1,741 research outputs found

    New data on lichenicolous fungi of the Teteriv River Basin (Ukraine)

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    The data on 31 species of lichenicolous fungi (Abrothallus caerulescens, Arthonia phaeophysciae, Athelia arachnoidea, Cercidospora macrospora, Clypeococcum hypocenomycis, Cornutispora lichenicola, Erythricium aurantiacum, Heterocephalacria physciacearum, Intralichen christiansenii, Lichenochora obscuroides, Lichenoconium erodens, L. lecanorae, L. usneae, Lichenodiplis lecanorae, Lichenostigma cosmopolites, Lichenothelia convexa, L. scopularia, Marchandiomyces corallinus, Monodictys epilepraria, Muellerella pygmaea, M. erratica, Pronectria leptaleae, Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae, Sclerococcum sphaerale, Sphaerellothecium propinquellum, Stigmidium fuscatae, S. squamariae, S. xanthoparmeliarum, Taeniolella phaeophysciae, T. punctata, Xanthoriicola physciae) new to the Teteriv River Basin are provided. Further five species (Cercidospora crozalsiana, Lichenostigma epipolina, Lichenothelia tenuissima, Polysporina subfuscescens and Taeniolella beschiana) are new to Ukraine. Additional localities for all newly reported species are listed

    The ALICE CPV Detector

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    The Charged-Particle Veto (CPV) detector of ALICE at the LHC is presented. Physics motivation for the detector, its construction and operation in physics runs are shortly discussed. Readout electronics and data taking conditions are described. Special attention is focused on CPV automation via the detector control system. Different states of the detector and protection algorithms implemented into the control system are described

    Phylogeny and taxonomy of Polyozosia, Sedelnikovaea and Verseghya of the Lecanoraceae (Lecanorales, lichen-forming Ascomycota)

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    From the combined phylogenetic analysis of multi-locus sequence data of the Lecanoraceae including two nuclear protein-coding markers (RPB2 and RPB1), the internal transcribed spacer and a fragment of the mitochondrial small subunit, found that the originally monotypic eastern Asian genus Verseghya is positioned within the Verseghya-Lecidella-Pyrrhospora clade of the Lecanoraceae and includes one more taxon Verseghya thysanophora widely distributed in Northern Hemisphere. The genus Lecidella forming the Lecidella-Glaucomaria subclade within the same Verseghya-Lecidella-Pyrrhospora clade of the Lecanoraceae found to have tendency to be polyphyletic after including the recently described eastern Asian taxon Lecidella mandshurica into phylogenetic analysis of the Lecanoraceae. It is shown that Lecidella mandshurica was previously recorded from China sub Lecidella aff. elaeochroma. The originally monotypic eastern Asian genus Sedelnikovaea forming a monophyletic branch within the Sedelnikovaea-Lecanoropsis subclade and being in out-position to the Rhizoplaca-Protoparmeliopsis s. str. clade of the Lecanoraceae found to include three more taxa, i.e. Sedelnikovaea marginalis, S. pseudogyrophorica, and S. subdiscrepans. The Eurasian Protoparmeliopsis bolcana, and the eastern Asian P. kopachevskae, are illustrated for the first time as being positioned within the Protopameliopsis branch of the Lecanoraceae, while the South Korean ‘Protoparmeliopsis’ chejuensis found to be positioned in separate monophyletic branch from all other branches of the Rhizoplaca-Protoparmeliopsis s. l. clade of the Lecanoraceae. The genus Polyozosia A. Massal. as earlier name for the former Myriolecis branch of the Lecanoraceae is accepted as far the type species of the latter genus, i.e. P. poliophaea, found to be positioned within this branch. The Polyozosia robust monophyletic branch is positioned in the outermost position in the Rhizoplaca-Protoparmeliopsis s. str. clade of the Lecanoraceae. Position and species content of the accepted genera Glaucomaria, Lecanoropsis, Omphalodina, Polyozosia, and Straminella are discussed in separate nrITS and mtSSU, and combined phylogeny based on concatenated sequences of nrITS, mtSSU, RPB2 and RPB1 genes. Fourty new combinations are proposed: Glaucomaria bicincta, G. carpinea, G. leptyrodes, G. lojkaeana, G. subcarpinea, G. sulphurea, G. swartzii, G. swartzii subsp. caulescens, G. swartzii subsp. nylanderi, Lecanoropsis anopta, L. macleanii, Omphalodina chrysoleuca, O. huashanensis, O. opiniconensis, O. phaedrophthalma, O. pseudistera, Palicella anakeestiicola, Polyozosia albescens, P. andrewii, P. contractula, P. crenulata, P. dispersa, P. hagenii, P. perpruinosa, P. populicola, P. pruinosa, P. reuteri, P. sambuci, P. semipallida, P. straminea, P. thuleana, Sedelnikovaea marginalis, S. pseudogyrophorica, S. subdiscrepans, Straminella bullata, S. burgaziae, S. conizaeoides, S. densa, S. maheui, S. varia, and Verseghya thysanophora. Validation of one name as Polyozosia perpruinosa Fröberg ex S. Y. Kondr. L. Lőkös et Farkas is also proposed

