168 research outputs found

    A problem of the study and regeneration of small rivers on Tatarstan territory

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    © SGEM2017 All Right Reserved. The numerous cases of the upper headwaters drying are observed in the plains of the Middle Volga region. The reasons of the streamflow change pertain to the reduction of forest vegetation and the change of its species composition. More than 1000 cartographic materials for more than 200 years, as well as aerial and satellite imagery were used during the research of forest vegetation breadth. Currently, the forest and the forest-field landscapes prevail in the north of Tatarstan, where coniferous-deciduous forests are widespread. The forest-fields, as well as the field landscapes are common in the west and south of Tatarstan, where deciduous forests and forest-steppe are prevalent. In the field landscapes the water runoff in the flood time increases to 65% of the total annual runoff, while the monthly summer runoff of low water reduces by 2.5 times compared to forest landscapes. The studies have shown that over the past about140 years the quantity of the first-order watercourses has reduced by 1.5 times in the area of mixed forests, whilst in the forest-steppe zone the quantity of the first-order watercourses has decreased by nearly 2.7 times. At the same time woodland in different regions of Tatarstan has decreased by 1.6-2.8 times for the same period of time. Low of the forest cover (17.9%), as well as the species composition of forests, in which the coniferous species as the most valuable for the infiltration does not exceed 24% from the forest area, are characterized for of Tatarstan territory. Coniferous plantations by more than half are presented the unstable monocultures of pine

    The role of vegetation in conservation of small rivers in the Middle Volga

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The numerous cases of the upper headwaters drying are observed in the plains of the Middle Volga region. The reasons of the streamflow change pertain to the reduction of forest vegetation and the change of its species composition. The studies have shown that over the past 120 years the quantity of the first-order watercourses has reduced by 1.5 times in the areas of coniferous and mixed forests, whilst in the forest-steppe zone the quantity of the first-order watercourses has decreased by nearly 2.5 times

    Phyto-geographical approach in creation urban landscapes (by the example of Kazan City)

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    A great emphasis in the urbanized landscapes is laid on the reconstruction of the existing natural vegetation and the formation of artificial greenery. Green construction projects must take into account data on the biological characteristics of tree species and their adaptation to the specific growing conditions, as well as understand the peculiarity of the geographical conditions and abiotic environmental factors emerging in urban environment. We have identified 99 species and forms on the territory of the residential areas of Kazan, as well as held biomorphological analysis of the morphostructural and ecological features of dendroflora. Based on data on landscape features within the urban areas we have distinguished 10 types of plants subject to their anthropogenic transformation. For each of them, we have conducted assessment of their habitat conditions by indication methods, as well as proposed groups of species of trees and shrubs able to form sustainable plant communities

    The question of differential diagnosis of anemia in diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: High prevalence of anemia in diabetes mellitus (DM) determines the relevance of studying its pathogenetic aspects, the role of anemia in DM complications development and the issue of differential diagnosis between iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and anemia of chronic disease (ACD)).AIM: To establish the diagnostic value of classical parameters for diagnosing anemia in DM and propose an optimized algorithm for the differential diagnosis of ACD and IDA in DM type 1 and 2 using new markers.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The observational, single-centre, comparative, controlled, single-stage study. Patients underwent assessment of glycated hemoglobin, creatinine, microalbuminuria; indicators of iron metabolism — hematocrit, the number of erythrocytes, reticulocytes, hemoglobin, serum iron, transferrin, ferritin, the level of soluble transferrin receptors (sTfR), sTfR/logFerpitin index, and inflammation markers — erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), leukocyte count, high sensitive CRP and TNF-α. ROC-analysis was used to assess the differential diagnosis markers informative content.RESULTS: We examined 135 patients: 51 with DM 1 and 84 with DM 2. The patients were stratified into groups based on anemia type: 1) ACD 2) IDA 3) latent iron deficiency 4) without ferrokinetics disorders. According to the ROC-analysis in DM patients, the following parameters had high information content in ACD. ESR — sensitivity 92%, specificity 85%, diagnostic threshold 26.5 mm/h (area under the curve (AUC) 0.943; p<0.0001); leukocyte count — sensitivity 69%, specificity 64%, diagnostic threshold 7.50x109/l (AUC 0.727; p=0.007), microalbuminuria — sensitivity 71%, specificity 72%, diagnostic threshold 29.5 mg/l (AUC 0.744; p=0.003). In DM sTfR and the sTfR /logFerritin index had high information content in IDA at diagnostic thresholds different from those for general population. The sensitivity of sTfR 71%, the specificity 71%, diagnostic threshold 1.42 ng/mL (2.9 ng/mL for general population) (AUC 0.765; p=0.024). The sensitivity of sTfR/logFerritin index 100%, the specificity 97%, diagnostic threshold 1.48 (2.0 for general population) (AUC 0.983; p=0.024).CONCLUSION: In differential diagnosis of IDA and ACD in DM, ESR, leukocyte count, microalbuminuria, sTfR and sTfR/logFerritin index have a high diagnostic value. This allows proposing them as additional markers for differential diagnosis of anemia in DM

