287 research outputs found

    Detection of serum anti-B/B' UsnRNP antibodies in patients with connective tissue diseases by immunoblotting

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    Objective: To investigate the reliability of the immunoblot method in the detection of serum immunoreactivity towards the B/B' polypeptides of U small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (UsnRNP) and to assess the significance of these antibodies in connective tissue disease (CTD) patients. Methods: We tested the sera of 348 patients with CTD (101 SLE, 51 systemic sclerosis, 53 primary Sjogren's syndrome, 27 poly/dermatomyositis, 15 rheumatoid arthritis and 101 overlap CTD), of 31 matched healthy subjects and 13 patients with primary Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection with high titre IgG anti-EBV antibodies. IgG anti-UsnRNP antibodies were determined by immunoblotting on nuclear extract from Raji cells (an EBV-immortalised human B lymphoid cell line) and Jurkat cells (a human T lymphoid cell line). Anti-dsDNA antibodies were detected by indirect immunofluorescence on Crithidia luciliae and anti-ENA by counterimmunoelectrophoresis. Anti-dsDNA activity and avidity were measured in SLE sera by ELISA with Scatchard analysis. Results were statistically analysed by chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: A high frequency of anti-B/B' antibodies was found in the sera of CTD patients, confined to SLE (54.4%) and overlap CTD with SLE features (55,2%). Anti-B/B' immune reactivity was closely associated with other anti-UsnRNP specificities, gel precipitating anti-nRNP and anti-P antibodies. Nine out of 15 (60%) anti-B/B' positive/anti-ENA negative lupus sera on Raji blots were confirmed to be positive also on Jurkat blots. The sera from patients with EBV infection provided, on Raji blots, completely different band patterns from those obtained with auto-immune sera. Conclusions. The Sm B/B' proteins are the predominant or, at least, the most frequently targeted antigens of the UsnRNP auto-immune response in SLE and "lupus-like" overlap CTD. Moreover, anti-B/B' is diagnostically specific for CTD with SLE features. Immunoblotting on human B lymphoid cells is a reliable method, in terms of sensitivity and specificity, for the detection of anti-Sm B/B' antibodies

    Oxidative stress and neonatal respiratory extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    Oxidative stress is a frequent condition in critically ill patients, especially if exposed to extracorporeal circulation, and it is associated with worse outcomes and increased mortality. The inflammation triggered by the contact of blood with a non-endogenous surface, the use of high volumes of packed red blood cells and platelets transfusion, the risk of hyperoxia and the impairment of antioxidation systems contribute to the increase of reactive oxygen species and the imbalance of the redox system. This is responsible for the increased production of superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, and peroxynitrite resulting in increased lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, and DNA damage. The understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms leading to redox imbalance would pave the way for the future development of preventive approaches. This review provides an overview of the clinical impact of the oxidative stress during neonatal extracorporeal support and concludes with a brief perspective on the current antioxidant strategies, with the aim to focus on the potential oxidative stress-mediated cell damage that has been implicated in both short and long-term outcomes

    [Myositis specific and myositis associated autoantibodies in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: a serologic study of 46 patients]

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    Objective. To characterize serum autoantibody profiles of patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) by searching for myositis-specific (MSA) and myositis-associated (MAA) antibodies with sensitive and specific laboratory tests. Methods. We tested the sera from 46 Caucasian patients diagnosed as affected with IIM at the Division of Rheumatology of Padova University (21 polimyositis, PM; 22 dermatomyositis, DM; 3 myositis overlap syndrome). All patients had definite IIM according to the criteria of Bohan-Peter. MSA including anti-tRNA synthetase (anti-Jo-1 and others) and anti-Mi-2 were determined by RNA immunoprecipitation and a modified immunoblot test, respectively. MAA (-U1RNP, -U2RNP, RoRNP, PM/Scl, Ku) were detected by counterimmunoelectrophoresis and immunoblot. Results. Serum MSA and/or MAA were found in 30/46 (65%) patients with IIM. Twenty-three patients (50%) were positive for at least one MSA: anti-Jo-1 in 15 (33%), anti-Mi-2 in 6 (13%), and other anti-tRNA synthetase in 3 (6%).One patient was anti-Jo-1/Mi-2 positive. Moreover, 18 patients (39%) were positive for at least one MAA: anti-Ro/SSA in 13 (28%), anti-U1RNP in 4 (9%), anti-PM/Scl in 1 (2%) and anti-Ku in 1 (2%). Coexisting MSA and MAA were observed in 8 patients (17%), anti-Jo-1/SSA positive in most cases. Anti-Jo-1 was predominantly associated with PM (57% in PM vs 14% in DM), whereas anti-Mi-2 was exclusively found in DM patients (27%). Anti-synthetase antibodies were closely associated with interstitial lung disease and polyarthritis; anti-Mi-2 positive DM patients did not have lung involvement. Notably, anti-Ro/SSA antibody was frequently observed and almost equally detected in either PM or DM (about 30%): in more than 50% of cases the antibody was associated with one MSA. Conclusions. By means of analytically reliable methods, MSA was detected in 50% of our IIM patients. Searching for MSA in patients with IIM is recommended because of its diagnostic and prognostic value