    Lecania makarevicziae, a new lichen species from Iran

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    A new for science species Lecania makarevicziae differing from L. pallida in having knobby to squamulose, blastidiate thallus, in having larger apothecia, in having a dark violet-brown disc, in having a plane disc, in having (1–2–)3-septate ascospores with slightly distinct constrictions at the septum, as well as in the lack of dense bluish pruina on apothecium disc, from Iran and Turkmenistan, is described, compared with closely related taxa

    New and noteworthy lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi 8

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    Six new for science species of lichen-forming fungi from Republic of Korea, Eastern Asia, i. e.: Bacidina jasonhuri J. P. Halda, S. Y. Kondr. et L. Lőkös, Gyalidea koreana J. P. Halda, S. Y. Kondr. L. Lőkös et Hur, G. pisutii J. P. Halda, S. Y. Kondr. L. Lőkös et Hur, G. poeltii S. Y. Kondr. L. Lőkös, J. P. Halda et Hur, G. Vězdae S. Y. Kondr. L. Lőkös, J. P. Halda et Hur, and Porpidia ulleungdoensis S. Y. Kond. L. Lőkös et J. P. Halda, as well as two new species from Japan (Fauriea yonaguniensis S. Y. Kondr. M. Moriguchi et Yoshik. Yamam. and Laundonia ryukyuensis S. Y. Kondr. M. Moriguchi et Yoshik. Yamam.), and one new species Lecanora orlovii S. Y. Kondr. et L. Lőkös from Ukraine are described, illustrated and compared with closely related taxa


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    New genus Marfl oraea for the “Variolaria” amara-group as well as new members of the genera Dibaeis and Ochrolechia proved by results of the combined phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear ITS1/ITS2 portion of ribosomal nrDNA and 12S SSU mtDNA sequences are described and compared with closely related taxa. Fift een new combinations are proposed, i.e. Dibaeis yurii, Marfl oraea albescens, M. amara, M. aspergilla, M. corallina, M. corallophora, M. erythrella, M. excludens, M. mammosa, M. ophthalmiza, M. panyrga, M. pulvinata, M. scaberula, M. subventosa and Ochrolechia dactylina. Dibaeis yurii is recorded for the fi rst time from South Korea

    Profitability in a context of the approach process

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    Розглянуто процес прибутковості як головну умову існування підприємництва. Водночас підприємництво є способом втілення прибутковості як процесу.The article considers the return process as the main condition for the existence of entrepreneurship. At the same time, entrepreneurship is the way of return as a process

    Involucropyrenium breussii (Verrucariaceae, lichen-forming Ascomycota), a new lichen species from chalk soil of Eastern Ukrainian steppes

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    Involucropyrenium breussii A. B. Gromakova et S. Y. Kondr., a new lichen species for science, is described from eastern Ukraine, illustrated and compared with closely related taxa. It is similar to I. tremniacense from which it differs in having smaller thalline areoles, narrower rhizohyphae, a medullary layer differentiated in the centre of areoles, and longer ascospores. A short description of plant communities in which Involucropyrenium breussii was found in Ukrainian steppes with chalk outcrops is provided

    Compton scattering on the nucleon at intermediate energies and polarizabilities in a microscopic model

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    A microscopic calculation of Compton scattering on the nucleon is presented which encompasses the lowest energies -- yielding nucleon polarizabilities -- and extends to energies of the order of 600 MeV. We have used the covariant "Dressed K-Matrix Model" obeying the symmetry properties which are appropriate in the different energy regimes. In particular, crossing symmetry, gauge invariance and unitarity are satisfied. The extent of violation of analyticity (causality) is used as an expansion parameter.Comment: 35 pages, 15 figures, using REVTeX. Modified version to be published in Phys. Rev. C, more extensive comparison with data for Compton scattering, all results unchange


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    Agrestia zerovii is described, illustrated, and compared here with closely related taxa. It is a member of the A. hispida complex of the steppe zone of Ukraine, southeastern Europe, and diff ers from A. hispida s. str. in having much thicker main thalline lobes, in forming thick “horizontal crust”, and in the lack of black tips of secondary branchlets. Th e position of the newly described A. zerovii in the alternative combined phylogenetic tree of the Megasporaceae with all members for which reliable data on the nrITS, nrLSU, and mtSSU sequences are hitherto available is discussed. Four new robust branches and their taxonomic diversity are discussed, i.e.: the Agrestia, the Chlorangium, the Sphaerothallia s. str., and the “Circinaria” lacunosa clades being in separate position from the Circinaria s. str. clade (additionally to fi ve genera of the Megasporaceae, i.e. Aspicilia, Circinaria, Lobothallia, Megaspora and Sagedia accepted by previous authors). Th e genera Agrestia, Chlorangium, and Sphaerothallia, proposed to be resurrected, and a number of aspicilioid lichens the status of which are in need of revision are discussed. Five new combinations for the species of the genus Chlorangium (C. alpicola, C. aschabadense, C. asperum, C. gyrosum, and C. sphaerothallinum) are proposed