13 research outputs found

    Retinal Surgery-Induced Trigeminal Neuralgia

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    Purpose: To report a case of trigeminal neuralgia after retinal surgery in a 72-year-old man. Methods: Case report. Results: A 72-year-old man developed severe postoperative pain after undergoing vitrectomy and endolaser therapy. The pain responded to neuroleptic medications once a diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia was made. Conclusion: The authors report a case of trigeminal neuralgia developed after vitreoretinal surgery. Clinicians should consider trigeminal neuralgia in the differential diagnosis of atypical pain after retinal surgery. Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wikins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited

    Caractérisation d'entités moléculaires de surface impliquées dans la relation de la bactérie probiotique Lactobacillus plantarum 299v avec l'hôte (approche in vitro)

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    Les microorganismes probiotiques mis en œuvre dans les aliments fonctionnalisés, sont capables de produire des effets bénéfiques sur la santé du consommateur. Ces effets dépendent entre autres de la capacité d adhésion des probiotiques aux constituants de l épithélium intestinal. L adhésion, est un phénomène complexe dépendant des propriétés physico-chimiques de la surface bactérienne ainsi que de la présence d entités protéiques et/ou non protéiques possédant une affinité pour les constituants de la muqueuse intestinale de l hôte. Au travers de l étude de l hydrophobie/hydrophilie et de la charge électrique de la surface de la souche probiotique Lactobacillus plantarum 299v ainsi que de celles d autres souches adhérentes de L. plantarum, une absence de corrélation entre de telles propriétés et la capacité d adhésion des souches sur les cibles mucine et cellules épithéliales intestinales Caco-2 a été établie. La caractérisation systématique des protéines associées à la paroi de L. plantarum 299v suivie de l estimation de leur affinité pour des cibles de la surface intestinale, ont conduit à l identification de la glyceraldéhyde-3-phosphate déshydrogénase (GAPDH) en tant qu adhésine potentielle. L analyse, par cytométrie en flux, des cellules de L. plantarum 299 v marquées par des anticorps anti-GAPDH et par l iodure de propidium a permis d établir un lien entre la perte d intégrité de la membrane plasmique et la présence de cette anchorless protein associée à la paroi bactérienne. Cette observation conduit à la proposition d un mécanisme original concernant l exportation de l enzyme cytoplasmique à la surface de la bactérie. D autres polymères non protéiques de type acides lipoteichoïques associés à la paroi, ont été caractérisés et leur implication dans l interaction de L. plantarum 299v avec la mucine et les cellules épithéliales intestinales Caco-2 a été démontrée.The probiotic microorganisms implemented in functionalized foods can produce beneficial effects on consumer health. These effects depend on the adhesion ability of probiotics to the constituents of the intestinal tract. The phenomenon of bacterial adhesion is a complex process which is mediated by the physico-chemical properties of the bacterial surface and by a set of proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous molecular entities with specific binding abilities to constituents of the host intestinal mucosa. Through the study of the hydrophobic/hydrophilic character and electric charge of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus plantarum 299v and those of other adherent strains of L. plantarum, no correlation between such properties and their adhesion ability to mucin and Caco-2 epithelial cells was established. The systematic characterization of the cell wall associated proteins of L. plantarum 299v followed by the estimation of their affinities for targets of the intestinal surface, led to the identification of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as a potential adhesin. Flow cytometry analysis of L. plantarum 299v cells labelled with anti-GAPDH and propidium iodide unambiguously confirmed a relationship between the loss of the plasma membrane integrity and location on cell wall of GAPDH and probably of other "anchorless protein". This observation led to us the proposal of an original mechanism on the export of this cytoplasmic enzyme to the bacterial cell wall surface. Other non-proteinaceous polymers like lipoteichoic acids have been characterized and their involvement in the interaction of L. plantarum 299v to mucin and Caco-2 monolayer cells was demonstrated.LIMOGES-BU Sciences (870852109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mycobacterium bovis Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Algeria