    Optically induced forces and torques:Interactions between nanoparticles in a laser beam

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    Distinctive optical forces and torques arise between nanoparticles irradiated by intense laser radiation. These forces, associated with a pairwise process of stimulated scattering, prove to enable the possibility of producing significant modifications to both the form and magnitude of interparticle forces, with additional contributions arising in the case of dipolar materials. Moreover, such forces have the capacity to generate unusual patterns of nanoscale response, entirely controlled by the input beam characteristics- principally the optical frequency, intensity, and polarization. Based on quantum electrodynamical theory, a general result is secured for the laser-induced force under arbitrary conditions, incorporating both static and dynamic coupling mechanisms. Specific features of the results are identified for pairs of particles with prolate cylindrical symmetry, e.g., carbon nanotubes, where it is shown that the laser-induced forces and torques are sensitive functions of the pair spacing and orientation, and the laser beam geometry; significantly, they can be either repulsive or attractive according to conditions. For nanoparticles trapped in a Laguerre-Gaussian laser beam the results also reveal additional and highly distinctive torques that suggest further possibilities for nanomanipulation with light. The paper concludes with a discussion on several potential applications of such forces. © 2005 The American Physical Society


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    Bronchial asthma (BA) is the most widespread chronic inflammatory disease. Since BA is associated with a systemic inflammation state, a comprehensive study of its effect in this disease, and influence of pathogenetic therapy should be performed, by studying the whole blood cytokine status of the patients suffering with BA. The cells from respiratory tract in acute-phase BA patients may produce pro-, as well as anti-inflammatory mediators. The anti-inflammatory mediators are able to suppress activity of immune cells in peripheral blood. Thus, the aim of present study was to evaluate eventual inflammation-associated and functional activity of immune cells from the patients’ peripheral blood in BA and following appropriate therapy. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) a classical pro-inflammatory agent. We have studied an LPSinduced cytokine-induced ex vivo secretion model by peripheral blood immune cells, as a relevant test for their functional activity. The LPS-induced responses of whole blood cells from patients with proven BA diagnosis have been studied at pre-treatment time points, and following two weeks of basic anti-inflammatory therapy. According to clinical indications, the antagonists of CysLTR1, or combinations of glucocorticosteroids and β-adrenoreceptor agonists were administered by inhalation to BA patients. LPS-induced production of TNFα, IL-6, IL-8 (at 6 h) and IFNγ, IL-17A or IL-1β (at 24 h) by whole blood cells from BA patients or healthy volunteers has been assessed by ELISA technique. The cytokine production from non-stimulated whole blood cells from BA patients and healthy volunteers were used as the baseline control. IL-4 concentrations in plasma of BA patients and healthy volunteers were also measured. We have shown a decrease of IL-6 production in control blood samples from BA patients after two weeks of therapy. This may indicate the attenuation of the observed inflammatory process. The therapy applied did not influence the background levels and LPS-induced secretion of IL-1β, IL-1ra, IFNγ, and IL-8 in whole blood samples from BA patients. IL-4 plasma levels in BA patients were not changed after two weeks of therapy. It has been shown that whole blood from BA patients produced less TNFα and IL-8, both in control samples, and during their response to LPS, than the values obtained in healthy volunteers. These findings are in agreement with a notion that BA causes partial depression of innate immune cells activity. The increased LPS-induced TNFα secretion by the whole blood cells from BA patients has been observed following two weeks of basic anti-inflammatory therapy. We suggest that the increased LPS-induced TNFα secretion could be explained by partial restoration of peripheral blood immune cell activity associated with anti-inflammatory BA therapy. To elucidate the mechanism of increased LPS-induced TNFα secretion, we have estimated whole blood concentration of soluble CD14 (sCD14) in BA patients. No significant differences between sCD14 concentrations have been found. Obtained result presume existence of sCD14-independent mechanism of TNFα regulation by whole blood cells in response on LPS which may occur during anti-inflammatory therapy of BA. We suppose that basic anti-inflammatory therapy of BA does not simply reduce IL-6 concentration in peripheral blood, but may also partially restore the activity of innate immune cells in BA patients

    Iron metabolism parameters and inflammatory status in patients with diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia

