hypotaxisdengan 136 dari 225hubungan, dan jenis hubungan logico-semanticyang dikembangkan oleh taxis,yang banyak digunakan adalah enhancement, dengan total 104 hubungan. Terkait fungsi yang terkandung di dalam logico-semantic, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa mahasiswa banyak menggunakan Addition dari extension untuk menghubungkan klause dengan menambahkan informasi baru atau menguatkan ide. Jenis dari taxisdan logico-semantic, terdapat di setiapstruktur essay; Pembukaan, Isi dan PenutupLogico-Semantic refers to the basic system of the relation between clauses and semantic motifs that run throughout the language as a whole. This study aims to define the type of taxis used in students’ final assignment essay and the kind of logico-semantic relation developed by taxis in students’ essay in EAD class based on the concept of the relationship between clauses suggested by Halliday & Matthiessen, (2014). The analysis of taxis and logico-semantic relation is necessary in order to catch a pattern of the clauses in developing their ideas in Essay. The data of this study were 10 essays produced by students. Content analysis method was used to analyze the taxis and logico-semantic relation. The data were insert into table analysis and analyze were based on the theory of Halliday and Matthiessen (2014). The result showed that the frequently type of taxis used is hypotaxis which reaches 136 out of 225 relation, and the kind of logico-semantic are developed by taxis that frequently used is enhancement with the total 104 relation. In terms of logico-semantic function, this study found that the students mostly used addition from extension to join the clause by adding the new information to support their ideas. The types of taxis and logico-semantic relation produced in every essay structure; Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion
Pengaruh Gender, Prestasi Belajar, Status Sosial Ekonomi, dan Ethnic Background Terhadap Persepsi Etis Mahasiswa Akuntansi Dengan Love Of Money Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Empiris Pada Mahasiswa Akuntansi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)
The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze how variable of gender, achievement learn, status social economy, and ethnic background can influence to ethical perception of student accountant and then how both of variables can affect to love of money variable and also the love of money can affect to ethical perception of student accountant.
Puprposive sampling is the method that have been used to determine the sample in this research. This research used a sample of 102 student accountant S1 and S2 in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Data obtained were the processed and analyzed by linear regression and path analysis.
Results of this research shown, that gender and ethnic background variables are not influence to the love of money. Achievement learn and status social economy variables are influence to the love of money. Gender variables are influence to the ethical perception of student accountant. Achievemnet, status social economy, and ethnic background variables not influence to the ethical perception of student accountant. Love of money variables not influence to the ethical perception of student accountant. The satisfation of love of money relation mediate gender and ethnic background with ethical perception of student accountant, the satisfation of love of money not relation mediate achievement learn and status social economy with ethical perception of student accountant
Optimization of pulsed electric field processing time and hydrolyzed bovine collagen concentration in pasteurized milk
Milk is a highly perishable food due to its nutritional composition for microbial growth. Improper milk handling practices cause nutritional reduction and microbial contamination in milk. Collagen drinks are currently a growing commercial product. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of hydrolyzed bovine collagen concentration and pulsed electric field (PEF) time on the physical, microbiological, and organoleptic qualities of milk enriched with hydrolyzed bovine collagen, as well as to determine the best treatment. Central composite design (CCD) for Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used in this experimental design to explore optimal response based on the relationship between collagen concentration and PEF processing time. This CCD experiment was proposed to optimize TPC and viscosity and obtained a total of 13 experimental designs. The model results suggested by RSM-CCD are quadratic models. The result showed the optimization of the supplemented milk using a concentration of 2.837% hydrolyzed bovine collagen and PEF processing time of 116.369 seconds were the optimal designs with the desirability value of 0.809. Validation results using three repetitions produced an average TPC of 3.38 log CFU/mL and viscosity results of 4.56 mPas. Under these conditions, the error rate value of both responses is less than 5%, indicating that the model optimization can be accepted
Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat untuk menumbuhkan sifat percaya diri serta untuk menambah pendapatan dan untuk memberikan pengetahuan masyarakat khususnya generasi muda dan kepada anggota Pesantren Yatim Cahaya Madinah yang beralamat di Jl. Cabe III RT 001/RW 03 No.53 Kel. Pondok Cabe Ilir, Kec. Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15418.Adapun metode kegiatan yang di lakukan adalah berdiskusi bersama dan memberikan penjelasan serta solusi mengenai dunia bisnis bagi generasi muda. Didalam diskusi ini, dibahas mengenai kiat-kiat apa yang harus di lakukan generasi muda dalam memulai bisnis serta sikap dan cara-cara sukses dari pengusaha muda yang memulai dunia bisnis.Salah satu hal yang harus dilakukan oleh generasi muda dalam memulai bisnis yaitu berani ambil resiko, pantang menyerah, menggali potensi, mengawali bisnis dari kesukaan, dan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi. Dengan perkembangan IPTEK, teknologi menjadi salah satu hal yang berhubungan dengan keberlangsungan bisnis. Maka dari itu, pengusaha muda harus bisa melihat peluang.Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta diskusi menjadi paham akan mudahnya berbisnis dalam menunjang kehidupan dan kelangsungan bisnisnya.Kata kunci: Dunia Bisnis; Motivasi Santri dan Santriwat