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    Whole Genome Sequence Analysis of Mycobacterium bovis Cattle Isolates, Algeria

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    International audienceMycobacterium bovis (M. bovis), a Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex species responsible for tuberculosis in cattle and zoonotic tuberculosis in humans, is present in Algeria. In Algeria however, the M. bovis population structure is unknown, limiting understanding of the sources and transmission of bovine tuberculosis. In this study, we identified the whole genome sequence (WGS) of 13 M. bovis strains isolated from animals exhibiting lesions compatible with tuberculosis, which were slaughtered and inspected in five slaughterhouses in Algeria. We found that six isolates were grouped together with reference clinical strains of M. bovis genotype-Unknown2. One isolate was related to M. bovis genotype-Unknown7, one isolate was related to M. bovis genotype-Unknown4, three isolates belonged to M. bovis genotype-Europe 2 and there was one new clone for two M. bovis isolates. Two isolates from Blida exhibited no pairwise differences in single nucleotide polymorphisms. None of these 13 isolates were closely related to four zoonotic M. bovis isolates previously characterized in Algeria. In Algeria, the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis in cattle is partly driven by cross border movements of animals and animal products

    A comprehensive review of solar irradiation estimation and forecasting using artificial neural networks: data, models and trends

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    Solar irradiation data are imperatively required for any solar energy-based project. The non-accessibility and uncertainty of these data can greatly affect the implementation, management, and performance of photovoltaic or thermal systems. Developing solar irradiation estimation and forecasting approaches is an effective way to overcome these issues. Practically, prediction approaches can help anticipate events by ensuring good operation of the power network and maintaining a precise balance between the demand and supply of the power at every moment. In the literature, various estimation and forecasting methods have been developed. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models are the most commonly used methods in solar irradiation prediction. This paper aims to firstly review, analyze, and provide an overview of different aspects required to develop an ANN model for solar irradiation prediction, such as data types, data horizon, data preprocessing, forecasting horizon, feature selection, and model type. Secondly, a highly detailed state of the art of ANN-based approaches including deep learning and hybrid ANN models for solar irradiation estimation and forecasting is presented. Finally, the factors influencing prediction model performances are discussed in order to propose recommendations, trends, and outlooks for future research in this field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reproductive Enhancement through Phytochemical Characteristics and Biological Activities of Date Palm Pollen: A Comprehensive Review on Potential Mechanism Pathways

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    Infertility represents a significant global health challenge affecting both men and women. Despite regular unprotected sexual intercourse, approximately 15% of couples of reproductive age struggle to conceive within 12 months, with 10% of infertility cases attributed to unknown causes worldwide. As a result, numerous studies have turned their attention to exploring the use of natural products for the prevention and treatment of infertility. Among these natural remedies is date palm pollen (DPP), a male reproductive powder derived from the blossoms of the Phoenix dactylifera L. palm tree, which has a long history of use as a dietary supplement, particularly as an aphrodisiac and fertility enhancer for both men and women. This review critically examines the diverse components of DPP, including metabolites, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, to elucidate its potential impact on human reproduction. The analysis thoroughly assesses the composition of DPP in relation to its effects on enhancing reproductive processes and delves into its traditional uses and therapeutic benefits in male fertility, such as the enhancement of sexual desire, semen quality, and hormonal equilibrium. Similarly, it explores the influence of DPP on female fertility, emphasizing its potential to improve factors such as lubrication, desire, ovulation, and hormonal balance. Overall, this review underscores the potential of DPP as a natural remedy for addressing reproductive disorders

    Assessment of physicochemical parameters, bioactive compounds, biological activities, and nutritional value of the most two commercialized pollen types of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Morocco.