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    Background: Investigating the inflammatory status and iron metabolism in patients with impaired carbohydrate metabolism seems quite relevant, while only few studies are devoted to the relationship between metabolic parameters, including lipid profile, inflammatory status indicators and the state of ferrokinetics in diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2 in a comparative aspect.Aims: To establish the direction of changes in the inflammatory status and the state of ferrokinetics in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus depending on lipid metabolism disorders.Materials and methods: The study included 48 patients with type 1 diabetes, 81 patients with type 2 diabetes; 11 people with obesity without impaired carbohydrate metabolism made up the comparison group, 17 healthy volunteers - the control group. Low-grade inflammation was assessed by the levels of high-sensitive C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosisfactor-а (TNF-а), ferritin, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The state of iron metabolism was evaluated by the main hematological parameters (hemoglobin, red blood cell count, hematocrit), serum iron concentrations, transferrin, ferritin and hepcidin concentrations. In all patients lipid metabolism parameters, glycated hemoglobin, and microalbuminuria were measured.Results: Patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus had significantly higher inflammatory markers concentrations-TNF-а, ESR, and CRP - in relation to obese patients without impaired carbohydrate metabolism and those in the control group. The highest production of TNF-а was observed in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (15.28 [12.41-24.41] pg/ml), whereas CRP (7.00 [3.00-11.85] ng/ml) and ESR (18.00 [9.00-27.00] mm/h) were higher in patients with type 2 diabetes. In the structure of the examined individuals with diabetes mellitus (regardless of its type), dyslipidemia type IIb in comparison with less atherogenic type IIa dyslipidemia was characterized by a higher production of CRP (6.9 [3.00-12.35] and 3.00 [1.80-8.70] ng/ml, respectively), ESR (20.00 [10.00-30.00] and 15.00 [5.00-24.50] mm/h, respectively) and ferritin (114.80 [48.90-196.45] and 50.90 [19.58-114.10] ng/ml, respectively). Compared to iron deficiency anemia, anemia of chronic diseases in diabetes mellitus patients was more often accompanied by dyslipidemia llb (χ2=2.743; p=0.098) and was characterized by a higher content of atherogenic fractions of cholesterol.Conclusions: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and a more atherogenic dyslipidemia profile (type IIb) have a phenotype of the local inflammatory mesenchymal reaction of the liver with an increase in acute-phase proteins predominantly of hepatic origin (CRP, ferritin), whereas individuals suffering from type 1 diabetes and less atherogenic lipid profile (type IIa) have a phenotype of an autoimmune, genetically determined inflammatory response. It has been established that anemia of chronic diseases developing in the background of diabetes mellitus is associated with a more atherogenic lipid profile, compared with iron deficiency anemia

    Влияние динамических свойств ОПН на ограничение перенапряжений в распределительных сетях

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    One of the most efficient means of over-voltage reduction in arcing ground short-circuits is an application of   a nonlinear over-voltage limiter. It is necessary to take into account dynamic properties of the nonlinear over-voltage limiter in order to ensure authentic simulation of  over-voltage in the network A dynamic model of  the non-linear over-voltage limiter which takes a time lag constant   τ  into account during transition of the nonlinear over-voltage limiter into conducting state has been developed in the paper.Одним из наиболее эффективных средств снижения перенапряжений при дуговых замыканиях на землю является применение ОПН. Для  достоверного моделирования перенапряжений в сети необходимо учитывать динамические свойства ОПН. Разработана динамическая модель ОПН, которая учитывает постоянную времени запаздывания τ, при переходе ОПН в проводящее состояние

    Dynamics with Infinitely Many Derivatives: The Initial Value Problem

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    Differential equations of infinite order are an increasingly important class of equations in theoretical physics. Such equations are ubiquitous in string field theory and have recently attracted considerable interest also from cosmologists. Though these equations have been studied in the classical mathematical literature, it appears that the physics community is largely unaware of the relevant formalism. Of particular importance is the fate of the initial value problem. Under what circumstances do infinite order differential equations possess a well-defined initial value problem and how many initial data are required? In this paper we study the initial value problem for infinite order differential equations in the mathematical framework of the formal operator calculus, with analytic initial data. This formalism allows us to handle simultaneously a wide array of different nonlocal equations within a single framework and also admits a transparent physical interpretation. We show that differential equations of infinite order do not generically admit infinitely many initial data. Rather, each pole of the propagator contributes two initial data to the final solution. Though it is possible to find differential equations of infinite order which admit well-defined initial value problem with only two initial data, neither the dynamical equations of p-adic string theory nor string field theory seem to belong to this class. However, both theories can be rendered ghost-free by suitable definition of the action of the formal pseudo-differential operator. This prescription restricts the theory to frequencies within some contour in the complex plane and hence may be thought of as a sort of ultra-violet cut-off.Comment: 40 pages, no figures. Added comments concerning fractional operators and the implications of restricting the contour of integration. Typos correcte

    Dynamics in nonlocal linear models in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric

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    A general class of cosmological models driven by a nonlocal scalar field inspired by the string field theory is studied. Using the fact that the considering linear nonlocal model is equivalent to an infinite number of local models we have found an exact special solution of the nonlocal Friedmann equations. This solution describes a monotonically increasing Universe with the phantom dark energy.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, a few misprints in Section 5 have been correcte