5 research outputs found

    Seasonal Dependence of the Magnetospheric Drag Torque on Saturn's Northern and Southern Polar Thermospheres and its Relation to the Periods of Planetary Period Oscillations

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    We calculate the magnetospheric drag torques on Saturn's northern and southern polar thermospheres during late southern summer in 2008 and northern spring in 2012–2013 using previously derived profiles of ionospheric meridional coupling currents determined from high-latitude Cassini magnetic field data. We show that the drag torques in the “winter” and “summer” auroral regions are near equal at ~2.3 × 1016 N m, contrary to the recent discussion of Brooks et al. (2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/2019JA026870) who suggest that significant seasonal differences should occur in these regions. Instead, seasonally dependent torques occur in the adjacent polar open field regions, where the “winter” and “summer” torques are ~0.3 × 1016 and ~1.8 × 1016 N m, respectively. We derive a simple rotating disc model of the polar thermosphere and estimate the speed of the poleward flow from midlatitudes required to balance these torques in steady state, finding values of tens of m s−1 consistent with previous numerical modeling. Comparison of the calculated torques with concurrent periods of the northern and southern planetary period oscillations (PPOs) does not suggest a direct connection between these quantities as proposed by Brooks et al., 2019, showing at the least that significant additional factors must be involved. We further note some issues with their scenario for dual modulation of radio emissions, previous observations having shown that the principal oscillatory PPO field-aligned currents that modulate the emissions rotate in the auroral region with periods ~10.7 ± 0.1 hr, propagating through the more slowly rotating ~15–20 hr period outer magnetospheric plasma, with implications for the proposed “atmospheric flywheel” picture

    Planetary period oscillations in Saturn's magnetosphere: Evolution of magnetic oscillation properties from southern summer to post-equinox

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    We investigate the evolution of the properties of planetary period magnetic field oscillations observed by the Cassini spacecraft in Saturn's magnetosphere over the interval from late 2004 to early 2011, spanning equinox in mid-2009. Oscillations within the inner quasi-dipolar region (L ≀ 12) consist of two components of close but distinct periods, corresponding essentially to the periods of the northern and southern Saturn kilometric radiation (SKR) modulations. These give rise to modulations of the combined amplitude and phase at the beat period of the two oscillations, from which the individual oscillation amplitudes and phases (and hence periods) can be determined. Phases are also determined from northern and southern polar oscillation data when available. Results indicate that the southern-period amplitude declines modestly over this interval, while the northern-period amplitude approximately doubles to become comparable with the southern-period oscillations during the equinox interval, producing clear effects in pass-to-pass oscillation properties. It is also shown that the periods of the two oscillations strongly converge over the equinox interval, such that the beat period increases significantly from ∌20 to more than 100 days, but that they do not coalesce or cross during the interval investigated, contrary to recent reports of the behavior of the SKR periods. Examination of polar oscillation data for similar beat phase effects yields a null result within a ∌10% upper limit on the relative amplitude of northern-period oscillations in the south and vice versa. This result strongly suggests a polar origin for the two oscillation periods

    Constraining the Temporal Variability of Neutral Winds in Saturn's Low-Latitude Ionosphere Using Magnetic Field Measurements

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    The Cassini spacecraft completed 22 orbits around Saturn known as the “Grand Finale” over a 5 months interval, during which time the spacecraft traversed the previously unexplored region between Saturn and its equatorial rings near periapsis. The magnetic field observations reveal the presence of temporally variable low-latitude field-aligned currents which are thought to be driven by velocity shears in the neutral zonal winds at magnetically conjugate thermospheric latitudes. We consider atmospheric waves as a plausible driver of temporal variability in the low-latitude thermosphere, and empirically constrain the region in which they perturb the zonal flows to be between ±25° latitude. By investigating an extensive range of hypothetical wind profiles, we present and analyze a timeseries of the modeled velocity shears in thermospheric zonal flows, with direct comparisons to empirically inferred angular velocity shears from the Bϕ observations. We determine the maximum temporal variability in the peak neutral zonal winds over the Grand Finale interval to be ∌350 m/s assuming steady-state ionospheric Pedersen conductances. We further show that the ionospheric currents measured must be in steady-state on ∌10 min timescales, and axisymmetric over ∌2 h of local time in the near-equatorial ionosphere. Our study illustrates the potential to use of magnetospheric datasets to constrain atmospheric variability in the thermosphere region

    Oscillation of Saturn's southern auroral oval

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    Near-planetary-period oscillations in the Cassini plasma and magnetic field data have been observed throughout Saturn's magnetosphere despite the fact that Saturn's internal magnetic field is apparently highly axisymmetric. In addition, the period of the Saturn kilometric radiation has been shown to vary over time. In this paper we present results from the recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of Saturn's southern ultraviolet auroral emission. We show that the center of the auroral oval oscillates with period 10.76 h +/- 0.15 h for both January 2007 and February 2008, i.e., close to the periods determined for oscillations in other magnetospheric phenomena. The motion of the oval center is described for 2007 by an ellipse with semimajor axis similar to 1.4 degrees +/- 0.3 degrees oriented toward similar to 09-21 h LT, eccentricity similar to 0.93, and center offset from the spin axis by similar to 1.8 degrees toward similar to 04 h LT. For 2008 the oscillation is consistent with an ellipse with semimajor axis similar to 2.2 degrees +/- 0.3 degrees oriented toward similar to 09-21 h LT, eccentricity similar to 0.99, and a center offset from the spin axis by similar to 2.2 degrees toward similar to 03 h LT. The motion of the auroral oval is thus highly elliptical in both cases, and the major oscillation axis is oriented toward prenoon/premidnight. This result places an independent constraint on the magnitude of the planet's dipole tilt and may also indicate the presence of an external current system that imposes an asymmetry in the ionospheric field modulated close to the planetary period

    Saturn's equinoctial auroras

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    We present the first images of Saturn's conjugate equinoctial auroras, obtained in early 2009 using the Hubble Space Telescope. We show that the radius of the northern auroral oval is similar to 1.5 degrees smaller than the southern, indicating that Saturn's polar ionospheric magnetic field, measured for the first time in the ionosphere, is similar to 17% larger in the north than the south. Despite this, the total emitted UV power is on average similar to 17% larger in the north than the south, suggesting that field-aligned currents (FACs) are responsible for the emission. Finally, we show that individual auroral features can exhibit distinct hemispheric asymmetries. These observations will provide important context for Cassini observations as Saturn moves from southern to northern summer