    Application of Synchrotron Radiation-Based Micro-Analysis on Cadmium Yellows in Pablo Picasso's Femme

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    The cultural heritage community is increasingly exploring synchrotron radiation (SR) based techniques for the study of art and archaeological objects. When considering heterogeneous and complex micro-samples, such as those from paintings, the combination of different SR X-ray techniques is often exploited to overcome the intrinsic limitations and sensitivity of the single technique. Less frequently, SR X-ray analyses are combined with SR micro-photoluminescence or micro-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, which provide complementary information on the molecular composition, offering a unique integrated analysis approach. Although the spatial correlation between the maps obtained with different techniques is not straightforward due to the different volumes probed by each method, the combination of the information provides a greater understanding and insight into the paint chemistry. In this work, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the combination of X-ray techniques and SR-based photoluminescence through the study of two paint micro-samples taken from Pablo Picasso's Femme (1907). The painting contains two cadmium yellow paints (based on CdS): one relatively intact and one visibly degraded. SR micro-analyses demonstrated that the two Cd-yellow paints differ in terms of structure, chemical composition, and photoluminescence properties. In particular, on the basis of the combination of different SR measurements, we hypothesize that the degraded yellow is based on nanocrystalline CdS with high presence of Cd(OH)Cl. These two characteristics have enhanced the reactivity of the paint and strongly influenced its stability

    A study of cadmium yellow paints from Joan MiroĢā€™s paintings and studio materials preserved at the FundacioĢ MiroĢ Mallorca

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    The deterioration of cadmium yellow paints in artworks by Joan MiroĢ (1893ā€“1983) and in painting materials from his studios in Mallorca (Spain) was investigated. Analysis of samples from MiroĢā€™s paintings and from paint tubes and palettes showed that degraded paints are composed of poorly crystalline cadmium sulfide/zinc cadmium sulfide (CdS/Cd1āˆ’xZnxS) with a low percentage of zinc, in an oil binding medium. Cadmium sulfates were identified as the main deterioration products, forming superficial white crusts detected using SR Ī¼XANES and Ī¼XRD techniques. Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements demonstrated that highly degraded samples display a pink/orange emission from the paint surface with a microsecond lifetime, a phenomenon observed in other degraded cadmium yellow paints. In agreement with recent studies on altered cadmium paints, these results suggest that the stability of the paint is related to its manufacturing method, which affects the degree of crystallinity of the resulting pigment. This, together with the environmental conditions in which artworks have been exposed, have induced the degradation of yellow paints in MiroĢā€™s artworks. It was finally noted that the paints exhibiting alteration in the analysed MiroĢ artworks have a chemical composition that is very similar to the tube paint ā€˜Cadmium Yellow Lemon No. 1ā€™ produced by Lucien Lefebvre-Foinet. Indeed, paint tubes from this brand were found in the studio, linking the use of this product with Miroā€™s degraded artworks

    Exchange transfusion in the treatment of neonatal septic shock : a ten-year experience in a neonatal intensive care unit

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    Septic shock, occurring in about 1% of neonates hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), is a major cause of death in the neonatal period. In the 1980s and 90s, exchange transfusion (ET) was reported by some authors to be effective in the treatment of neonatal sepsis and septic shock. The main aim of this retrospective study was to compare the mortality rate of neonates with septic shock treated only with standard care therapy (ScT group) with the mortality rate of those treated with ScT and ET (ET group). All neonates with septic shock admitted to our NICU from 2005 to 2015 were included in the study. Overall, 101/9030 (1.1%) neonates had septic shock. Fifty neonates out of 101 (49.5%) received one or more ETs. The mortality rate was 36% in the ET group and 51% in the ScT group (p = 0.16). At multivariate logistic regression analysis, controlling for potentially confounding factors significantly associated with death (gestational age, serum lactate, inotropic drugs, oligoanuria), ET showed a marked protective effect (Odds Ratio 0.21, 95% Confidence Interval: 0.06\u20130.71; p = 0.01). The lack of observed adverse events should encourage the use of this procedure in the treatment of neonates with septic shock
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