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    peer reviewedThe pollen of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is known for its nutritional value and implications as a health-promoting component. Due to its low cost, date palm pollen crushed with its spadix is more widely commercialized and used in Morocco than pure date palm pollen free of spadix. Thus, this study aimed to assess the physicochemical and phytochemical parameters, biological activities, and nutritional value of the two pollen types: Pure date palm pollen and date palm pollen crushed with its spadix. Various physicochemical parameters were determined, including humidity, water activity (aw), total soluble solids, ash content, and color parameters (L*, a*, b*, C*ab, and hab). Additionally, the phenolic compound profiles were analyzed, and the in vitro antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory, and antidiabetic activities were assessed for both pure date palm pollen and date palm pollen crushed with its spadix. Furthermore, the nutritional value was evaluated by determining protein and carbohydrate contents, and mineral and fatty acid profiles. The results have revealed that pure date palm pollen had higher humidity, aw, L*, and hab color parameters than date palm pollen crushed with its spadix, but lower total soluble solid and ash contents. The main phenolic compounds in pure date palm pollen were ellagic acid, rutin, fisetin, and quercetin, whereas date palm pollen crushed with its spadix contained mainly catechin, chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and rutin. Moreover, pure date palm pollen showed greater in vitro antioxidant activity, while date palm pollen crushed with its spadix had higher enzyme inhibitory and antidiabetic activities. PDPS was the richest source of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and saturated fatty acids, while date palm pollen crushed with its spadix was a better source of unsaturated fatty acids, which are mainly represented by linoleic acid. In conclusion, although date palm pollen crushed with its spadix is the most widely consumed type, its nutritional value is lower than that of pure date palm pollen. Thus, pure date palm pollen could potentially serve as a better source of many bioactive compounds, making it a viable supplement for various health applications

    Probing predilection to Crohn's disease and Crohn's disease flares: A crowd-sourced bioinformatics approach

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    Background: Crohn's Disease (CD) is an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract that affects millions of patients. While great strides have been made in treatment, namely in biologic therapy such as anti-TNF drugs, CD remains a significant health burden. Method: We conducted two meta-analyses using our STARGEO platform to tag samples from Gene Expression Omnibus. One analysis compares inactive colonic biopsies from CD patients to colonic biopsies from healthy patients as a control and the other compares colonic biopsies from active CD lesions to inactive lesions. Separate tags were created to tag colonic samples from inflamed biopsies (total of 65 samples) and quiescent tissue in CD patients (total of 39 samples), and healthy tissue from non-CD patients (total of 30 samples). Results from the two meta-analyses were analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Results: For the inactive CD vs healthy tissue analysis, we noted FXR/RXR and LXR/RXR activation, superpathway of citrulline metabolism, and atherosclerosis signaling as top canonical pathways. The top upstream regulators include genes implicated in innate immunity, such as TLR3 and HNRNPA2B1, and sterol regulation through SREBF2. In addition, the sterol regulator SREBF2, lipid metabolism was the top disease network identified in IPA (Fig. 1). Top upregulated genes hold implications in innate immunity (DUOX2, REG1A/1B/3A) and cellular transport and absorption (ABCG5, NPC1L1, FOLH1, and SLC6A14). Top downregulated genes largely held roles in cell adhesion and integrity, including claudin 8, PAQR5, and PRKACB.For the active vs inactive CD analysis, we found immune cell adhesion and diapedesis, hepatic fibrosis/hepatic stellate cell activation, LPS/IL-1 inhibition of RXR function, and atherosclerosis as top canonical pathways. Top upstream regulators included inflammatory mediators LPS, TNF, IL1B, and TGFB1. Top upregulated genes function in the immune response such as IL6, CXCL1, CXCR2, MMP1/7/12, and PTGS2. Downregulated genes dealt with cellular metabolism and transport such as CPO, RBP2, G6PC, PCK1, GSTA1, and MEP1B. Conclusion: Our results build off established and recently described research in the field of CD. We demonstrate the use of our user-friendly platform, STARGEO, in investigating disease and finding therapeutic avenues