2,249 research outputs found
OsteĢopathie et peĢdiatrie : deux mondes relieĢs par l'enfant et ses parents
Objectif : le but de cette eĢtude est d'eĢvaluer la connaissance des peĢdiatres du canton de Vaud quant aĢ la prise en charge osteĢopathique de leurs patients, analyser et quantifier la communication entre peĢdiatres et osteĢopathes de ce meĢme canton et les perspectives futures de cette collaboration, de comparer les propositions de prise en charge face aux principaux motifs de consultations des nourrissons chez l'osteĢopathes, et finalement d'eĢvaluer les raisons poussant les parents aĢ consulter un osteĢopathe pour leur enfant durant son premier mois de vie, ceci toujours aĢ travers l'avis des peĢdiatres et osteĢopathes du canton de Vaud.
MeĢthode : une eĢtude prospective reĢaliseĢe dans un premier temps par des entretiens semi-structureĢs aupreĢs de peĢdiatres hospitaliers, d'osteĢopathes et de peĢdiatres installeĢs, compleĢteĢe dans un deuxieĢme temps par un questionnaire en ligne transmis aux peĢdiatres et osteĢopathes du canton de Vaud.
ReĢsultats : 77.8% des peĢdiatres ayant reĢpondu au questionnaire deĢclarent qu'ils ont connaissance de la prise en charge osteĢopathique de moins de trente pourcents de leurs patients et 53.6% des osteĢopathes savent que moins de trente pourcents des peĢdiatres de leurs clients en aĢge peĢdiatriques savent qu'ils sont suivi par un osteĢopathe. L'intermeĢdiaire presque exclusif entre les deux professions est le parent (plus de quatre-vingts pourcents pour 57.8% des peĢdiatres, idem pour les osteĢopathes). La communication entre peĢdiatres et osteĢopathes est faible (selon 67.6% des osteĢopathes) aĢ inexistante (selon 60% des peĢdiatres). 89.7% de l'ensemble du panel souhaite une ameĢlioration de cette situation. La consideĢration que se portent les deux professions est opposeĢe avec des valeurs de coefficients de correĢlations neĢgatifs (Īŗ2=(-0.642), ICC=(-0.494), r=(-0.691)). 31.1% des peĢdiatres ne conseil en aucun cas une prise en charge osteĢopathique aĢ leurs patients alors que 62.2% le font en cas de plagioceĢphalie. Les prises en charges proposeĢes par les deux corps de meĢtiers pour les coliques du nourrisson et suite aĢ un accouchement difficile sont treĢs peu correĢleĢes (respectivement Īŗ2=0.091 et 0.021, ICC=0.169 et (-0.076), r=0.232 et 0.120). Les sages-femmes conseillant la visite chez l'osteĢopathe ont eĢteĢ deĢsigneĢes comme principale cause de la visite osteĢopathique durant le premier mois de vie des enfants par les osteĢopathes (90.1%) et seconde cause par les peĢdiatres (82.2%), y voyant premieĢrement l'effet d'une mode ou tendance de notre eĢpoque (88.9%).
Conclusion : Les peĢdiatres n'ont connaissance de la prise en charge osteĢopathique que d'une partie de leur patienteĢle ayant cette prise en charge paralleĢle et l'information de cette prise en charge repose presque exclusivement sur les eĢpaules des parents. La communication entre peĢdiatres et osteĢopathes est treĢs faible mais une ameĢlioration de cette situation est souhaiteĢe et des pistes pour reĢaliser cette communication sont proposeĢes. L'estime que se portent peĢdiatres et osteĢopathes quant aĢ leurs prises en charges s'oppose ce qui fait que plus de trente pourcents des peĢdiatres ne conseillent pour aucune indication la prise en charge osteĢopathique. Cela s'explique eĢgalement par le fait que leurs propositions de prise en charge ne se correĢlent pas. La premieĢre cause poussant la consultation osteĢopathique des nourrissons dans le premier mois de vie a eĢteĢ deĢsigneĢe comme eĢtant les sages femmes
Private Function Evaluation with Cards
Card-based protocols allow to evaluate an arbitrary fixed Boolean function on a hidden input to obtain a hidden output, without the executer learning anything about either of the two (e.g., [12]). We explore the case where implements a universal function, i.e., is given the encoding āØā© of a program and an input and computes (āØā©,)=(). More concretely, we consider universal circuits, Turing machines, RAM machines, and branching programs, giving secure and conceptually simple card-based protocols in each case. We argue that card-based cryptography can be performed in a setting that is only very weakly interactive, which we call the āsurveillanceā model. Here, when Alice executes a protocol on the cards, the only task of Bob is to watch that Alice does not illegitimately turn over cards and that she shuffles in a way that nobody knows anything about the total permutation applied to the cards. We believe that because of this very limited interaction, our results can be called program obfuscation. As a tool, we develop a useful sub-protocol ā that couples the two equal-length sequences , and jointly and obliviously permutes them with the permutation ā that lexicographically minimizes (). We argue that this generalizes ideas present in many existing card-based protocols. In fact, AND, XOR, bit copy [37], coupled rotation shuffles [30] and the āpermutation divisionā protocol of [22] can all be expressed as ācoupled sort protocolsā
Digitalitzat per Artypla
Societal savings in patients with advanced non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer receiving bevacizumab-based versus non-bevacizumab-based treatments in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to investigate the savings accrued using bevacizumab-based treatment for non-small-cell lung cancer from the societal perspective, taking only public costs into account, in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. METHODS: Societal costs were estimated by collecting and analyzing labor costs, carer costs, sickness benefits, disability benefits, and home care benefits. Cost inputs were derived from publicly available databases or from the published literature. Expert opinion was only used if no other source was available. Efficacy data from two randomized clinical trials were used. The time horizon in the health economic model was lifetime. Efficacy and costs were discounted by 3.5%. All main model parameters were tested in deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. RESULTS: Mean incremental savings to society per patient ranged from ā¬2277 in Italy to ā¬4461 in Germany. The results were most sensitive to the change in proportion of patients working fulltime and the proportion of patients who were able to return to work. CONCLUSION: This analysis shows that bevacizumab-based treatment in non-small-cell lung cancer is associated with more savings to society compared to standard chemotherapy in terms of increased productivity and decreased social benefits paid to patients who are able to work in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain
Lightweight Acquisition and Ranging of Flows in the Data Plane
As networks get more complex, the ability to track almost all the flows is becoming of paramount importance. This is because we can then detect transient events impacting only a subset of the traffic. Solutions for flow monitoring exist, but it is getting very difficult to produce accurate estimations for every tuple given the memory constraints of commodity programmable switches. Indeed, as networks grow in size, more flows have to be tracked, increasing the number of tuples to be recorded. At the same time, end-host virtualization requires more specific flowIDs, enlarging the memory cost for every single entry. Finally, the available memory resources have to be shared with other important functions as well (e.g., load balancing, forwarding, ACL). To address those issues, we present FlowLiDAR (Flow Lightweight Detection and Ranging), a new solution that is capable of tracking almost all the flows in the network while requiring only a modest amount of data plane memory which is not dependent on the size of flowIDs. We implemented the scheme in P4, tested it using real traffic from ISPs and compared it against four state-of-the-art solutions: FlowRadar, NZE, PR-sketch, and Elastic Sketch. While those can only reconstruct up to 60% of the tuples, FlowLiDAR can track 98.7% of them with the same amount of memory
Energy Modelling on the Alpine Bow
The Alpine bow has a great potential for renewable energy (RE) development. At the same time, wildlife in Alpine areas is at risk and has to be protected. More of 40% of the Alpine area is covered by protected areas. They vary in definition and level of protection regarding their category, region, and country. Therefore, some of those protected areas may be suited for the development of bioenergy whereas others may be more suited for the development of hydropower. Using a precise classification of those protected areas, and assuming the correct protection level the techno-economic model, spatial explicit, BeWhere, will identify the potential from hydropower, bioenergy, wind and solar power while balancing the ecosystems services in the Alps.
The model is based on the minimization of the whole supply chain, starting from the collection of the feedstock to the delivery of the final product to the consumers in the Alps and in the major cities outside the Alps. Access to the site is a determinant issue to build a new power plant in the Alps, therefore the model uses a detailed road network for the transport of the feedstock and accessibility, as well as a map of the high voltage power line. The future RE production plants will be installed if the production cost is competitive enough against fossil fuel based power and heat. The model will then provide the optimal locations, numbers, technologies, and capacities for hydropower stations, bioenergy production plants, solar PV fields and wind parks, together with their corresponding costs and emissions.
A series of scenarios will be carried out varying the fossil fuel price, the carbon cost and the level of protection of the environment. For each of the scenarios, the RE potential, production cost, and emission reductions will be assessed. The results will provide key indications to the stakeholders and the policymakers on the consequences of protecting the environment and the development of RE production
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